Use this call to relist a single auction-style item that has ended. The item may be relisted as it was originally defined, or the seller may change a number of the item's listing properties.
Note: If the item was being watched when the listing ended, it will continue to be watched when the item is relisted.
To relist an item, you must be the user who listed the original item. In addition, the original item's listing must have ended, and the relisting must be done within 90 days of the end of the original listing.
To relist multiple listings, call RelistItem once for each item to be relisted. Note that if you call RelistItem multiple times with the same ItemID, each call results in a new listing with a different item ID for each listing.
To relist a fixed-price item, a single multi-item listing, or a multi-variation listing, use RelistFixedPriceItem. For Best Match information related to multi-variation listings, see Multi-quantity Fixed Price listings with variations. If you are considering an item's rank (placement) in search results, see Considering Best Match When Revising and Relisting Items.
Usage Details
When calling RelistItem, supply the ItemID of the ended listing and an Item object that contains any changes that you want to make from the original listing. By default, all the original item features are rolled over to the new item definition. You can add new listing features to the Item container and you can remove any features from the original listing that you do not want rolled into the new listing. The DeletedField container provides the means to remove many existing listing features (see the DeletedField documentation below for more information). However, not all listing features can be removed using DeletedField. See Best practices for relisting items for details.
The Type
documentation for ItemType has a complete list of the ItemType properties, their definitions, and their validation rules. For a detailed step-by-step description of the relist process, and for details on how to specify property changes, see Relisting Items.
If you plan to change listing properties when you relist an item, it can be a good idea to test the new listing definition with VerifyRelistItem before you relist the item with RelistItem. To do so, create your RelistItem call, setting all the properties that you plan to use for the relisted item. Use that exact call, but call VerifyRelistItem instead. This helps to ensure your new listing definition is valid, and you can review the response for an estimation of the listing fees that will be incurred if you relist the item.
If you are relisting an item that was administratively canceled due to an eBay listing policy violation, make sure that the GetItem response for the item returns Item.SellingStatus.AdminEnded as true
As with all listing calls, the site you specify in the request URL (for SOAP) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID HTTP header (for XML) should match the original listing's Item.Site value. In particular, this is a best practice when you submit new and modified listings.
Note to Sell Feed API users: When you use this call with the Sell Feed API, you must wrap the file to be uploaded within BulkDataExchangeRequest tags, which will also be returned in the response. This container is not shown in the standard Input/Output sections for this call. See XML data files overview in the LMS Feed API Guide for additional information.
Working with the Response
After calling RelistItem, the response contains an ItemID property with the listing's new item ID. The StartTime and EndTime fields define when the listing is active, and the Fees container provides details on the cost of relisting the item. See Fees Resulting from Listing an Item for fee details. If no items from the listing sold, you might be eligible for a relisting credit; see What is the Free Relist Policy for details.
Under many circumstances, an item is qualified to be relisted for no additional fees. (Although a new InsertionFee is always returned when you relist an item, this fee is often credited to the sellers account. See Getting credited for the insertion fee for more details). With this, the values in the child elements of the Fees object often contain zero values. However, if you have made changes to the original item properties such that a fee-based option is used in the new listing (where it was not used in the original listing), then the fees for the relist will reflect this with non-zero Fee values. In addition, some features always incur a listing fee, even with an item relist. Use VerifyRelistItem if you are unsure of which features will result in new fees when you relist an item.
When you list an item, you're charged an Insertion Fee that is based on the starting price (or reserve price) and category of your item. If you relist your item for a lower starting price, the insertion fee is not credited. The insertion fee charged is based on the highest starting price for any of the item's insertions.
Testing RelistItem
You can test RelistItem in the Sandbox. To test the call, you must have an item that has ended and for which the test user is the one that originally listed the item. If such an item listing does not already exist, create one using AddItem, and end the listing with EndItem (set EndingReason to NotAvailable
to end the item without waiting for the listing to expire). Ensure that the test user in the Sandbox environment has sufficient feedback and other qualifications to relist the desired type of item.
After relisting an item, use a data retrieval call like GetSellerList or GetItem to retrieve the data for the item that was relisted. Verify that the listing has all of the desired values. This is especially important when item properties were changed to values different than those in the original listing. Verify that the changes were what was desired and intended.
Related Information
Relist Items
Best practices for relisting items
Relisting items (eBay Help page)
See also the reference documentation for these calls:
- RelistFixedPriceItem - Enables a seller to relist a fixed-price listing that has recently ended on a specified eBay site.
- VerifyRelistItem - Enable the seller to verify that the data they plan to pass into a RelistItem call will produce the results that you are expecting, including a successful call with no errors.
Output Detail Controls Samples Change History |
See also Samples.
The box below lists all fields that could be included in the call request. To learn more about an individual field or its type, click its name in the box (or scroll down to find it in the table below the box).
See also the Deprecated Objects link above. Fields presented in this color are deprecated, and fields presented in this color are (or soon will be) non-operational.
The XML prototype does not include requester credentials. This is a documentation limitation only (see Standard Requester Credentials for Making Calls).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelistItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"> <!-- Call-specific Input Fields --> <DeletedField> string </DeletedField> <!-- ... more DeletedField values allowed here ... --> <Item> ItemType <ApplicationData> string </ApplicationData> <AutoPay> boolean </AutoPay> <BestOfferDetails> BestOfferDetailsType <BestOfferEnabled> boolean </BestOfferEnabled> </BestOfferDetails> <BuyerResponsibleForShipping> boolean </BuyerResponsibleForShipping> <BuyItNowPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </BuyItNowPrice> <CategoryMappingAllowed> boolean </CategoryMappingAllowed> <Charity> CharityType <CharityID> string </CharityID> <DonationPercent> float </DonationPercent> </Charity> <ConditionDescription> string </ConditionDescription> <ConditionDescriptors> ConditionDescriptorsType <ConditionDescriptor> ConditionDescriptorType <AdditionalInfo> string </AdditionalInfo> <Name> string </Name> <Value> string </Value> <!-- ... more Value values allowed here ... --> </ConditionDescriptor> <!-- ... more ConditionDescriptor nodes allowed here ... --> </ConditionDescriptors> <ConditionID> int </ConditionID> <Country> CountryCodeType </Country> <CrossBorderTrade> string </CrossBorderTrade> <!-- ... more CrossBorderTrade values allowed here ... --> <CustomPolicies> CustomPoliciesType <ProductCompliancePolicyID> long </ProductCompliancePolicyID> <!-- ... more ProductCompliancePolicyID values allowed here ... --> <RegionalProductCompliancePolicies> CountryPoliciesArrayType <CountryPolicies> CountryPoliciesType <Country> CountryCodeType </Country> <PolicyID> long </PolicyID> <!-- ... more PolicyID values allowed here ... --> </CountryPolicies> <!-- ... more CountryPolicies nodes allowed here ... --> </RegionalProductCompliancePolicies> <RegionalTakeBackPolicies> CountryPoliciesArrayType <CountryPolicies> CountryPoliciesType <Country> CountryCodeType </Country> <PolicyID> long </PolicyID> <!-- ... more PolicyID values allowed here ... --> </CountryPolicies> <!-- ... more CountryPolicies nodes allowed here ... --> </RegionalTakeBackPolicies> <TakeBackPolicyID> long </TakeBackPolicyID> </CustomPolicies> <Description> string </Description> <DigitalGoodInfo> DigitalGoodInfoType <DigitalDelivery> boolean </DigitalDelivery> </DigitalGoodInfo> <DisableBuyerRequirements> boolean </DisableBuyerRequirements> <DiscountPriceInfo> DiscountPriceInfoType <MadeForOutletComparisonPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </MadeForOutletComparisonPrice> <MinimumAdvertisedPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </MinimumAdvertisedPrice> <MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposure> MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposureCodeType </MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposure> <OriginalRetailPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </OriginalRetailPrice> <SoldOffeBay> boolean </SoldOffeBay> <SoldOneBay> boolean </SoldOneBay> </DiscountPriceInfo> <DispatchTimeMax> int </DispatchTimeMax> <eBayPlus> boolean </eBayPlus> <ExtendedProducerResponsibility> ExtendedProducerResponsibilityType <EcoParticipationFee currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </EcoParticipationFee> </ExtendedProducerResponsibility> <ExtendedSellerContactDetails> ExtendedContactDetailsType <ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled> <ContactHoursDetails> ContactHoursDetailsType <Hours1AnyTime> boolean </Hours1AnyTime> <Hours1Days> DaysCodeType </Hours1Days> <Hours1From> time </Hours1From> <Hours1To> time </Hours1To> <Hours2AnyTime> boolean </Hours2AnyTime> <Hours2Days> DaysCodeType </Hours2Days> <Hours2From> time </Hours2From> <Hours2To> time </Hours2To> <TimeZoneID> string </TimeZoneID> </ContactHoursDetails> </ExtendedSellerContactDetails> <ItemCompatibilityList> ItemCompatibilityListType <Compatibility> ItemCompatibilityType <CompatibilityNotes> string </CompatibilityNotes> <NameValueList> NameValueListType <Name> string </Name> <Value> string </Value> <!-- ... more Value values allowed here ... --> </NameValueList> <!-- ... more NameValueList nodes allowed here ... --> </Compatibility> <!-- ... more Compatibility nodes allowed here ... --> <ReplaceAll> boolean </ReplaceAll> </ItemCompatibilityList> <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID> <ItemSpecifics> NameValueListArrayType <NameValueList> NameValueListType <Name> string </Name> <Value> string </Value> <!-- ... more Value values allowed here ... --> </NameValueList> <!-- ... more NameValueList nodes allowed here ... --> </ItemSpecifics> <ListingDetails> ListingDetailsType <BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice> <MinimumBestOfferPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </MinimumBestOfferPrice> </ListingDetails> <ListingDuration> token </ListingDuration> <ListingEnhancement> ListingEnhancementsCodeType </ListingEnhancement> <!-- ... more ListingEnhancement values allowed here ... --> <ListingSubtype2> ListingSubtypeCodeType </ListingSubtype2> <ListingType> ListingTypeCodeType </ListingType> <Location> string </Location> <LotSize> int </LotSize> <PaymentDetails> PaymentDetailsType <DaysToFullPayment> int </DaysToFullPayment> <DepositAmount currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </DepositAmount> <DepositType> DepositTypeCodeType </DepositType> <HoursToDeposit> int </HoursToDeposit> </PaymentDetails> <PaymentMethods> BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType </PaymentMethods> <!-- ... more PaymentMethods values allowed here ... --> <PayPalEmailAddress> string </PayPalEmailAddress> <PickupInStoreDetails> PickupInStoreDetailsType <EligibleForPickupInStore> boolean </EligibleForPickupInStore> </PickupInStoreDetails> <PictureDetails> PictureDetailsType <GalleryType> GalleryTypeCodeType </GalleryType> <PictureURL> anyURI </PictureURL> <!-- ... more PictureURL values allowed here ... --> </PictureDetails> <PostalCode> string </PostalCode> <PrimaryCategory> CategoryType <CategoryID> string </CategoryID> </PrimaryCategory> <PrivateListing> boolean </PrivateListing> <PrivateNotes> string </PrivateNotes> <ProductListingDetails> ProductListingDetailsType <BrandMPN> BrandMPNType <Brand> string </Brand> <MPN> string </MPN> </BrandMPN> <EAN> string </EAN> <IncludeeBayProductDetails> boolean </IncludeeBayProductDetails> <IncludeStockPhotoURL> boolean </IncludeStockPhotoURL> <ISBN> string </ISBN> <ProductReferenceID> string </ProductReferenceID> <ReturnSearchResultOnDuplicates> boolean </ReturnSearchResultOnDuplicates> <UPC> string </UPC> <UseFirstProduct> boolean </UseFirstProduct> <UseStockPhotoURLAsGallery> boolean </UseStockPhotoURLAsGallery> </ProductListingDetails> <Quantity> int </Quantity> <QuantityRestrictionPerBuyer> QuantityRestrictionPerBuyerInfoType <MaximumQuantity> int </MaximumQuantity> </QuantityRestrictionPerBuyer> <Regulatory> RegulatoryType <Documents> DocumentsType <Document> DocumentType <DocumentID> string </DocumentID> </Document> <!-- ... more Document nodes allowed here ... --> </Documents> <EnergyEfficiencyLabel> EnergyEfficiencyType <ImageDescription> string </ImageDescription> <ImageURL> anyURI </ImageURL> <ProductInformationsheet> anyURI </ProductInformationsheet> </EnergyEfficiencyLabel> <Hazmat> HazmatType <Component> string </Component> <Pictograms> PictogramsType <Pictogram> string </Pictogram> <!-- ... more Pictogram values allowed here ... --> </Pictograms> <SignalWord> string </SignalWord> <Statements> StatementsType <Statement> string </Statement> <!-- ... more Statement values allowed here ... --> </Statements> </Hazmat> <Manufacturer> ManufacturerType <CityName> string </CityName> <CompanyName> string </CompanyName> <Country> CountryCodeType </Country> <Email> string </Email> <Phone> string </Phone> <PostalCode> string </PostalCode> <StateOrProvince> string </StateOrProvince> <Street1> string </Street1> <Street2> string </Street2> </Manufacturer> <ProductSafety> ProductSafetyType <Component> string </Component> <Pictograms> PictogramsType <Pictogram> string </Pictogram> <!-- ... more Pictogram values allowed here ... --> </Pictograms> <Statements> StatementsType <Statement> string </Statement> <!-- ... more Statement values allowed here ... --> </Statements> </ProductSafety> <RepairScore> double </RepairScore> <ResponsiblePersons> ResponsiblePersonsType <ResponsiblePerson> ResponsiblePersonType <CityName> string </CityName> <CompanyName> string </CompanyName> <Country> CountryCodeType </Country> <Email> string </Email> <Phone> string </Phone> <PostalCode> string </PostalCode> <StateOrProvince> string </StateOrProvince> <Street1> string </Street1> <Street2> string </Street2> <Types> ResponsiblePersonCodeTypes <Type> ResponsiblePersonCodeType </Type> <!-- ... more Type values allowed here ... --> </Types> </ResponsiblePerson> <!-- ... more ResponsiblePerson nodes allowed here ... --> </ResponsiblePersons> </Regulatory> <RelistLink> boolean </RelistLink> <ReservePrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ReservePrice> <ReturnPolicy> ReturnPolicyType <Description> string </Description> <InternationalRefundOption> token </InternationalRefundOption> <InternationalReturnsAcceptedOption> token </InternationalReturnsAcceptedOption> <InternationalReturnsWithinOption> token </InternationalReturnsWithinOption> <InternationalShippingCostPaidByOption> token </InternationalShippingCostPaidByOption> <RefundOption> token </RefundOption> <ReturnsAcceptedOption> token </ReturnsAcceptedOption> <ReturnsWithinOption> token </ReturnsWithinOption> <ShippingCostPaidByOption> token </ShippingCostPaidByOption> </ReturnPolicy> <ScheduleTime> dateTime </ScheduleTime> <SecondaryCategory> CategoryType <CategoryID> string </CategoryID> </SecondaryCategory> <SellerContactDetails> AddressType <CompanyName> string </CompanyName> <County> string </County> <PhoneAreaOrCityCode> string </PhoneAreaOrCityCode> <PhoneCountryCode> CountryCodeType </PhoneCountryCode> <PhoneLocalNumber> string </PhoneLocalNumber> <Street> string </Street> <Street2> string </Street2> </SellerContactDetails> <SellerProfiles> SellerProfilesType <SellerPaymentProfile> SellerPaymentProfileType <PaymentProfileID> long </PaymentProfileID> <PaymentProfileName> string </PaymentProfileName> </SellerPaymentProfile> <SellerReturnProfile> SellerReturnProfileType <ReturnProfileID> long </ReturnProfileID> <ReturnProfileName> string </ReturnProfileName> </SellerReturnProfile> <SellerShippingProfile> SellerShippingProfileType <ShippingProfileID> long </ShippingProfileID> <ShippingProfileName> string </ShippingProfileName> </SellerShippingProfile> </SellerProfiles> <SellerProvidedTitle> string </SellerProvidedTitle> <ShippingDetails> ShippingDetailsType <CalculatedShippingRate> CalculatedShippingRateType <InternationalPackagingHandlingCosts currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </InternationalPackagingHandlingCosts> <PackagingHandlingCosts currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </PackagingHandlingCosts> </CalculatedShippingRate> <ExcludeShipToLocation> string </ExcludeShipToLocation> <!-- ... more ExcludeShipToLocation values allowed here ... --> <GlobalShipping> boolean </GlobalShipping> <InternationalPromotionalShippingDiscount> boolean </InternationalPromotionalShippingDiscount> <InternationalShippingDiscountProfileID> string </InternationalShippingDiscountProfileID> <InternationalShippingServiceOption> InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType <ShippingService> token </ShippingService> <ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceAdditionalCost> <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceCost> <ShippingServicePriority> int </ShippingServicePriority> <ShipToLocation> string </ShipToLocation> <!-- ... more ShipToLocation values allowed here ... --> </InternationalShippingServiceOption> <!-- ... more InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes allowed here ... --> <PromotionalShippingDiscount> boolean </PromotionalShippingDiscount> <RateTableDetails> RateTableDetailsType <DomesticRateTable> string </DomesticRateTable> <DomesticRateTableId> string </DomesticRateTableId> <InternationalRateTable> string </InternationalRateTable> <InternationalRateTableId> string </InternationalRateTableId> </RateTableDetails> <SalesTax> SalesTaxType <SalesTaxPercent> float </SalesTaxPercent> <SalesTaxState> string </SalesTaxState> <ShippingIncludedInTax> boolean </ShippingIncludedInTax> </SalesTax> <ShippingDiscountProfileID> string </ShippingDiscountProfileID> <ShippingServiceOptions> ShippingServiceOptionsType <FreeShipping> boolean </FreeShipping> <ShippingService> token </ShippingService> <ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceAdditionalCost> <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceCost> <ShippingServicePriority> int </ShippingServicePriority> </ShippingServiceOptions> <!-- ... more ShippingServiceOptions nodes allowed here ... --> <ShippingType> ShippingTypeCodeType </ShippingType> </ShippingDetails> <ShippingPackageDetails> ShipPackageDetailsType <MeasurementUnit> MeasurementSystemCodeType </MeasurementUnit> <PackageDepth> MeasureType (decimal) </PackageDepth> <PackageLength> MeasureType (decimal) </PackageLength> <PackageWidth> MeasureType (decimal) </PackageWidth> <ShippingIrregular> boolean </ShippingIrregular> <ShippingPackage> ShippingPackageCodeType </ShippingPackage> <WeightMajor> MeasureType (decimal) </WeightMajor> <WeightMinor> MeasureType (decimal) </WeightMinor> </ShippingPackageDetails> <ShippingServiceCostOverrideList> ShippingServiceCostOverrideListType <ShippingServiceCostOverride> ShippingServiceCostOverrideType <ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceAdditionalCost> <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </ShippingServiceCost> <ShippingServicePriority> int </ShippingServicePriority> <ShippingServiceType> ShippingServiceType </ShippingServiceType> </ShippingServiceCostOverride> <!-- ... more ShippingServiceCostOverride nodes allowed here ... --> </ShippingServiceCostOverrideList> <ShipToLocations> string </ShipToLocations> <!-- ... more ShipToLocations values allowed here ... --> <Site> SiteCodeType </Site> <SKU> SKUType (string) </SKU> <StartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </StartPrice> <Storefront> StorefrontType <StoreCategory2ID> long </StoreCategory2ID> <StoreCategory2Name> string </StoreCategory2Name> <StoreCategoryID> long </StoreCategoryID> <StoreCategoryName> string </StoreCategoryName> </Storefront> <SubTitle> string </SubTitle> <TaxCategory> string </TaxCategory> <Title> string </Title> <UseTaxTable> boolean </UseTaxTable> <UUID> UUIDType (string) </UUID> <VATDetails> VATDetailsType <BusinessSeller> boolean </BusinessSeller> <RestrictedToBusiness> boolean </RestrictedToBusiness> <VATPercent> float </VATPercent> </VATDetails> <VideoDetails> VideoDetailsType <VideoID> string </VideoID> <!-- ... more VideoID values allowed here ... --> </VideoDetails> <VIN> string </VIN> <VRM> string </VRM> </Item> <!-- Standard Input Fields --> <ErrorHandling> ErrorHandlingCodeType </ErrorHandling> <ErrorLanguage> string </ErrorLanguage> <MessageID> string </MessageID> <Version> string </Version> <WarningLevel> WarningLevelCodeType </WarningLevel> </RelistItemRequest>
Argument | Type | Occurrence | Meaning |
Call-specific Input Fields [Jump to standard fields] |
DeletedField | string | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
Specifies the name of the field to delete from a listing. See Relist Items for rules on deleting values when relisting items. Also see the relevant field descriptions to determine when to use DeletedField (and potential consequences). The request can contain zero, one, or many instances of DeletedField (one for each field to be deleted). Case-sensitivity must be taken into account when using a DeletedField tag to delete a field. The value passed into a DeletedField tag must either match the case of the schema element names in the full field path (Item.PictureDetails.PictureURL), or the initial letter of each schema element name in the full field path must be lowercase (item.pictureDetails.pictureURL). Do not change the case of letters in the middle of a field name. For example, item.picturedetails.pictureURL is not allowed. To delete a listing enhancement like 'BoldTitle', specify the value you are deleting; for example, Item.ListingEnhancement[BoldTitle]. |
Item | ItemType | Required |
The Item container is used to configure the item that will be relisted. If the seller plans to relist the item with no changes, the only field under the Item container that is required is the ItemID field. In the ItemID field, the seller specifies the item that will be relisted. If the seller wishes to change anything else for the listing, the seller should include this field in the call request and give it a new value. If the seller wants to delete one or more optional settings in the listing, the seller should use the DeletedField tag. |
Item.ApplicationData | string | Optional |
Return custom, application-specific data associated with the item. The data you specify is stored by eBay with the item for your own reference, but it is not used by eBay in any way. Use ApplicationData to store special information for yourself, such as a part number. For a SKU in an listing, use the SKU element instead. To remove this value when revising or relisting an item, use DeletedField. Max length: 32. |
Item.AutoPay | boolean | Optional |
This field is included and set to if true in an Add/Revise/Relist call if the seller wants to require immediate payment from the buyer. If this field is set to false or not included, the seller is not requesting immediate payment. Note that this field may be set to true , but that does not necessarily mean that the buyer will be required to pay right away. For example, immediate payment is not currently applicable to auctions items won in a competitive bidding process or to items where the buyer and seller negotiated the price through the Best Offer feature. Immediate payment is also not applicable to listings where the payment happens offline between the buyer and seller.Default: false. |
Item.BestOfferDetails | BestOfferDetailsType | Optional |
For Add/Revise/Relist/Verify calls: This container is used to enable the Best Offer feature on a listing. Note that the Best Offer feature can be set for auction listings on the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia, France, Italy, and Spain marketplaces, but a seller can only use Best Offer or Buy It Now, but not both. Once an auction listing receives a qualifying bid, the Best Offer feature will be turned off and any pending Best Offers or Counteroffers will no longer be valid. For GetItem and other calls that retrieve item data, this container will include the status (GetMyeBayBuying only) and dollar amount of the latest Best Offer on a fixed-price listing, and the number of Best Offers received for the fixed-price listing. Note: Best Offer is not available for multi-variation listings. |
Item.BestOfferDetails .BestOfferEnabled |
boolean | Optional |
This field indicates whether or not the Best Offer feature is enabled for the listing. A seller can enable the Best Offer feature for a listing as long as the category supports the Best Offer feature. To see if an eBay category supports the Best Offer feature, run a GetCategoryFeatures call, including BestOfferEnabled as a FeatureID value in the call request payload. A listing enabled with the Best Offer feature allows a buyer to bargain with the seller and make a lower-priced offer than the fixed price or the starting bid price for an auction listing. The seller can then decide whether to accept the buyer's Best Offer price or propose a counter offer higher than the Best Offer price, but lower than the fixed price or starting bid price. Note: The Best Offer feature is now available for auction listings on the following sites: US, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia, France, Italy, and Spain. However, sellers must choose between offering Best Offer or Buy It Now on an auction listing, as both features cannot be enabled on the same auction listing. If an auction listing is enabled with Best Offer, this feature will no longer be applicable once the listing receives its first qualifying bid. Note: Best Offer is not available for multi-variation listings. |
Item .BuyerResponsibleForShipping |
boolean | Optional |
Applicable for listings in vehicle categories on the US eBay Motors site and eBay Canada site. (No business effect if specified for other categories or sites, as the Web site will not display the information to buyers.)
If true and the listing is on the US eBay Motors site, and you want the listing to be visible on the eBay Canada site, set Item.ShipToLocations to CA. If true and the listing is on the eBay Canada site, and you want your listing to be visible on the US eBay Motors site, set Item.ShipToLocations to US. Default: true. |
Item.BuyItNowPrice | AmountType (double) | Optional |
This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately. By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored. The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option. Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits. |
Item.BuyItNowPrice [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
This field is only applicable for auction listings. By specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, a seller is allowing prospective buyers the opportunity to purchase the item in the auction listing at this price immediately. When a buyer uses the 'Buy It Now' option to purchase the item, the auction listing will end immediately. By including this field and specifying a 'Buy It Now' price, the seller is enabling the 'Buy It Now' feature on the auction listing. If the seller includes this field for any other listing type other than an auction, this field and its price will just be ignored. The price in this field must be at least 30 percent higher than the starting bid price (which is specified in an Add call through the Item.StartPrice field). Once a bid is made on an auction listing, and the bid meets or exceeds the Item.ReservePrice value (if set), the 'Buy It Now' option becomes unavailable, and this field will no longer be applicable. If there is no Reserve Price, the first bid will nullify the 'Buy It Now' option. Keep in mind that GetItem (and other 'Get' calls that retrieve the Item details) may still return the BuyItNowPrice field for an auction item even if the 'Buy It Now' option is no longer available. Instead, a user should look for the ListingDetails.BuyItNowAvailable boolean field in the GetItem response to determine if the 'Buy It Now' option is still available for the auction item. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.CategoryMappingAllowed | boolean | Optional |
Note: This field's value now defaults to true if this field is omitted. Previously, the default value was false , so a user had to include this field and set it to true in order for eBay to map an outdated Primary or Secondary Category ID to the updated Category ID. This boolean field controls whether or not eBay automatically maps outdated Category ID(s) specified in a PrimaryCategory and/or SecondaryCategory container(s) to the updatd Category ID(s) no longer exists in the current category structure: If you pass a value of true in CategoryMappingAllowed or just omit the field, eBay will look up the current Category ID(s) that have replaced the specified Category ID(s). If you pass a value of false , eBay will not do any mapping, and the call may fail if specified Category ID(s) are no longer valid IDs for a eBay leaf category. The new Category ID(s) will be returned in the CategoryID and Category2ID fields (if secondary category is used) of the Add/Revise/Relist call response. Default: true. |
Item.Charity | CharityType | Optional |
This container identifies the nonprofit organization that will benefit with a percentage of the proceeds from each sale of an item through an auction or fixed-price listing. Charity names and IDs can be found by going to eBay for Charity page and doing a search. The donation percentage can be set in 5 percent increments from 10 percent to 100 percent. When it comes to revising an auction or fixed-price listing, you can add a benefitting charity (as long as there is at least 12 hours left before end of listing/close of auction), but you cannot remove or change a nonprofit company once one is already established in the original listing. For Revise calls: The non-profit organization and donation percentage can now be modified in a Revise call as long as there are no active bids on an auction listing, or no pending Best Offers/Counter Offers on a listing. This container will only be returned in Get calls for charitable listings. Charitable listings are only supported in the US and UK marketplaces. See:
Item.Charity.CharityID | string | Conditional |
The unique identifier that eBay creates and assigns to each nonprofit organization. The field is conditionally required in an Add/Revise/Relist call if the seller will be donating a percentage of the sale proceeds to this organization for each sale generated by the listing. |
Item.Charity.DonationPercent | float | Conditional |
The percentage of the purchase price that the seller chooses to donate to the selected nonprofit organization. This percentage is displayed in the eBay for Charity listing. Possible values: 10.0 to 100.0.
Item.ConditionDescription | string | Conditional |
This string field is used by the seller to more clearly describe the condition of items that are not brand new. The ConditionDescription field is available for all categories, including categories where the condition type is not applicable (e.g., Antiques). This field is applicable for all item conditions except 'New', 'Brand New', 'New with tags', and 'New in box'. If ConditionDescription is used with these conditions (Condition IDs 1000-1499), eBay will simply ignore this field if included, and eBay will return a warning message to the user. The ConditionDescription field is returned by GetItem (and other related calls that return the Item object) if a condition description is specified in the listing. Note: This field should not be included if ConditionDescriptors are being used. If it is used, a warning will be triggered and the field will be dropped from the listing. Max length: 1000. |
Item.ConditionDescriptors | ConditionDescriptorsType | Conditional |
This container is used in Add/Revise/Relist/Verify listing calls to designate the condition descriptors for the listing. It is also returned in GetItem to indicate the condition descriptors applied to the listing. Important: For trading card listings in Non-Sport Trading Card Singles ( 183050 ), CCG Individual Cards (183454 ), and Sports Trading Card Singles (261328 ) categories, Condition ID 2750 can be used to specify the card as a Graded card and Condition ID 4000 can be used to specify the card as an Ungraded card. If either of these condition IDs are used, the seller is required to use the ConditionDescriptors container to provide one or more applicable Condition Descriptor name-value pairs. Beginning on October 23rd, 2023, trading card listings in the affected categories must either use Condition ID 2750 or Condition ID 4000, and no other item conditions will be accepted. These Condition IDs and the ConditionDescriptors container will be required for all new listings. If not provided after this date, the following calls will fail: AddItem, AddFixedPriceItem, AddItems, VerifyAddItem, and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem. By January 22, 2024, all existing listings must be modified with either Condition ID 2750 or Condition ID 4000 and applicable ConditionDescriptors name-value pairs. This adds ReviseItem, ReviseFixedPriceItem, RelistItem, RelistFixedPriceItem, and VerifyRelistItem calls to the requirement. |
Item.ConditionDescriptors .ConditionDescriptor |
ConditionDescriptorType | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
This container is used by the seller to provide additional information about the condition of an item in a structured format. Condition descriptors are name-value attributes that can be either closed set or open text inputs. To retrieve all condition descriptor numeric IDs for a category, use the getItemConditionPolicies method of the Metadata API. Note: The use of Condition Descriptors is currently only available for the following trading card categories (CategoryID):
Item.ConditionDescriptors .ConditionDescriptor .AdditionalInfo |
string | Conditional |
Open text is passed in this field. This text provides additional information about a condition descriptor. In the case of trading cards, this field houses the optional Certification Number condition descriptor for graded cards. Max length: 30. |
Item.ConditionDescriptors .ConditionDescriptor.Name |
string | Conditional |
A numeric ID is passed in this field. This numeric ID maps to the name of a condition descriptor. Condition descriptor name-value pairs provide more information about an item's condition in a structured way. To retrieve all condition descriptor numeric IDs for a category, use the getItemConditionPolicies method of the Metadata API. In the case of trading cards, this field is used to provide condition descriptors for a card. For graded cards, the condition descriptors for Grader and Grade are required, while the condition descriptor for Certification Number is optional. For ungraded cards, only the Card Condition condition descriptor is required. |
Item.ConditionDescriptors .ConditionDescriptor.Value |
string | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
A numeric ID is passed in this field. This numeric ID maps to the value associated with a condition descriptor name. Condition descriptor name-value pairs provide more information about an item's condition in a structured way. To retrieve all condition descriptor numeric IDs for a category, use the getItemConditionPolicies method of the Metadata API. In the case of trading cards, this field houses the information on the Grader and Grade descriptors of graded cards and the Card Condition descriptor for ungraded cards. |
Item.ConditionID | int | Conditional |
This is a numeric identifier for an item's condition. All numeric Condition ID values map to an item condition string value. For example, numeric identifier 1000 maps to New condition. Important: For trading card listings in Non-Sport Trading Card Singles ( 183050 ), CCG Individual Cards (183454 ), and Sports Trading Card Singles (261328 ) categories, Condition ID 2750 can be used to specify the card as a Graded card and Condition ID 4000 can be used to specify the card as an Ungraded card. If either of these condition IDs are used, the seller is required to use the ConditionDescriptors container to provide one or more applicable Condition Descriptor name-value pairs. See the ConditionDescriptors field description for more information. Beginning on October 23rd, 2023, trading card listings in the affected categories must either use Condition ID 2750 or Condition ID 4000, and no other item conditions will be accepted. These Condition IDs and the ConditionDescriptors container will be required for all new listings. If not provided after this date, the following calls will fail: AddItem, AddFixedPriceItem, AddItems, VerifyAddItem, and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem. By January 22, 2024, all existing listings must be modified with either Condition ID 2750 or Condition ID 4000 and applicable ConditionDescriptors name-value pairs. This adds ReviseItem, ReviseFixedPriceItem, RelistItem, RelistFixedPriceItem, and VerifyRelistItem calls to the requirement. Most eBay listing categories require an item condition, but a few eBay categories do not (such as Digital Gift Cards or Antiques categories). To verify if the listing category requires an item condition, and if so, what are the supported item condition and ConditionID values, you can call GetCategoryFeatures. In this GetCategoryFeatures call, you'd pass in the listing CategoryID value and two FeatureID fields - one of these fields set to ConditionEnabled , and the other field set to ConditionValues . In the GetCategoryFeatures response, look at the Category.ConditionEnabled to see if item condition is required for the category. Then look at the Category.ConditionValues container in the response for the full list of Condition IDs that you can pass in through the ConditionID field of an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call. Note that the Condition.DisplayName value in the response is the actual condition value that will appear in the actual eBay listing. If you pass in a ConditionID value that is not valid for the category, or if you don't pass in a ConditionID value at all for a category that requires it, the listing request fails. If you are listing in two categories (using a secondary category), it is the primary listing category that determines which ConditionID values are supported. For Revise/Relist calls: In most cases, you can change the ConditionID value (if applicable/warranted), with the exception being an auction listing that has one or more bids, or any listing that is scheduled to end in 12 hours or less. For GetItem: The ConditionID value is always returned if set for the listing. GetItem also returns the item condition string value in the ConditionDisplayName field. Note: On the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Australia marketplaces, condition ID 2500 ('Seller Refurbished') can no longer be used in numerous categories. See Category and marketplace support for the eBay Refurbished Program for the full list. In these categories, the 'Seller Refurbished' item condition has been replaced by one of three new refurbished values, which include condition ID 2010 ('Excellent - Refurbished'), condition ID 2020 ('Very Good - Refurbished'), and condition ID 2030 ('Good - Refurbished'). To use any of these new refurbished item conditions, sellers must go through an application and qualification process. Any seller who is not eligible to use these new refurbished item conditions in these three categories will be blocked if they try to create a new listing or revise an existing listing with any of these three new item conditions. Sellers who are not eligible to list with the new refurbished item conditions, will need to use another item condition supported in these categories, such as condition ID 3000 ('Used'). Any seller that is interested in eligibility requirements to list with any refurbished item condition, including condition ID 2000 ('Certified - Refurbished'), should see the eBay Refurbished Program page in Seller Center. Note: This field will stop being returned in order management calls on January 31, 2024. See:
Item.Country | CountryCodeType | Optional |
This two-digit enumeration value indicates the country where the item is located. CountryCodeType defines the supported values. The GeteBayDetails call can also be used (include the DetailName field and set its value to CountryDetails) to see the full list of supported country codes. In an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call, this field is required. Applicable values: See Country. |
Item.CrossBorderTrade | string | Optional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
This field is used by sellers who want their listing to be returned in the search results for other eBay sites. This feature is currently only supported by the US, UK, eBay Canada, and eBay Ireland sites. See Getting exposure on international sites for full requirements on using this feature. There is a small listing fee for each country specified as a Cross Border Trade country. US listings that offer shipping to Canada, North America, or worldwide are automatically returned on at no extra charge, so US listings that offer shipping to these locations do not need to specify Canada as a Cross Border Trade country. See Cross-border trading. |
Item.CustomPolicies | CustomPoliciesType | Optional | This container is used to apply one or more custom policies to the listing by specifying custom policy IDs. Custom policies include Product Compliance and Take-Back Policies. For more information, see the Custom Policies page for your site (for example, This container is supported by a limited number of sites and specific categories. Use the getExtendedProducerResponsibilityPolicies method of the Sell Metadata API to retrieve valid categories for a site. To create and manage custom policies, use the custom_policy resource of the Account API. |
Item.CustomPolicies .ProductCompliancePolicyID |
long | Optional,
repeatable: [0..5] |
This field is used if the seller wants to apply one or more seller-created global product compliance policies that will be used in a listing. A separate ProductCompliancePolicyID field is required for each policy to be applied, and the seller specifies the identifier of each policy in this field. Product compliance policies provide buyers with important information and disclosures about products. For example, if you sell batteries and specific disclosures are required to be shared with all potential buyers, your global product compliance policy could contain the required disclosures. A maximum of six (6) global product compliance policies may be applied to each listing. Note: For countries that support country-specific policies, use RegionalProductCompliancePolicies to apply them to a listing. |
Item.CustomPolicies .RegionalProductCompliancePolicies |
CountryPoliciesArrayType | Optional |
The set of compliance policies for indicating the seller-created country-specific product compliance policies that that will be used for a listing. Product compliance policies provide buyers with important information and disclosures about products. For example, if you sell batteries in a country requiring disclosures that apply only to that country, a country-specific product compliance policy could contain this information. Each listing may include up to six (6) product compliance policies for each of the following countries:
Item.CustomPolicies .RegionalProductCompliancePolicies .CountryPolicies |
CountryPoliciesType | Optional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
Contains a country and the custom policy/policies for that country. |
Item.CustomPolicies .RegionalProductCompliancePolicies .CountryPolicies.Country |
CountryCodeType | Optional |
Defines the 2-letter country code set. Use the GeteBayDetails call to see the list of currently supported codes, and the English names associated with each code (e.g., KY="Cayman Islands"). Most of the codes that eBay uses conform to the ISO 3166 standard, but some of the codes in the ISO 3166 standard are not used by eBay. Plus, there are some non-ISO codes in the eBay list. (Additional codes appear at the end of this code list and are noted as non-ISO.) Applicable values: See Country. |
Item.CustomPolicies .RegionalProductCompliancePolicies .CountryPolicies.PolicyID |
long | Optional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
The policy Id specifying product compliance or take-back policy information. |
Item.CustomPolicies .RegionalTakeBackPolicies |
CountryPoliciesArrayType | Optional |
The list of unique identifiers indicating the seller-created take-back policies that will be used for a listing. The law in some countries may require sellers to take back a used product when the buyer buys a new product. Each listing may include one (1) country-specific take-back policy for each of the following countries:
Item.CustomPolicies .RegionalTakeBackPolicies .CountryPolicies |
CountryPoliciesType | Optional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
Contains a country and the custom policy/policies for that country. |
Item.CustomPolicies .RegionalTakeBackPolicies .CountryPolicies.Country |
CountryCodeType | Optional |
Defines the 2-letter country code set. Use the GeteBayDetails call to see the list of currently supported codes, and the English names associated with each code (e.g., KY="Cayman Islands"). Most of the codes that eBay uses conform to the ISO 3166 standard, but some of the codes in the ISO 3166 standard are not used by eBay. Plus, there are some non-ISO codes in the eBay list. (Additional codes appear at the end of this code list and are noted as non-ISO.) Applicable values: See Country. |
Item.CustomPolicies .RegionalTakeBackPolicies .CountryPolicies.PolicyID |
long | Optional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
The policy Id specifying product compliance or take-back policy information. |
Item.CustomPolicies .TakeBackPolicyID |
long | Optional |
This field is used if the seller wants to apply a global take-back policy to the listing. The law in some countries may require sellers to take back a used product when the buyer buys a new product. Use this field to specify one global take-back policy ID for the listing. Note: For countries that support country-specific policies, use RegionalTakeBackPolicies to apply them to a listing. |
Item.Description | string | Conditional |
The seller's description of the item. In listing requests, you can submit your description using CDATA if you want to use HTML or XML-reserved characters in the description. However, a seller can not use any active content in their listing description. Active content includes animation or video via JavaScript, Flash, plug-ins, or form actions. All active content will be blocked/removed from a listing. Removing/blocking active content will lead to faster load times of listings, make listings more mobile-friendly, improve SEO performance, and lead to a more secure eBay Marketplace. Note: To ensure that a listing description is optimized to be viewed on a mobile devices, see Mobile device optimization in the Trading User Guide. Note that the mobile-friendly description snippet feature described in this topic is currently only available in the following eBay marketplaces: US, UK, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and eBay Motors. In the listing description, sellers are only allowed to provide links to product videos, freight shipping services, or other legally required information, and when providing these links in the listing description, the secure 'https' protocol must be used instead of 'http'. In addition, any valid links to sites outside of eBay should use the target="_blank" attribute in the a href tag so a new browser window will be loaded when the link is clicked instead of buyers being redirected off of eBay. For more information on using links in the listing description, see eBay's Links policy. For more information about the stronger security standards that eBay is using, see the Use secure HTTPS for enhanced browser security topic in the 2018 Fall Seller Update. The getListingViolations method of the Compliance API can be used to see if any of the seller's active listings are not 'HTTPS' compliant. If you embed pictures in the description (by using IMG tags) instead of using PictureURL, but you want a camera icon to appear in search and listing pages, specify the following null-image URL in the PictureURL field: See Add pictures in the Trading API User Guide. This field is conditionally required for all listings. The exception is when the seller specifies a product identifier, such as a GTIN or ePID, through the ProductListingDetails container and a product match is found in the eBay product catalog. If a matching product is found in the eBay product catalog, the item description will be created automatically (as long as the ProductListingDetails.IncludeeBayProductDetails value is true ). Max length: 500000 (some sites may allow more, but the exact number may vary). |
Item.DigitalGoodInfo | DigitalGoodInfoType | Optional | This container is used in Add/Revise/Relist/Verify listing calls to designate the listing as a digital gift card listing. It is also returned in GetItem to indicate that the listing contains a digital gift card. |
Item.DigitalGoodInfo .DigitalDelivery |
boolean | Optional |
This field must be included in the request and set to true if the seller plans to list a digital gift card in a category that supports digital gift cards. To verify if a specific category on a specific eBay site supports digital gift card listings, use the GetCategoryFeatures call, passing in a CategoryID value and a DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled value in the FeatureID field. Look for a true value in the DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled field of the corresponding Category node (match up the CategoryID values if more than one Category IDs were passed in the request).
Item.DisableBuyerRequirements | boolean | Optional |
This field can be included and set to true in an Add or Revise call if the seller wishes to disable all buyer requirements (that are set in the seller's account) for the listing. (from Item.BuyerRequirementDetails or Buyer requirements preferences in My eBay) are ignored. This field will only be returned in 'Get' calls if true .Default: false. |
Item.DiscountPriceInfo | DiscountPriceInfoType | Optional |
This container provides information for an item that has a Strikethrough Price (STP) or a Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) discount pricing treatment. STP and MAP apply only to fixed-price listings. STP is available on the US, eBay Motors, UK, Germany, Canada (English and French), France, Italy, Spain, and Ireland sites, while MAP is available only on the US site. Discount pricing is available to qualified sellers (and their associated developers) who participate in the Discount Pricing Program. Once qualified, sellers receive a 'special account flag' (SAF) that allows them to apply Discount Pricing to both single-variation and multi-variation items. STP is intended for eBay partners and their sellers only. As a seller listing Discount Price items, you are required to maintain records of your discount pricing in the event you are called upon to substantiate your item pricing. For AddFixedPriceItem, RelistFixedPriceItem, ReviseFixedPriceItem, and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: If you are listing variations (MSKU items), use Variation.DiscountPriceInfo for each variation. |
Item.DiscountPriceInfo .MadeForOutletComparisonPrice |
AmountType (double) | Conditional |
Applicable only if the item was specifically made for sale through dedicated eBay outlet pages (e.g., eBay Fashion Outlet). The comparison price is the price of a comparable product sold through non-outlet channels on eBay (or elsewhere), or not specifically made for the outlet. In fashion, a "comparable" product shares the same design, but is not considered an identical product. Some products are specifically made for outlets, and may have a different SKU than the "comparable" product. These made-for-outlet products may be manufactured in a different place, with different materials, or according to different specifications (i.e. different stitch pattern, seam reinforcement, button quality, etc.) |
Item.DiscountPriceInfo .MadeForOutletComparisonPrice [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
Applicable only if the item was specifically made for sale through dedicated eBay outlet pages (e.g., eBay Fashion Outlet). The comparison price is the price of a comparable product sold through non-outlet channels on eBay (or elsewhere), or not specifically made for the outlet. In fashion, a "comparable" product shares the same design, but is not considered an identical product. Some products are specifically made for outlets, and may have a different SKU than the "comparable" product. These made-for-outlet products may be manufactured in a different place, with different materials, or according to different specifications (i.e. different stitch pattern, seam reinforcement, button quality, etc.) For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.DiscountPriceInfo .MinimumAdvertisedPrice |
AmountType (double) | Conditional | Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) is an agreement between suppliers (or manufacturers (OEM)) and the retailers (sellers) stipulating the lowest price an item is allowed to be advertised at. Sellers can offer prices below MAP by means of other discounts. This only applies to fixed-price listings and auction listings with the Buy It Now option. |
Item.DiscountPriceInfo .MinimumAdvertisedPrice [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) is an agreement between suppliers (or manufacturers (OEM)) and the retailers (sellers) stipulating the lowest price an item is allowed to be advertised at. Sellers can offer prices below MAP by means of other discounts. This only applies to fixed-price listings and auction listings with the Buy It Now option. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.DiscountPriceInfo .MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposure |
MinimumAdvertisedPriceExposureCodeType | Conditional |
For MinimumAdvertisedPrice (MAP) listings only. A seller cannot show the actual discounted price on eBay's View Item page. Instead, the buyer can either click on a pop-up on eBay's View Item page, or the discount price will be shown during checkout.
Applicable values: DuringCheckout .PreCheckout .PreCheckout . |
Item.DiscountPriceInfo .OriginalRetailPrice |
AmountType (double) | Conditional | The actual retail price set by the manufacturer (OEM). eBay does not maintain or validate the OriginalRetailPrice supplied by the seller. OriginalRetailPrice should always be more than StartPrice. Compare the StartPrice/BuyItNowPrice to OriginalRetailPrice to determine the amount of savings to the buyer. |
Item.DiscountPriceInfo .OriginalRetailPrice [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
The actual retail price set by the manufacturer (OEM). eBay does not maintain or validate the OriginalRetailPrice supplied by the seller. OriginalRetailPrice should always be more than StartPrice. Compare the StartPrice/BuyItNowPrice to OriginalRetailPrice to determine the amount of savings to the buyer. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.DiscountPriceInfo .SoldOffeBay |
boolean | Conditional |
Used by the eBay UK and eBay Germany (DE) sites, this flag indicates that the discount price (specified as StartPrice) is the price for which the seller offered the same (or similar) item for sale on a Web site or offline store other than eBay in the previous 30 days. The discount price is always in reference to the seller's own price for the item. If this field is set to true , eBay displays 'Was*' in the UK and 'Ursprunglich*' in Germany, next to the discounted price of the item. In the event both SoldOffeBay and SoldOneBay fields are set to true , SoldOneBay takes precedence. Default: false. |
Item.DiscountPriceInfo .SoldOneBay |
boolean | Conditional |
Used by the eBay UK and eBay Germany (DE) sites, this flag indicates that the discount price (specified as StartPrice) is the price for which the seller offered the same (or similar) item for sale on eBay within the previous 30 days. The discount price is always in reference to the seller's own price for the item. If this field is set to true , eBay displays 'Was' in the UK and 'Ursprunglich' in Germany, next to the discounted price of the item. In the event both SoldOffeBay and SoldOneBay fields are set to true , SoldOneBay takes precedence. Default: false. |
Item.DispatchTimeMax | int | Conditional |
Specifies the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. This time does not include the shipping time (the carrier's transit time). Note: If the seller opts into the eBay Guaranteed Delivery feature and wants to make a listing eligible for eBay Guaranteed Delivery, the DispatchTimeMax value must be set to 0 or 1 (days) and the cumulative value of DispatchTimeMax plus the transit time of the shipping service (returned in ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingTimeMax field of GeteBayDetails) must be 4 business days or less to be eligible for this feature. See the eBay Guaranteed Delivery page in Seller Center for more information on this program. The eBay Guaranteed Delivery feature is only available on the US and Australia marketplaces. For Add/Revise/Relist calls: Required for listings in certain categories when certain shipping services (with delivery) are offered. See HandlingTimeEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures. The seller sets this to a positive integer value corresponding to the number of 'handling' days. For a list of allowed values on each eBay site, use DispatchTimeMaxDetails in GeteBayDetails. Supported handling times for most sites in most categories range from 0 (same-day handling) to 3 business days, but this can vary by site. Some categories on some sites support longer handling times, and this generally comes into play with extremely large items where freight shipping may be required. This field is required whenever flat-rate or calculated shipping is used, but does not apply when there is no shipping involved, which is the case for digital gift card listings, or any orders where local pickup is available and this option is selected by the buyer. For ReviseItem only: If the listing has bids or sales and it ends within 12 hours, you can't change this value. If the listing is a GTC listing that has sales or ends within 12 hours (one or the other, but not both), you can add or change this value. If the listing has no bids or sales and more than 12 hours remain before the listing ends, you can add or change the dispatch (handling) time. For GetItem: GetItem returns DispatchTimeMax only when shipping service options are specified for the item and the seller specified a dispatch time. See:
Item.eBayPlus | boolean | Optional |
eBay Plus is a premium account option for buyers, which provides benefits such as fast and free domestic shipping, and free returns on selected items. To offer this feature to buyers, sellers must opt in to eBay Plus, and their selling status must be 'Above Standard' or above. Note: Currently, eBay Plus is only available to buyers on the Germany and Australia marketplaces, and this field should only be used by sellers selling eligible items in Germany. In Australia, the seller has no control/responsibility over setting the eBay Plus feature for a listing. Instead, eBay will evaluate/determine whether a listing is eligible for eBay Plus. Due to this fact, an Australian seller will also get the 21919431: This listing isn't eligible for eBay Plus. warning message in an add/revise/relist call, even though eBay may ultimately set the eBay Plus feature on the listing if the item is eligible. In an add/revise/relist call, a seller on the Germany site must include this field and set its value to true . If the seller is not eligible for/opted in to eBay Plus and/or the listing category or item does not qualify for eBay Plus, a warning message will be returned to the seller in the response indicating this. In addition to the seller, listing category, and item being eligible for eBay Plus, the seller must also set/commit to the following for the listing:
true in a 'Get' call, it indicates that the item is eligible for eBay Plus treatment, but eBay Plus will only come into play if the buyer is subscribed to eBay Plus.
Item .ExtendedProducerResponsibility |
ExtendedProducerResponsibilityType | Optional |
This container is used to provide the eco-participation fee for a product. Use the getExtendedProducerResponsibilityPolicies method of the Sell Metadata API to retrieve categories that support eco-participation fee for a specified marketplace." For GetItem calls, this container is only returned to the listing owner, if the container is available. |
Item .ExtendedProducerResponsibility .EcoParticipationFee |
AmountType (double) | Optional |
This is the fee paid for new items to the eco-organization (for example, "eco-organisme" in France). It is a contribution to the financing of the elimination of the item responsibly. For multiple-variation listings, the EcoParticipationFee in the VariationExtendedProducerResponsibility container is used for each variation in the listing, and not the EcoParticipationFee in the ExtendedProducerResponsibility container. Min: 0.0. |
Item .ExtendedProducerResponsibility .EcoParticipationFee [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
This is the fee paid for new items to the eco-organization (for example, "eco-organisme" in France). It is a contribution to the financing of the elimination of the item responsibly. For multiple-variation listings, the EcoParticipationFee in the VariationExtendedProducerResponsibility container is used for each variation in the listing, and not the EcoParticipationFee in the ExtendedProducerResponsibility container. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item .ExtendedSellerContactDetails |
ExtendedContactDetailsType | Optional | Extended contact information for sellers using the Classified Ad format. Specifies the days and hours when the seller can be contacted. To remove seller contact information when revising or relisting an item, use DeletedField. |
Item .ExtendedSellerContactDetails .ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled |
boolean | Optional |
A value of true in this field indicates that potential buyers can contact the seller of the Classified Ad listing by email.
Item .ExtendedSellerContactDetails .ContactHoursDetails |
ContactHoursDetailsType | Optional | This containers consists of fields that allows the seller of a Classified Ad listing to tell potential buyers what days and times they may be contacted to inquire about the listing. |
Item .ExtendedSellerContactDetails .ContactHoursDetails .Hours1AnyTime |
boolean | Optional | Indicates whether or not a user is available to be contacted 24 hours a day during the range of days specified using the Hours1Days element. True indicates the user is available 24 hours a day, false indicates otherwise. In the case of this field being true, all values provided for Hours1From and Hours1To will be ignored. In the case of this field being false, the values provided Hours1From and Hours1To will be considered. |
Item .ExtendedSellerContactDetails .ContactHoursDetails .Hours1Days |
DaysCodeType | Optional |
Indicates the range of days for which the primary contact hours specified by Hours1AnyTime or Hours1From and Hours1To apply. If a value of None is provided for this field, the values provided for Hours1AnyTime, Hours1From, Hours1To are ignored.
Applicable values: |
Item .ExtendedSellerContactDetails .ContactHoursDetails .Hours1From |
time | Optional | Indicates the starting time of day this eBay user is available for other eBay members to contact for the range of days specified using Hours1Days. Enter times in 30 minute increments from the top of the hour. That is, enter values either on the hour (:00) or 30 minutes past the hour (:30). Other values will be will be rounded down to the next closest 30 minute increment. Times entered should be local to the value provided for TimeZoneID. |
Item .ExtendedSellerContactDetails .ContactHoursDetails.Hours1To |
time | Optional | Indicates the ending time of day this eBay user is available for other eBay members to contact them for the range of days specified using Hours1Days. Enter times in 30 minute increments from the top of the hour. That is, enter values either on the hour (:00) or 30 minutes past the hour (:30). Other values will be will be rounded down to the next closest 30 minute increment. Times entered should be local to the value provided for TimeZoneID. |
Item .ExtendedSellerContactDetails .ContactHoursDetails .Hours2AnyTime |
boolean | Optional | Indicates whether or not a user is available to be contacted 24 hours a day during the range of days specified using the Hours2Days element. True indicates the user is available 24 hours a day, false indicates otherwise. In the case of this field being true, all values provided for Hours2From and Hours2To will be ignored. In the case of this field being false, the values provided Hours2From and Hours2To will be considered. |
Item .ExtendedSellerContactDetails .ContactHoursDetails .Hours2Days |
DaysCodeType | Optional |
Indicates the range of days for which the secondary contact hours specified by Hours2AnyTime or Hours2From and Hours2To apply. If a value of None is provided for this field, the values provided for Hours2AnyTime, Hours2From, Hours2To are ignored. Note: You cannot set Hours2Days to EveryDay. If Hours1Days is set to EveryDay, secondary contact hours do not apply. Hours2Days cannot be set to the same value as Hours1Days. Applicable values: |
Item .ExtendedSellerContactDetails .ContactHoursDetails .Hours2From |
time | Optional | Indicates the starting time of day this eBay user is available for other eBay members to contact for the range of days specified using Hours2Days. Enter times in 30 minute increments from the top of the hour. That is, enter values either on the hour (:00) or 30 minutes past the hour (:30). Other values will be will be rounded down to the next closest 30 minute increment. Times entered should be local to the value provided for TimeZoneID. |
Item .ExtendedSellerContactDetails .ContactHoursDetails.Hours2To |
time | Optional | Indicates the ending time of day this eBay user is available for other eBay members to contact them for the range of days specified using Hours1Days. Enter times in 30 minute increments from the top of the hour. That is, enter values either on the hour (:00) or 30 minutes past the hour (:30). Other values will be will be rounded down to the next closest 30 minute increment. Times entered should be local to the value provided for TimeZoneID. |
Item .ExtendedSellerContactDetails .ContactHoursDetails .TimeZoneID |
string | Optional | Indicates the local time zone of the values provided for Hours1From/Hours1To and Hours2From/Hours2To. If you specify a contact hours time range with Hours1From and Hours1To, you must provide a local time zone. To retrieve a complete list of the TimeZoneID values supported by eBay, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to TimeZoneDetails. |
Item.ItemCompatibilityList | ItemCompatibilityListType | Optional |
A list of parts compatibility information specified as name and value pairs. Describes an assembly with which a part is compatible (i.e., compatibility by application). For example, to specify a part's compatibility with a vehicle, the name (search name) would map to standard vehicle characteristics (e.g., Year, Make, Model, Trim, and Engine). The values would describe the specific vehicle, such as a 2006 Honda Accord. Use the Product Metadata API to retrieve valid search names and corresponding values. For the AddItem family of calls: Use this for specifying parts compatibility by application manually. This can only be used in categories that support parts compatibility by application. Use GetCategoryFeatures with the CompatibilityEnabled feature ID to determine which categories support parts compatibility by application. For ReviseFixedPriceItem and ReviseItem: When you revise a listing, if the listing has bids and/or ends within 12 hours, item compatibilities cannot be deleted. You may add item compatibilities at any time. For GetItem: ItemCompatibilityList is only returned if the seller included item compatibility in the listing and IncludeItemCompatibilityList is set to true in the GetItem request. See:
Item.ItemCompatibilityList .Compatibility |
ItemCompatibilityType | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
Details for an individual compatible application, consisting of the name-value pair and related parts compatibility notes. When revising or relisting, the Delete field can be used to delete individual parts compatibility nodes. Note: For the GetItem call, Compatibility includes only parts compatibility details that were specified manually; that is, they do not correspond to an eBay catalog product. To retrieve parts compatibility details that do correspond to eBay catalog products, use the eBay Product API's getProductCompatibilities call. |
Item.ItemCompatibilityList .Compatibility .CompatibilityNotes |
string | Conditional | The seller may optionally enter any notes pertaining to the parts compatibility being specified. Use this field to specify the placement of the part on a vehicle or the type of vehicle a part fits. |
Item.ItemCompatibilityList .Compatibility.NameValueList |
NameValueListType | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
A name-value pair describing a single compatible application. The allowed names and values are specific to the primary category in which the item is listed. For example, when listing in a Parts & Accessories category, where the applications are vehicles, the allowed names might include Year, Make, and Model, and the values would correspond to specific vehicles in eBay's catalog. For details and examples, see Specify parts compatibility manually. The eBay Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, and Australia sites support the use of K type vehicle numbers to specify vehicle parts compatibility. To use a K type number, set the Name field to " KType " and set the corresponding Value field to the appropriate K type number. The DE and UK eBay sites also support the use of an eBay Product ID (or ePID) number/value pair to specify motorcycle and scooter parts compatibility (currently, only DE supports scooter parts compatibily). To use an ePID number to specify part compatibilities, set the Name field to " ePID " and the corresponding Value field to the ePID number that matches the motorcycle for the part(s) you are listing. Motorcycle ePID numbers are provided by the Master Motorcycle List (MML) file, which contains the ePID numbers and their associated vehicle mappings). For motorcycles, an ePID number contains the vehicle make, model, CCM, year, and submodel data. Please use the following links to obtain the DE and UK MML data files: - DE seller help page: - UK seller help page: See Product Metadata API Call Reference for information on retrieving parts compatibility search names and corresponding values needed to specify compatibility by application manually. |
Item.ItemCompatibilityList .Compatibility.NameValueList .Name |
string | Optional |
Depending on the call and context, this value is either a name of an Item/Variation Specific, or a Parts Compatibility name. For the AddItem and AddFixedPriceItem families of calls: In the Item.ItemSpecifics context, the value in this field will either be the name of a required/recommended/optional item specific name for the category, or it may be a seller's customized item specific name. For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: In the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this value is a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings. For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing. Note: For required and recommended item specifics that are returned in the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API, the seller should pass in the name of these item specifics just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Similarly, for catalog-enabled categories, the seller should pass in the name of instance aspects just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Instance aspects are additional details unique to a specific item or listing that a seller can include along with the product aspects that are already defined in the eBay catalog product associated with the listing. Instance aspects common to many catalog-enabled categories include 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. eBay US sellers who ship to California are required to pass in a 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific if the item in the listing contains one or more chemicals known to be harmful to human health. This item specific is passed at the listing level for both single-variation and multiple-variation listings. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' is considered an instance specific because it will be retained on the listing even when the seller lists using an eBay catalog product. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' may be applicable in most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. Note: If Brand and MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) are being used to identify product variations in a multiple-variation listing, the Brand must be specified at the item level (ItemSpecifics container) and the MPN for each product variation must be specified at the variation level (VariationSpecifics container). The Brand name must be the same for all variations within a single listing. Max length: 65. |
Item.ItemCompatibilityList .Compatibility.NameValueList .Value |
string | Optional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
Depending on the call and context, this value is either the value of an Item/Variation Specific, a Parts Compatibility value, or a product identifier. For the AddItem family of calls: Multiple values can only be specified for an Item Specific if the itemToAspectCardinality field of the getItemAspectsForCategory method shows a value of MULTI . If an item specific only supports a single value, only the first item specific value specified in the request will be used. For the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this is the corresponding value of a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings. For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing. Note: The standard maximum length for the value of an item specific is 65, but the maximum allowed length increases for instance aspects such as 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. For item specifics with max lengths greater than 65, the actual max length will be returned in a corresponding aspectMaxLength field. The maximum allowed length for the new 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific is 800 characters. For more information about the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific, see the ItemSpecifics.NameValueList field description. Max length: 65 (but longer for some instance aspects, including 800 for 'California Prop 65 Warning'). |
Item.ItemCompatibilityList .ReplaceAll |
boolean | Conditional |
Set this value to true to delete or replace all existing parts compatibility information when you revise or relist an item. If set to true, all existing item parts compatibility nodes are removed from the listing. If new item compatibilities are specified in the request, they replace the removed compatibilities. Note: To ensure that buyer expectations are upheld, you cannot delete or replace an item parts compatibility list if the listing has bids or if the auction ends within 12 hours. Default: false. |
Item.ItemID | ItemIDType (string) | Required |
The unique identifier of the eBay listing. This identifier is generated by eBay and returned in the response of an Add call if an item is successfully listed. Once an item is successfully created, the ItemID cannot be modified. Note: Although we represent item IDs as strings in the schema, we recommend you store them as 64-bit signed integers. If you choose to store item IDs as strings, allocate at least 19 characters (assuming decimal digits are used) to hold them. Your code should be prepared to handle IDs of up to 19 digits. |
Item.ItemSpecifics | NameValueListArrayType | Conditional |
This container is a list of Item Specific Name/Value pairs used by the seller to provide desciptive details of an item in a structured manner. If creating, revising, or relisting an item with an Add, Revise, or Relist call, it is recommended that you use the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API to retrieve mandatory and recommended Item Specifics for a category. For ReviseItem only: When you revise a listing, if an auction listing has one or more bids and ends within 12 hours, you cannot change or add Item Ppecifics. If the auction listing has bids but ends in more than 12 hours, you cannot change existing Item Specifics, but you can add Item Specifics that were not previously included. If your listing is in a eBay product catalog-enabled category, certain Name/Value pairs will be accepted as product identifying information. The Name can be Brand , MPN , or a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). GTINs are a set of globally recognized identifiers, including EAN , ISBN , and UPC . However, the Values provided for these Names must comply with eBay's constraints or they will not be recognized as product identifiers. The Value for Brand must be an actual brand name (except that if the item is not branded, Value can be Unbranded .) The Value for Brand or MPN cannot contain only special characters (e.g. %$*#@ ). All GTINs must comply with international formatting standards. For more details, see Item Specifics. If the ProductListingDetails container in an Add/Revise/Relist call is successfully used to find and use an eBay catalog product to create/revise listing, the seller should not remove or change the value of any Item Specific name or value that is defined as part of the eBay catalog product definition. Note: If a listing is associated with an eBay catalog product, the seller does not need to pass in any Item Specifics that are already defined in the eBay catalog product. Sellers can make a call to the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API to see if the category supports any 'instance aspects', which can be thought of as Item Specifics that are unique to the specific item that is being listed. Instance aspects are indicated if the corresponding aspectApplicableTo field of the getItemAspectsForCategory response shows a value of ITEM (and not PRODUCT ). Many categories support the following instance aspects: Custom Bundle, Bundle Description, Modified Item, Modification Description, and California Prop 65 Warning. These instance aspects allow the seller to provide more information about product bundles or modified products in a structured way. Depending on the category, there are other instance aspects as well. Note: To specify an item's condition, use the ConditionID field instead of a condition Item Specific. Use GetCategoryFeatures to see which categories support ConditionID and to get a list of valid condition IDs. (If you specify ConditionID and you also specify Condition as a Item Specific, eBay drops the condition Item Specific.) For GetItem: This list is returned only when you specify IncludeItemSpecifics in the request (and the seller included Item Specifics in their listing). To delete all Item Specifics when you revise or relist, specify Item.ItemSpecifics in DeletedField, and don't pass ItemSpecifics in the request. See Item Specifics. |
Item.ItemSpecifics .NameValueList |
NameValueListType | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..45] |
For the AddItem family of calls: Contains the name and value(s) for an Item Specific. Only required when the ItemSpecifics container is specified. For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: The same NameValueList schema is used for the ItemSpecifics node, the VariationSpecifics node, and the VariationSpecifcsSet node. If the listing has variations, any name that you use in the VariationSpecifics and VariationSpecificsSet nodes can't be used in the ItemSpecifics node. When you list with Item Variations:
For PlaceOffer: Required if the item being purchased includes Item Variations. For AddToWatchList and RemoveFromWatchList: The ItemID value of the multiple-variation listing and the name-value pair to identify each variation in the listing are required. Note: As of August 30, 2018, California will require sellers to display a Proposition 65 warning on online retail sites if products contain chemicals and/or substances that may impact the health of California buyers. This requirement is applicable to most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. The warning message can be customized by the seller, but should contain the following basic information:
Item.ItemSpecifics .NameValueList.Name |
string | Optional |
Depending on the call and context, this value is either a name of an Item/Variation Specific, or a Parts Compatibility name. For the AddItem and AddFixedPriceItem families of calls: In the Item.ItemSpecifics context, the value in this field will either be the name of a required/recommended/optional item specific name for the category, or it may be a seller's customized item specific name. For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: In the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this value is a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings. For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing. Note: For required and recommended item specifics that are returned in the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API, the seller should pass in the name of these item specifics just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Similarly, for catalog-enabled categories, the seller should pass in the name of instance aspects just as they are shown in the getItemAspectsForCategory response. Instance aspects are additional details unique to a specific item or listing that a seller can include along with the product aspects that are already defined in the eBay catalog product associated with the listing. Instance aspects common to many catalog-enabled categories include 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. eBay US sellers who ship to California are required to pass in a 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific if the item in the listing contains one or more chemicals known to be harmful to human health. This item specific is passed at the listing level for both single-variation and multiple-variation listings. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' is considered an instance specific because it will be retained on the listing even when the seller lists using an eBay catalog product. The 'California Prop 65 Warning' may be applicable in most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. Note: If Brand and MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) are being used to identify product variations in a multiple-variation listing, the Brand must be specified at the item level (ItemSpecifics container) and the MPN for each product variation must be specified at the variation level (VariationSpecifics container). The Brand name must be the same for all variations within a single listing. Max length: 65. |
Item.ItemSpecifics .NameValueList.Value |
string | Optional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
Depending on the call and context, this value is either the value of an Item/Variation Specific, a Parts Compatibility value, or a product identifier. For the AddItem family of calls: Multiple values can only be specified for an Item Specific if the itemToAspectCardinality field of the getItemAspectsForCategory method shows a value of MULTI . If an item specific only supports a single value, only the first item specific value specified in the request will be used. For the Compatibility.NameValueList context, this is the corresponding value of a motor vehicle aspect such as Year, Make, and Model. A Compatibility.NameValueList container is applicable for motor vehicle parts and accessories listings. For PlaceOffer: Required if the line item being purchased is an item variation within a multiple-variation listing. Note: The standard maximum length for the value of an item specific is 65, but the maximum allowed length increases for instance aspects such as 'Bundle Description' and 'Modification Description'. For item specifics with max lengths greater than 65, the actual max length will be returned in a corresponding aspectMaxLength field. The maximum allowed length for the new 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific is 800 characters. For more information about the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific, see the ItemSpecifics.NameValueList field description. Max length: 65 (but longer for some instance aspects, including 800 for 'California Prop 65 Warning'). |
Item.ListingDetails | ListingDetailsType | Optional |
Various details about a listing, some of which are calculated or derived after the item is listed. These include the start and end time, converted (localized) prices, and certain flags that indicate whether the seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user. For GetMyeBayBuying, returned as a self-closed element if no listings meet the request criteria. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this container is used to set the Best Offer Auto-Accept and Best Offer Auto-Decline threshold values. |
Item.ListingDetails .BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice |
AmountType (double) | Optional |
The price at which Best Offers are automatically accepted. Similar in use to MinimumBestOfferPrice. If a buyer submits a Best Offer that is at or above this value, the offer is automatically accepted by the seller. This applies only to items listed in categories that support the BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice feature. For this setting to have an effect, the Best Offer feature must be enabled for the listing, and only the seller who listed the item will see BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice in a call response. For Revise and Relist calls: If a seller wanted to disable the Best Offer Auto-Accept and/or Best Offer Auto-Reject feature when revising or relisting an item, the full path to one or both of these two corresponding fields would be provided in a DeletedField tag, like the following:
Item.ListingDetails .BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
The price at which Best Offers are automatically accepted. Similar in use to MinimumBestOfferPrice. If a buyer submits a Best Offer that is at or above this value, the offer is automatically accepted by the seller. This applies only to items listed in categories that support the BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice feature. For this setting to have an effect, the Best Offer feature must be enabled for the listing, and only the seller who listed the item will see BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice in a call response. For Revise and Relist calls: If a seller wanted to disable the Best Offer Auto-Accept and/or Best Offer Auto-Reject feature when revising or relisting an item, the full path to one or both of these two corresponding fields would be provided in a DeletedField tag, like the following:
For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.ListingDetails .MinimumBestOfferPrice |
AmountType (double) | Optional |
Specifies the minimum acceptable Best Offer price. If a buyer submits a Best Offer that is below this value, the offer is automatically declined. This applies only to items listed in categories that support the Best Offer auto-decline feature. In order for this setting to have an effect, Best Offer must be enabled for the listing, and this value will only be exposed to the seller who listed the item. For Revise and Relist calls: If a seller wanted to disable the Best Offer auto-accept and/or Best Offer auto-reject feature when revising or relisting an item, the full path to one or both of these two corresponding fields would be provided in a DeletedField tag, like the following: Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024. |
Item.ListingDetails .MinimumBestOfferPrice [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
Specifies the minimum acceptable Best Offer price. If a buyer submits a Best Offer that is below this value, the offer is automatically declined. This applies only to items listed in categories that support the Best Offer auto-decline feature. In order for this setting to have an effect, Best Offer must be enabled for the listing, and this value will only be exposed to the seller who listed the item. For Revise and Relist calls: If a seller wanted to disable the Best Offer auto-accept and/or Best Offer auto-reject feature when revising or relisting an item, the full path to one or both of these two corresponding fields would be provided in a DeletedField tag, like the following: Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.ListingDuration | token | Optional |
Describes the number of days the seller wants the listing to be active (available for bidding/buying). The duration specifies the seller's initial intent at listing time. The end time for a listing is calculated by adding the duration to the item's start time. If the listing ends early, the value of the listing duration does not change. When a listing's duration is changed, any related fees (e.g., 10-day fee) may be debited or credited (as applicable). The valid choice of values depends on the listing format (see Item.ListingType). For a list of valid values, call GetCategoryFeatures with DetailLevel set to ReturnAll and look for ListingDurations information. When you revise a listing, the duration cannot be reduced if it will result in ending the listing within 24 hours of the current date-time. You are only allowed to increase the duration of the listing if fewer than 2 hours have passed since you initially listed the item and the listing has no bids. You can decrease the value of this field only if the listing has no bids (or no items have sold) and the listing does not end within 12 hours. Note: As of April 1, 2019, 'GTC' is the only supported listing duration for all eBay marketplaces with the following exceptions:
GTC is specified in this field, it will be ignored, and GTC will be used instead. Applicable values: See ListingDurationCodeType |
Item.ListingEnhancement | ListingEnhancementsCodeType | Optional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
Describes listing upgrades that sellers can select for a fee, such as the BoldTitle upgrade. You can add a listing upgrade when you revise a listing, but you cannot remove a listing upgrade. When you relist an item, use DeletedField to remove a listing upgrade. Applicable values: |
Item.ListingSubtype2 | ListingSubtypeCodeType | Optional |
Indicates a specific type of lead generation format listing, such as classified ad or local market best offer listing. Only applicable when ListingType = LeadGeneration. Note: ListingSubtype2 replaces the deprecated ListingSubtype field. If both are specified in a request, ListingSubtype2 takes precedence. Applicable values: AdFormatEnabled ) to see which categories support classified ad listings.100 and the FeatureID value set to LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled ) to see which eBay Motors categories support Motors Local Market listings.See:
Item.ListingType | ListingTypeCodeType | Conditional |
The selling format of the eBay listing, such as auction (indicated with Chinese value), fixed-price (indicated with FixedPriceItem value), or classified ad (indicated with AdType value). If this field is not included in an AddItem, AddItems, or VerifyAddItem call, the listing type defaults to auction For AddFixedPriceItem, RelistFixedPriceItem, or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, this field must be included and set to FixedPriceItem , since these calls only work with fixed-price listings. This field is not applicable to Revise calls because the selling format of active listings cannot be changed. Applicable values: Although listing durations may vary by eBay marketplace and category, typical listing durations for real estate ads are 30 and 90 days. It is recommended that the seller uses the GetCategoryFeatures call to retrieve the actual listing durations that are supported for real estate ads on a particular marketplace and category. Although listing durations may vary by eBay marketplace and category, typical listing durations for auctions are 3, 5, 7, and 10 days. It is recommended that the seller uses the GetCategoryFeatures call to retrieve the actual listing durations that are supported for auctions on a particular marketplace and category. Traditionally, listing durations for fixed-prices listings have varied by eBay marketplace and category. Typical listing durations for fixed-price listings ranged from three to 30 days, or GTC (Good 'Til Cancelled). As of April 1, 2019, 'GTC' is the only supported listing duration for all eBay marketplaces with the following exceptions:
With the 'GTC' listing duration, the listing will remain active as long as the listing shows that inventory is available for purchase (available quantity is '1' or more). For sellers listing motor vehicles on the eBay US Motors, eBay UK, or eBay Italy sites, it is recommended that the seller uses the GetCategoryFeatures call to retrieve the supported listing durations for their particular marketplace and category. Note: As long as a fixed-price listing has inventory available, or if the out-of-stock control feature is being used, GTC listings are automatically renewed each month according to the calendar day. AdType enumeration value represents Real Estate classified ads. This listing type is only used to solicit inquiries from interested parties. To express interest, a buyer fills in a contact form that eBay forwards to the seller as a lead. This format does not enable buyers and sellers to transact online through eBay, and eBay Feedback is not available for ad format listings. Non-Real Estate classified ads are only available in a limited number of eBay categories, including Business and Industrial categories, Travel, ans Specialty Services. Although listing durations may vary by eBay marketplace and category, typical listing durations for (non-Real Estate) classified ads are 30, 60, and 90 days. It is recommended that the seller uses the GetCategoryFeatures call to retrieve the actual listing durations that are supported for real estate ads on a particular marketplace and category. (Not all values in ListingTypeCodeType apply to this field.) See Listing types. |
Item.Location | string | Conditional |
Indicates the geographical location of the item (along with the value in the Country field). When you revise a listing, you can add or change this value only if the listing has no bids (or no items have sold) and it does not end within 12 hours. If you do not specify Location, you must specify Item.PostalCode. If you specify a postal code, but do not specify a location, then the location is given a default value derived from the postal code. For the Classified Ad format for motors vehicle listings, the value provided in the Location field is used as item location only if the SellerContactDetails.Street and the SellerContactDetails.Street2 are empty. Else, the SellerContactDetails.Street and the SellerContactDetails.Street2 will be used for item location. Max length: 45. |
Item.LotSize | int | Optional |
A lot is a set of two or more similar items included in a single listing that must be purchased together in a single order line item. The Item.LotSize value is the number of items in the lot. This field is required if two or more items are including in one listing. Lots can be used for auction and fixed-price listings. Lot items can be listed only in lot-enabled categories. Call GetCategories to determine if a category supports lots. If the returned CategoryArray.Category.LSD (LotSize Disabled) value is true , the category does not support lots. Max: 450,000. |
Item.PaymentDetails | PaymentDetailsType | Optional |
This container is used in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call if the seller is selling a motor vehicle. It is used by the seller to specify the amount of the initial deposit, and the due dates for the deposit and the full payment for a motor vehicle listing. Note: If you are using business policies with your listing, the details set up in this container will instead be set up via the payment business policy. Payment business policies are associated with the listing via the SellerProfiles.SellerPaymentProfile container. This container will only be returned in 'Get' calls for motor vehicle listings where an initial deposit is required for that vehicle. |
Item.PaymentDetails .DaysToFullPayment |
int | Optional |
This field is used to set the due date (in days) for the buyer to pay off the full balance of the motor vehicle. The "clock starts" on the full payment due date as soon as the buyer commits to buying the vehicle by clicking the Buy It Now button, by winning the auction, or by the seller accepting that buyer's Best Offer/counteroffer. The three supported values here are 3 , 7 (default), 10 , and 14 days. The seller must specify one or more of the following offline payment methods in the listing. The buyer will be expected to use one of these payment method options to pay the full balance of the motor vehicle.
Min: 3. Max: 14. Default: 7. |
Item.PaymentDetails .DepositAmount |
AmountType (double) | Conditional |
This dollar value indicates the amount of the initial deposit on the vehicle required from the buyer. If the immediate payment requirement is set for the listing (see Item.AutoPay description), and the listing qualifies for immediate payment (e.g. the Buy It Now button is used), the deposit will be required immediately, and the HoursToDeposit field (if set) will not be applicable. If immediate payment is required for a motor vehicle deposit, the value input into this field cannot exceed '500.0', or an error will occur. If there is no immediate payment requirement set for the listing the deposit will be required in 24, 48, or 72 hours after commitment to purchase (see the HoursToDeposit field). If immediate payment is not required for a motor vehicle deposit, the value input into this field cannot exceed '2000.0', or an error will occur. If this field is not included in an Add/Revise call, its value defaults to '0.0', which would technically mean that a deposit is not required, even if the DepositType and HoursToDeposit fields were included. Motor vehicle deposit details will be shown to prospective buyers in the listing. The available payment methods for the deposit will be shown on the checkout page once the buyer clicks the the Buy It Now button. For ReviseItem and related calls: If the listing has no bids, the seller can add or lower a deposit; and they can increase the deposit if the listing doesn't require immediate payment. The seller can also remove the immediate payment option (if any). If the listing has bids, the seller can only lower an existing deposit; but not add or increase a deposit. The seller can't remove immediate payment when a listing with a deposit has bids. Max: 500.0 (if immediate payment required); 2000.0 (if immediate payment not required). |
Item.PaymentDetails .DepositAmount [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
This dollar value indicates the amount of the initial deposit on the vehicle required from the buyer. If the immediate payment requirement is set for the listing (see Item.AutoPay description), and the listing qualifies for immediate payment (e.g. the Buy It Now button is used), the deposit will be required immediately, and the HoursToDeposit field (if set) will not be applicable. If immediate payment is required for a motor vehicle deposit, the value input into this field cannot exceed '500.0', or an error will occur. If there is no immediate payment requirement set for the listing the deposit will be required in 24, 48, or 72 hours after commitment to purchase (see the HoursToDeposit field). If immediate payment is not required for a motor vehicle deposit, the value input into this field cannot exceed '2000.0', or an error will occur. If this field is not included in an Add/Revise call, its value defaults to '0.0', which would technically mean that a deposit is not required, even if the DepositType and HoursToDeposit fields were included. Motor vehicle deposit details will be shown to prospective buyers in the listing. The available payment methods for the deposit will be shown on the checkout page once the buyer clicks the the Buy It Now button. For ReviseItem and related calls: If the listing has no bids, the seller can add or lower a deposit; and they can increase the deposit if the listing doesn't require immediate payment. The seller can also remove the immediate payment option (if any). If the listing has bids, the seller can only lower an existing deposit; but not add or increase a deposit. The seller can't remove immediate payment when a listing with a deposit has bids. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.PaymentDetails .DepositType |
DepositTypeCodeType | Conditional |
In order for a seller to require a motor vehicle deposit from a buyer, this field must be included and set to OtherMethod . Otherwise, the field will default to None and a deposit will not be required.Default: None. Applicable values: This value should be used in an Add/Revise call if the seller is requiring a deposit for a motor vehicle listing. |
Item.PaymentDetails .HoursToDeposit |
int | Optional |
This field is used to set the due date (in hours) for the motor vehicle deposit. The deposit amount is specified in the DepositAmount field. The "clock starts" on the deposit due date as soon as the buyer commits to buying the vehicle by clicking the Buy It Now button, by winning the auction, or by the seller accepting that buyer's Best Offer/counteroffer. The three supported values here are 24 , 48 (default), and 72 hours. Note: If the immediate payment requirement is set for the listing (see Item.AutoPay description), and the listing qualifies for immediate payment (e.g. the Buy It Now button is used), the HoursToDeposit field will not be applicable, since the buyer will be required to pay any deposit amount immediately (and not within 1, 2 or 3 days). Min: 24 (hours). Max: 72 (hours). Default: 48 (hours). |
Item.PaymentMethods | BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
For Add/Revise/Relist calls: A PaymentMethods field is required for each offline payment method supported by the seller for the listing. Note: Sellers no longer have to specify any electronic payment methods for listings, so one or more PaymentMethods fields will only be needed for listings that require/support payments off of eBay's platform. If an electronic payment is supplied in a PaymentMethods field, a warning will be triggered and the payment method will be dropped. Note: If you are already referencing a payments business policy in an Add/Revise/Relist call with the SellerProfiles.SellerPaymentProfile container, no PaymentMethods fields will be needed, as these settings will already be set in the payments business policy. Payment methods are not applicable to any classified ad listings, as any agreement and payment is handled off of the eBay platform. For Get calls that return PaymentMethods fields : One or more PaymentMethods fields will only be returned if the seller set one or more offline payment methods for the listing. Note: This field will stop being returned in order management calls on January 31, 2024. Applicable values: |
Item.PayPalEmailAddress | string | Conditional | This field is no longer applicable, and should not be used. |
Item.PickupInStoreDetails | PickupInStoreDetailsType | Optional |
This container is used in Add/Revise/Relist/Verify listing calls by the seller to enable a listing with the 'In-Store Pickup' feature. The 'In-Store Pickup' feature is only available to a limited number of large retail merchants in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, and Australia marketplaces. This container is returned in the 'Get' calls if the listing is enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature. |
Item.PickupInStoreDetails .EligibleForPickupInStore |
boolean | Conditional |
For Add/Revise/Relist/Verify calls: this field is included to enable the listing for In-Store Pickup. To enable the listing for In-Store Pickup, the seller includes this boolean field and sets its value to true . In-Store Pickup as a fulfillment method is only available to a limited number of large retail merchants in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, and Australia marketplaces. The In-Store Pickup feature can only be applied to multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings. In addition to setting the EligibleForPickupInStore boolean field to true , the merchant must also perform the following actions in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to enable the In-Store Pickup option on a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing:
This field is returned in the 'Get' calls if the listing is enabled with the In-Store Pickup feature. Default: false. |
Item.PictureDetails | PictureDetailsType | Conditional |
This container consists of the data associated with photos within the listing. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors). These photos can be hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS), or the seller can host pictures on a non-eBay server. If pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol. It is required that all listings have at least one picture. |
Item.PictureDetails .GalleryType |
GalleryTypeCodeType | Conditional |
This field is used to specify the type of picture gallery to use for the listing. If this field is omitted, a standard picture gallery is used for the listing. There is no listing fee for a standard picture gallery. To use the Gallery Plus feature, you must include this field and set its value to Plus . The Gallery image will be the first URL passed into the first PictureURL field, so if you want a specific picture to be the Gallery image, you should make sure you pass the URL for this picture in the first PictureURL field. When revising a listing, if you disable the Gallery Plus feature by including the GalleryType field and setting its value to Gallery , the original feature fee for this feature will not be credited to the seller. Default: Gallery. Applicable values: All images must comply to the Picture Requirements. When Plus is selected in a request that specifies at least two images (using ItemType.PictureDetailsType.PictureURL), the Gallery Plus feature automatically includes a Gallery Showcase of all the listing's images. The Gallery Showcase displays when hovering over or clicking on the listing's Gallery Plus icon in the search results. The Showcase window displays a large (400px x 400px) preview image which is first image specified PictureURL, as well as up to 11 (64 px x 64 px) selectable thumbnails for the remaining EPS images. Clicking on the preview image displays the item's listing page. If Plus is selected and the request includes only one EPS image or any self-hosted images, the listing includes a Gallery Plus icon that, when hovered over or clicked, displays a large (400px x 400px) preview image of the item. Clicking the image displays the View Item page for that listing. When using RelistItem or ReviseItem (item has no bids and more than 12 hours before the listing's end), Plus can be unselected in the request. However, the Plus fee will still apply if a previous request selected Plus. There is at most one Plus fee per listing. When "Plus" is included in an item listing, the listing also automatically gets the Gallery functionality at no extra cost. "Gallery" does not need to be specified separately in the listing. Listing images that are originally smaller than 400px x 400px are centered in the preview frame. Images that are originally larger than 400px x 400px are scaled down to 400px on their longest side (maintaining their original aspect ratio). |
Item.PictureDetails.PictureURL | anyURI | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
Contains the URL for a picture of the item. The URL can be from the eBay Picture Services (images previously uploaded) or from a server outside of eBay (self-hosted). You can pass in up to 24 picture URLs for each listing, but you cannot mix self-hosted and EPS-hosted URLs in the same listing. The UploadSiteHostedPictures call can be used to upload pictures to EPS. Note that if pictures are externally-hosted, they must be hosted on a site that is using the 'https' protocol. URLs using the 'http' protocol will not be allowed. Sellers can have up to 24 pictures in almost any category at no cost. Motor vehicle listings are an exception. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors). Note: If a URL contains spaces, those spaces can be replaced with %20 . For example, image.jpg must be submitted as to replace the space in the image file name. However, a semicolon character (;) cannot be replaced with %20 , so a semicolon cannot be a part of the URL, as an error will occur. The Gallery image will be the first PictureURL in the array of PictureURL fields. Note: All images, whether they are hosted by EPS or self-hosted, must comply with eBay picture requirements, including the requirement that all images must be at least 500 pixels on its longest side. If the image does not satisfy the 500 pixels requirement, the listing may be blocked. For more information about other requirements and tips for adding pictures to listings, see the Adding pictures to your listings help page. To specify multiple pictures, send each URL in a separate, PictureDetails.PictureURL element. The first URL passed in defaults to be the 'gallery image', and will be the first picture that is shown when a user lands on the View Item page. If a listing uses a single, self-hosted picture (except in the case of a multiple-variation listing), the picture will be copied to eBay Picture Services (EPS) and the PictureDetails.PictureURL value returned by GetItem will be an EPS URL. For VerifyAddItem only: You must include a picture even when using VerifyAddItem. If you don't have a image file, you can use the following fake eBay Picture Services URL ( with this call. For ReviseItem and RelistItem only: To remove a picture when revising or relisting an item, specify PictureDetails with all the pictures that you want the listing to include. That is, you need to completely replace the original set of URLs with the revised set. You cannot remove all the PictureURL fields from a listing because each listing requires at least one picture. Remember: The 'gallery image' will be the first PictureURL in the array of PictureURL fields. So, if the first image passed in when relisting/revising is different from when the listing was created, the 'gallery image' will be changed. Note: For some large merchants, there are no limitations on when pictures can be added or removed from a fixed-price listing, even when the listing has had transactions or is set to end within 12 hours. Max length: 500. See Add pictures. |
Item.PostalCode | string | Conditional |
Postal code of the place where the item is located. This value is used for proximity searches. To remove this value when revising or relisting an item, use DeletedField. If you do not specify PostalCode, you must specify Item.Location. If you specify PostalCode, but do not specify Item.Location, then Item.Location is given a default value derived from the postal code. Note: As of late January 2020, the displayed postal code returned in GetItem is now masked to all users except for the seller of the item. Different countries will mask postal/zip codes in slightly different ways, but an example would be 951** .
Item.PrimaryCategory | CategoryType | Optional |
This container is used in an Add/Revise/Relist call to set the primary listing category. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, listing category, and stock photo defined in the catalog product is used to create the listing. Once you determine the appropriate eBay category for your product, and want to know which listing features it supports, you can use the GetCategoryFeatures call. To discover required, recommended, and optional Item Specifics for a category, use the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API. If you do use an eBay catalog product, it is advised that you do not include this field, as any primary category ID you specify in this field may get dropped if this category is different than the primary category defined in the eBay catalog product. For ReviseItem only: When revising a listing, you can change the primary category only if an auction listing has no bids or a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing has no sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours. If you change the listing category, any Item Specifics that were previously specified may be dropped from the listing if they aren't valid for the new category. When you list an event ticket on the US site, you must specify one of the leaf categories under the Tickets & Experiences meta category. |
Item.PrimaryCategory .CategoryID |
string | Conditional |
This string value is the unique identifier of an eBay category. In GetItem and related calls, see the CategoryName field for the text name of the category. The parent category of this eBay category is only shown in GetCategories. Note: When listing in categoryID 173651 (Auto Performance Tuning Devices & Software), use of catalog products is required. For more information, see Tuning devices and software. In an Add call, the PrimaryCategory.CategoryID is conditionally required unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, item specifics, listing category, and stock photo defined in the catalog product is used to create the listing. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, the SecondaryCategory.CategoryID is conditionally required if a Secondary Category is used. Using a Secondary Category can incur a listing fee. For ReviseItem only: Previously, removing the listing from a secondary category was only possible within 12 hours of the listing's scheduled end time when an auction listing had no active bids or a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing had no items sold, but this restriction no longer exists. Now, the secondary category can be dropped for any active listing at any time, regardless of whether an auction listing has bids or a fixed-price listing has sales. To drop a secondary category, the seller passes in a value of 0 in the SecondaryCategory.CategoryID field. Max length: 10. |
Item.PrivateListing | boolean | Optional |
A true value in this field indicates that the listing is private. Sellers may want to use this option when they believe that a listing's potential bidders/buyers would not want their obfuscated user IDs (and feedback scores) exposed to other users. For ReviseItem/ReviseFixedPriceItem: The seller will not be able change this setting if the listing has any pending bids, any pending best offers, previous sales (for multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing), or if the listing will end within 12 hours. Default: false. |
Item.PrivateNotes | string | Optional |
A note that a user makes on an item from their My eBay account. GetMyeBayBuying and GetMyeBaySelling return this field, and only if you pass in the IncludeNotes field in the request, and set its value to true. This field will only be returned if set for an item, and only returned to the user who created the note. Not supported as input in ReviseItem. Use SetUserNotes instead. For GetMyeBayBuying In WatchList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID (if no purchases) or ItemID and VariationSpecifics (if there are purchases) in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site). In WonList, notes for variations are only returned at the Item level, not the variation level. They are only set if you specified ItemID and TransactionID in SetUserNotes (or selected the equivalent in the My eBay UI on the site). |
Item.ProductListingDetails | ProductListingDetailsType | Conditional |
This container is used to provide one or more product identifiers for a product, and if desired by the seller, eBay will use the identifier(s) of the product to try to match it to a defined product in the eBay catalog. If a seller's product is matched to an eBay catalog product, the product details associated with that catalog product will be prefilled for the listing. Product details defined for a catalog product include the product title, product description, product aspects, and stock image(s) of the product (if available). In some eBay categories, one or more product identifier types (e.g. UPC or ISBN) may be required, but the category may not have any eBay catalog products defined, or the category does not allow listings to be created using a catalog product. Note that the GetCategoryFeatures call can be used to retrieve supported/required product identifier types. Note: If a product identifier type is required, the corresponding field must be used, even if the seller is not interested in finding an eBay catalog product match. A large percentage of eBay US categories require one or more product identifier types when listing an item. See the Structured Data - Product Identifiers help page for more information on which eBay US categories require which product identifier types. If known, an ePID (specified through the ProductReferenceID field) is always the best bet to find an eBay catalog product match, although an EAN, ISBN, UPC, or Brand/MPN pair can also be used in an attempt to find a catalog product match. If a Brand/MPN pair is required for the product, these values must be input through the BrandMPN container. When you use ProductListingDetails, in an Add/Revise/Relist call, you must specify at least one GTIN, a ProductReferenceID (also known as an ePID), or a Brand/MPN pair. If you specify more than one GTIN value, eBay uses the first one that matches a product in eBay's catalog. For ReviseItem and RelistItem only: When you revise a listing, if it has bids or it ends within 12 hours, you cannot change the product identifier and you cannot remove existing product listing details data. However, you can change or add preferences such as IncludeStockPhotoURL, UseStockPhotoURLAsGallery, and IncludePrefilledItemInformation. To delete all catalog data when you revise or relist an item, specify Item.ProductListingDetails in DeletedField and don't pass ProductListingDetails in the request. |
Item.ProductListingDetails .BrandMPN |
BrandMPNType | Conditional |
This container is used if the seller wants to, or is required to identify a product using an Brand/Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) pair. The seller can use the GetCategoryFeatures call to see if a Brand/MPN pair is supported/required for a category. Both the Brand and MPN fields are required if the category/product requires an MPN value. If the IncludeeBayProductDetails field is omitted or included and set to true , eBay will use the Brand/MPN pair to try and find a matching eBay catalog product. If a match is found, the listing will pick up the product details of the catalog product, including the product title, product description, item specifics, and stock photo. If the seller is passing in an ePID through the ProductReferenceID field, this field is not needed, as all product identifiers associated with the catalog product will get picked up automatically by the listing if a matching catalog product is found. This container is only applicable for single-variation listings. For multiple-variation listings, if the category requires Brand/MPN pairs, the product brand (shared by all variations in this listing) is passed in through the item-level item specifics (Item.ItemSpecifics.NameValueList), and the MPN value for each variation in the listing is passed in through the variation-level item specifics (Variation.VariationSpecifics.NameValueList). Note: If the listing is being posted to a category that requires or recommends a Brand and MPN value, the Brand and MPN values for the product should always be passed in through separate ItemSpecifics.NameValueList containers since the Brand and MPN values passed in through the ProductListingDetails.BrandMPN will not get picked up by the generated/revised listing unless the the Brand/MPN pair is successfully matched to an eBay catalog product. If an MPN doesn't exist for a product, or the seller does not have it available, the seller must pass in the text that can be found in the ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field of the GeteBayDetails response. To get the ProductDetails container to return in the GeteBayDetails response, ProductDetails should be included as a DetailName value in the call request. |
Item.ProductListingDetails .BrandMPN.Brand |
string | Conditional |
The brand of the product. Both Brand and MPN should be specified if the BrandMPN container is used, or an error may occur. If Brand is a required or recommended item specific for a category, but an MPN is not applicable to the category/product, the Brand value should be specified in an Item.ItemSpecifics.NameValueList container instead. Note: The BrandMPN container is not applicable for multiple-variation listings. For multiple-variation listings that use MPNs, the Brand value should be specified through an ItemSpecifics.NameValueList container, and the Manufacturer Part Numbers (MPNs) for each product variation should be specified through a VariationSpecifics.NameValueList container. Max length: 65. |
Item.ProductListingDetails .BrandMPN.MPN |
string | Conditional |
The manufacturer part number of the product. Use the value specified by the manufacturer. Both Brand and MPN must be specified if the BrandMPN container is used or an error may occur. If the listing is being posted to a category that expects an MPN value, but one doesn't exist for the product, the seller must pass in the text that can be found in the ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field of the GeteBayDetails response. To get the ProductDetails container to return in the GeteBayDetails response, ProductDetails should be included as a DetailName value in the call request. Note: The BrandMPN container is not applicable for multiple-variation listings. For multiple-variation listings that use MPNs, the Brand value should be specified through an ItemSpecifics.NameValueList container, and the Manufacturer Part Numbers (MPNs) for each product variation should be specified through a VariationSpecifics.NameValueList container. Max length: 65. |
Item.ProductListingDetails.EAN | string | Conditional |
This field is used if the seller wants to, or is required to identify a product using an EAN (European Article Number) value. An EAN is a unique 8 or 13-digit identifier that many industries (such as book publishers) use to identify products. The seller can use the GetCategoryFeatures call to see if an EAN is supported/required for a category. Note: The EAN (and EAN values) are typically only applicable to European products listed on European eBay marketplaces. If a US seller is selling a US-based product (with a UPC value) on a European site (such as eBay UK), instead of using the UPC field, the seller will use the EAN field to pass in the UPC value. If the IncludeeBayProductDetails field is omitted or included and set to true , eBay will use the EAN value passed into this field to try and find a matching eBay catalog product. If a match is found, the listing will pick up the product details of the catalog product, including the product title, product description, item specifics, and stock photo. If the seller is passing in an ePID through the ProductReferenceID field, this field is not needed, as all product identifiers will get picked up automatically by the listing if a matching catalog product is found. This field is only applicable for single-variation listings. For multiple-variation listings, if the category/product requires an EAN value, this value should be passed into the Variation.VariationProductListingDetails.EAN field instead. Note: If the listing is being posted to a category that expects an EAN value, but one doesn't exist for the product, the seller must pass in the text that can be found in the ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field of the GeteBayDetails response. To get the ProductDetails container to return in the GeteBayDetails response, ProductDetails should be included as a DetailName value in the call request.
Item.ProductListingDetails .IncludeeBayProductDetails |
boolean | Optional |
This boolean field controls whether or not an eBay catalog product is used to create or revise a listing. If an ePID or GTIN value is provided through the ProductListingDetails container when adding, revising, or relisting an item, the default behavior is for eBay to try and find a match for the product in the eBay catalog, and then automatically create/revise the listing using the product title, product description, item specifics, and stock photo defined for the catalog product. If the seller wants to use an eBay catalog product to create/revise a listing, the seller can include this field and set its value to true , or just omit this field, as its default value is true . If a seller doesn't want use an eBay catalog product to create/revise their listing, this field should be included and set to false . If the seller declines to use an eBay catalog product, they will be required to pass in their own listing title, listing description, item specifics, a listing category, and at least one picture. Default: true. |
Item.ProductListingDetails .IncludeStockPhotoURL |
boolean | Optional |
If this value is true , the listing will use the eBay catalog product's stock photo. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this field is set to true by default. If you will be using an eBay catalog product to list your item, it is always advised to include the stock photo. Sellers can also add their own pictures using one or more Item.PictureDetails.PictureURL fields. Seller photos are particularly recommended for used and modified products to give prospective buyers a clear sense of exactly what they are purchasing. In GetItem and other 'Get' calls, the URL of the stock photo will be returned in the StockPhotoURL field. Default: true. |
Item.ProductListingDetails .ISBN |
string | Conditional |
This field is used if the seller wants to, or is required to identify a product using an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) value. An ISBN is a unique identifer for books. Both 10 and 13-character ISBNs are supported. When specifying a 13-character ISBN, the value must begin with either '978' or '979'. The seller can use the GetCategoryFeatures call to see if an ISBN is supported/required for a category. If the IncludeeBayProductDetails field is omitted or included and set to true , eBay will use the ISBN value passed into this field to try and find a matching eBay catalog product. If a match is found, the listing will pick up the product details of the catalog product, including the product title, product description, item specifics, and stock photo. If the seller is passing in an ePID through the ProductReferenceID field, this field is not needed, as all product identifiers will get picked up automatically by the listing if a matching catalog product is found. This field is only applicable for single-variation listings. For multiple-variation listings, if the category/product requires an ISBN value, this value should be passed into the Variation.VariationProductListingDetails.ISBN field instead. Note: If the listing is being posted to a category that expects an ISBN value, but one doesn't exist for the product, the seller must pass in the text that can be found in the ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field of the GeteBayDetails response. To get the ProductDetails container to return in the GeteBayDetails response, ProductDetails should be included as a DetailName value in the call request.
Item.ProductListingDetails .ProductReferenceID |
string | Conditional |
In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this field is used to pass in the eBay Product ID (e.g. ePID), which is the unique identifier of an eBay catalog product. Although an eBay catalog product match can be found using one or more GTIN values, passing in an ePID value is the best way to try and discover the appropriate eBay catalog product. This field is also returned in GetItem if the listing is associated with a eBay catalog product. Max length: 38 (42 with "EPID"). |
Item.ProductListingDetails .ReturnSearchResultOnDuplicates |
boolean | Optional |
If the seller attempts to use ProductListingDetails in an Add/Revise/Relist call to find an eBay catalog product match, and multiple matches are found, the call will actually fail. This field can be included and set to true if the seller wants to see the eBay catalog products that were found through error messages in the call response. This flag will not have an effect if only one catalog product matchi is found, or if the UseFirstProduct field is used and set to true and a catalog product is found to create/revise the listing. If this field is omitted or set to false , and multiple catalog products are found, the call will fail and no information about the matching catalog products will be returned. Default: false. |
Item.ProductListingDetails.UPC | string | Conditional |
This field is used if the seller wants to, or is required to identify a product using a UPC (Universal Product Code) value. A UPC is a commonly used identifer for many different products. The seller can use the GetCategoryFeatures call to see if a UPC is supported/required for a category. Note: The UPC (and UPC values) are typically only applicable to US products listed on US eBay marketplace. If a European seller is selling a European-based product (with an EAN value) on the US site, instead of using the EAN field, the seller will use the UPC field to pass in the EAN value. If the IncludeeBayProductDetails field is omitted or included and set to true , eBay will use the UPC value passed into this field to try and find a matching eBay catalog product. If a match is found, the listing will pick up the product details of the catalog product, including the product title, product description, item specifics, and stock photo. If the seller is passing in an ePID through the ProductReferenceID field, this field is not needed, as all product identifiers will get picked up automatically by the listing if a matching catalog product is found. This field is only applicable for single-variation listings. For multiple-variation listings, if the category/product requires a UPC value, this value should be passed into the Variation.VariationProductListingDetails.UPC field instead. Note: If the listing is being posted to a category that expects a UPC value, but one doesn't exist for the product, the seller must pass in the text that can be found in the ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field of the GeteBayDetails response. To get the ProductDetails container to return in the GeteBayDetails response, ProductDetails should be included as a DetailName value in the call request.
Item.ProductListingDetails .UseFirstProduct |
boolean | Optional |
This field can be included and set to true if the seller wants to use the first eBay catalog product that is found to create/revise the listing. eBay will search for an eBay catalog product match if the seller provides an ePID or one or more GTIN values. If this field is omitted, or included and set to false , the call will fail if more than one eBay catalog product is found. Default: false. |
Item.ProductListingDetails .UseStockPhotoURLAsGallery |
boolean | Optional |
If this value is true , the listing will use the eBay catalog product's stock photo as the Gallery thumbnail photo. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this field is set to true by default. If this field is set to true , the IncludeStockPhotoURL field must also be set to true or this field will have no effect. Sellers can also add their own pictures using one or more Item.PictureDetails.PictureURL fields, but none of these photos will be the Gallery thumbnail photo. Default: true. |
Item.Quantity | int | Conditional |
For AddItem family of calls: The Quantity value for auction listings must always be 1 . For a fixed-price listing, the Quantity value indicates the number of identical items the seller has available for sale in the listing. If this field is not included when creating a new fixed-price listing, quantity defaults to '1'. If variations are specified in AddFixedPriceItem or VerifyAddFixedPriceItem, the Item.Quantity is not required since the quantity of variations is specified in Variation.Quantity instead. See the Creating a listing with variations eBay Help page for more information on variations. For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem: This value can only be changed for a fixed-price listing with no variations. The quantity of variations is controlled in the Variation.Quantity field and the Item.Quantity value for an auction listing should always be 1 . For RelistItem and RelistFixedPriceItem: Like most fields, when you use RelistItem or RelistFixedPriceItem, Quantity retains its original value unless you specifically change it. This means that the item is relisted with the value that was already in Quantity, not with the remaining quantity available. For example, if the original Quantity value was 10 , and three items have been sold, eBay sets the relisted item's Quantity to 10 by default, and not 7 . So, we strongly recommend that you always set Quantity to the correct value (your actual quantity available) in your relist requests.When eBay auto-renews a GTC listing (ListingDuration = GTC) on your behalf, eBay relists with correct quantity available. For GetSellerEvents: Quantity is only returned for listings where item quantity is greater than 1. For GetItem and related calls: This is the total of the number of items available for sale plus the quantity already sold. To determine the number of items available, subtract SellingStatus.QuantitySold from this value. For order line item calls with variations: In GetItemTransactions, Item.Quantity is the same as GetItem (the total quantity across all variations). In GetSellerTransactions, Transaction.Item.Quantity is the total quantity of the applicable variation (quantity available plus quantity sold). Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits. Default: 1. |
Item .QuantityRestrictionPerBuyer |
QuantityRestrictionPerBuyerInfoType | Optional |
This container is used by the seller to restrict the quantity of items that may be purchased by one buyer during the duration of a fixed-price listing (single or multi-variation). This is an optional container that can be used with an Add, Revise, or Relist call. This container is not applicable to auction listings. |
Item .QuantityRestrictionPerBuyer .MaximumQuantity |
int | Conditional |
This integer value indicates the maximum quantity of items that a single buyer may purchase during the duration of a fixed-price listing (single or multi-variation). The buyer is blocked from the purchase if that buyer is attempting to purchase a quantity of items that will exceed this value. Previous purchases made by the buyer are taken into account. For example, if MaximumQuantity is set to '5' for an item listing, and Buyer1 purchases a quantity of three, Buyer1 is only allowed to purchase an additional quantity of two in subsequent orders on the same item listing. This field is required if the QuantityRestrictionPerBuyer container is used. Min: 1. |
Item.Regulatory | RegulatoryType | Optional | This container is used by the seller to provide Energy Efficiency Label information, hazardous material related information, product safety related information, manufacturer information, and the repair score for the listing. |
Item.Regulatory.Documents | DocumentsType | Optional |
This container provides a collection of regulatory documents associated with the listing. For Revise and Relist calls: For information on removing one or more files using a Revise/Relist call, see Remove documents from listings. Note: As a part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory document information in their eBay listings. For more information on GPSR, see General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). |
Item.Regulatory.Documents .Document |
DocumentType | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
A regulatory document associated with the listing. Regulatory documents can be created and uploaded using the createDocument method of the Media API. A variety of document types can be provided for regulatory compliance. For a list of supported document types, see DocumentTypeEnum. |
Item.Regulatory.Documents .Document.DocumentID |
string | Conditional |
The unique identifier of a regulatory document associated with the listing. This value can be found in the response of the createDocument method of the Media API. |
Item.Regulatory .EnergyEfficiencyLabel |
EnergyEfficiencyType | Optional |
This container provides information about the energy efficiency for certain durable goods. Note: As a part of Digital Services Act (DSA) requirements, all sellers who list products in Germany (DE) must provide Energy Efficiency Label information and Product Information Sheets for listings for certain durable goods. Note: Sellers in the EU and UK can use this container to provide European energy efficiency (EEK) information for listings in the Tyres and Appliance categories. If no EEK information is specified through this container, it will be retrieved through a third party vendor. For more information, see Energy efficiency information. Note: Energy efficiency information is not required for all categories. Use the getRegulatoryPolicies method of the Metadata API to return metadata on the eBay categories that recommend or require energy efficiency-related fields. |
Item.Regulatory .EnergyEfficiencyLabel .ImageDescription |
string | Conditional |
A brief verbal summary of the information included on the Energy Efficiency Label for an item. For example, On a scale of A to G the rating is E. As with all strings, you need to escape reserved characters such as ampersand. This field is required if an Energy Efficiency Label is provided. Max length: 280. |
Item.Regulatory .EnergyEfficiencyLabel .ImageURL |
anyURI | Conditional | The URL to the Energy Efficiency Label image that is applicable to an item. This field is required if an Energy Efficiency Label is provided. The URL provided must be an eBay Picture Services (EPS) URL only. You can upload pictures to eBay Picture Services via the UploadSiteHostedPictures call. |
Item.Regulatory .EnergyEfficiencyLabel .ProductInformationsheet |
anyURI | Conditional | The URL to the Product Information Sheet that provides complete manufacturer-provided efficiency information about an item. This field is required if an Energy Efficiency Label is provided. The URL provided must be an eBay Picture Services (EPS) URL only. You can upload pictures to eBay Picture Services via the UploadSiteHostedPictures call. |
Item.Regulatory.Hazmat | HazmatType | Optional |
This container is used by the seller to provide hazardous material information for the listing. Only the Statements element is required to complete the Hazmat section of a listing. The Pictograms, SignalWord, and Component elements are optional. For more information, see Specifying hazardous material related information. Note: Hazmat information is not required for all categories. Use the getRegulatoryPolicies method of the Metadata API to return metadata on the eBay categories that recommend or require Hazmat-related fields. |
Item.Regulatory.Hazmat .Component |
string | Optional |
This field is used by the seller to provide component information for the listing. For example, component information can provide the specific material of Hazmat concern. Max length: 120. |
Item.Regulatory.Hazmat .Pictograms |
PictogramsType | Optional | This container is used by the seller to provide pictograms for the listing. |
Item.Regulatory.Hazmat .Pictograms.Pictogram |
string | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..4] |
This field sets the pictogram code(s) for Hazard and product safety Pictogram(s) for the listing. If your product contains hazardous substances or mixtures, please select the values corresponding to the hazard pictograms that are stated on your product's Safety Data Sheet. The selected hazard information will be displayed on your listing. If your product shows universal product safety or compliance symbols, please select the values corresponding to the product safety pictograms for display in the product safety section of the listing. The seller specifies the identifier of each pictogram in this field. A separate Pictogram field is required for each Hazard or product safety pictogram. Note: For Hazard pictograms, use the getHazardousMaterialsLabels method in the Metadata API to find supported values for a specific marketplace/site. For sample values, see Pictogram sample values. For product safety pictograms, use the getProductSafetyLabels method in the Metadata API to find supported values for a specific marketplace/site. |
Item.Regulatory.Hazmat .SignalWord |
string | Optional |
This field sets the signal word for hazardous materials in the listing. If your product contains hazardous substances or mixtures, please select a value corresponding to the signal word that is stated on your product's Safety Data Sheet. The selected hazard information will be displayed on your listing. Example values include:
Item.Regulatory.Hazmat .Statements |
StatementsType | Conditional | This container is used by the seller to provide hazard statements for the listing. This field is required if hazmat information is supplied. |
Item.Regulatory.Hazmat .Statements.Statement |
string | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..8] |
This field sets the statement code(s) for hazard or product safety statement(s) for the listing. If your product contains hazardous substances or mixtures, please select the values corresponding to the hazard statements that are stated on your product's Safety Data Sheet. The selected hazard information will be displayed on your listing. If your product shows universal product safety or compliance warnings, please select the values corresponding to the product safety statements for display in the product safety section of the listing. A separate Statement field is required for each hazard or product safety statement. The seller specifies the identifier of each statement in this field. Note: For hazmat statements, use the getHazardousMaterialsLabels method in the Metadata API to find supported values for a specific marketplace/site. For sample values, see Hazard statement sample values. For product safety statements, use the getProductSafetyLabels method in the Metadata API to find supported values for a specific marketplace/site. |
Item.Regulatory.Manufacturer | ManufacturerType | Optional |
This container provides information about the manufacturer of the item. For Revise and Relist calls: To delete all manufacturer information when you revise or relist, specify Item.Regulatory.Manufacturer in DeletedField, and don't pass Manufacturer in the request. Note: As a part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide product manufacturer information in their eBay listings. Manufacturer information is not required for all categories. Use the getRegulatoryPolicies method of the Metadata API to return metadata on the eBay categories that recommend or require manufacturer-related fields. For more information on GPSR, see General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). |
Item.Regulatory.Manufacturer .CityName |
string | Conditional |
The city of the product manufacturer's street address. Max length: 64 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory.Manufacturer .CompanyName |
string | Conditional |
The company name of the product manufacturer. Max length: 100 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory.Manufacturer .Country |
CountryCodeType | Conditional |
The two letter ISO 3166-1 standard abbreviation of the country of the product manufacturer's address.
Applicable values: See Country. |
Item.Regulatory.Manufacturer |
string | Conditional |
The product manufacturer's business email address. Max length: 180 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory.Manufacturer .Phone |
string | Conditional |
The product manufacturer's business phone number. Max length: 64 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory.Manufacturer .PostalCode |
string | Conditional |
The postal code of the product manufacturer's street address. Max length: 9 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory.Manufacturer .StateOrProvince |
string | Conditional |
The state or province of the product manufacturer's street address. Max length: 64 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory.Manufacturer .Street1 |
string | Conditional |
The first line of the product manufacturer's street address. Max length: 180 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory.Manufacturer .Street2 |
string | Optional |
The second line of the product manufacturer's street address. This field is not always used, but can be used for secondary address information such as 'Suite Number' or 'Apt Number'. Max length: 180 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory.ProductSafety | ProductSafetyType | Optional |
This container is used to provide product safety information for the listing. One of the following elements is required to complete the product safety section for a listing: Pictograms or Statements. The Component element is optional. For Revise and Relist calls: To delete all product safety information when you revise or relist, specify Item.Regulatory.ProductSafety in DeletedField, and don't pass ProductSafety in the request. Note: As a part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide product manufacturer information in their eBay listings. Product safety information is not required for all categories. Use the getRegulatoryPolicies method of the Metadata API to return metadata on the eBay categories that recommend or require product safety-related fields. For more information on GPSR, see General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). |
Item.Regulatory.ProductSafety .Component |
string | Optional |
This field is used by the seller to provide product safety component information for the listing. For example, component information can include specific warnings related to product safety, such as 'Tipping hazard'. This field is optional for Product Safety. Note: Component information can only be specified if used with the Pictograms and/or Statements field; if the component is provided without one or both of these fields, an error will occur. Max length: 50 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory.ProductSafety .Pictograms |
PictogramsType | Conditional |
This container is used by the seller to provide product safety pictograms for the listing. This field is conditionally required if product safety information is supplied. Note: When supplying product safety information, one of the following elements is required: Pictograms or Statements. Both elements can be included on a listing, but only one is required. A maximum of 2 pictograms are allowed for product safety. |
Item.Regulatory.ProductSafety .Pictograms.Pictogram |
string | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..4] |
This field sets the pictogram code(s) for Hazard and product safety Pictogram(s) for the listing. If your product contains hazardous substances or mixtures, please select the values corresponding to the hazard pictograms that are stated on your product's Safety Data Sheet. The selected hazard information will be displayed on your listing. If your product shows universal product safety or compliance symbols, please select the values corresponding to the product safety pictograms for display in the product safety section of the listing. The seller specifies the identifier of each pictogram in this field. A separate Pictogram field is required for each Hazard or product safety pictogram. Note: For Hazard pictograms, use the getHazardousMaterialsLabels method in the Metadata API to find supported values for a specific marketplace/site. For sample values, see Pictogram sample values. For product safety pictograms, use the getProductSafetyLabels method in the Metadata API to find supported values for a specific marketplace/site. |
Item.Regulatory.ProductSafety .Statements |
StatementsType | Conditional |
This container is used by the seller to provide product safety statements for the listing. This field is conditionally required if product safety information is supplied. Note: When supplying product safety information, one of the following elements is required: Pictograms or Statements. Both elements can be included on a listing, but only one is required. A maximum of 8 statements are allowed for product safety. |
Item.Regulatory.ProductSafety .Statements.Statement |
string | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..8] |
This field sets the statement code(s) for hazard or product safety statement(s) for the listing. If your product contains hazardous substances or mixtures, please select the values corresponding to the hazard statements that are stated on your product's Safety Data Sheet. The selected hazard information will be displayed on your listing. If your product shows universal product safety or compliance warnings, please select the values corresponding to the product safety statements for display in the product safety section of the listing. A separate Statement field is required for each hazard or product safety statement. The seller specifies the identifier of each statement in this field. Note: For hazmat statements, use the getHazardousMaterialsLabels method in the Metadata API to find supported values for a specific marketplace/site. For sample values, see Hazard statement sample values. For product safety statements, use the getProductSafetyLabels method in the Metadata API to find supported values for a specific marketplace/site. |
Item.Regulatory.RepairScore | double | Conditional |
This field represents the repair index for the listing. The repair index identifies the manufacturer's repair score for a product (how easy is it to repair the product). This field is a floating point value between 0 and 10 but may only have one digit beyond the decimal point, for example: 7.9 Note: 0 should not be used as a default value, as it implies that the product is not repairable.
Item.Regulatory .ResponsiblePersons |
ResponsiblePersonsType | Optional |
This container provides information about the EU-based Responsible Persons or entities associated with the listing. For Revise and Relist calls: To delete all Responsible Persons information when you revise or relist, specify Item.Regulatory.ResponsiblePersons in DeletedField, and don't pass ResponsiblePersons in the request. Note: As a part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide Responsible Persons information in their eBay listings if the manufacture is not based in the EU. For more information on GPSR, see General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). |
Item.Regulatory .ResponsiblePersons .ResponsiblePerson |
ResponsiblePersonType | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
This container consists of the detailed contact information for each Responsible Person or entity associated with the listing. A maximum of 5 EU Responsible Persons are supported. |
Item.Regulatory .ResponsiblePersons .ResponsiblePerson.CityName |
string | Conditional |
The city of the Responsible Person's street address. Max length: 64 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory .ResponsiblePersons .ResponsiblePerson.CompanyName |
string | Conditional |
The name of the the Responsible Person or entity. Max length: 100 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory .ResponsiblePersons .ResponsiblePerson.Country |
CountryCodeType | Conditional |
The two letter ISO 3166-1 standard abbreviation of the country of the Responsible Person's address.
Applicable values: See Country. |
Item.Regulatory .ResponsiblePersons .ResponsiblePerson.Email |
string | Conditional |
The Responsible Person's email address. Max length: 180 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory .ResponsiblePersons .ResponsiblePerson.Phone |
string | Conditional |
The Responsible Person's business phone number. Max length: 64 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory .ResponsiblePersons .ResponsiblePerson.PostalCode |
string | Conditional |
The postal code of the Responsible Person's street address. Max length: 9 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory .ResponsiblePersons .ResponsiblePerson .StateOrProvince |
string | Conditional |
The state of province of the Responsible Person's street address. Max length: 64 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory .ResponsiblePersons .ResponsiblePerson.Street1 |
string | Conditional |
The first line of the responsible Responsible Person's address. Max length: 180 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory .ResponsiblePersons .ResponsiblePerson.Street2 |
string | Optional |
The second line of the Responsible Person's address. This field is not always used, but can be used for secondary address information such as 'Suite Number' or 'Apt Number'. Max length: 180 characters for this field. |
Item.Regulatory .ResponsiblePersons .ResponsiblePerson.Types |
ResponsiblePersonCodeTypes | Conditional | The type(s) associated with the Responsible Person or entity. |
Item.Regulatory .ResponsiblePersons .ResponsiblePerson.Types.Type |
ResponsiblePersonCodeType | Conditional,
repeatable: [1..*] |
The type of Responsible Person associated with the listing. Note: Currently, the only supported value is EUResponsiblePerson .
Applicable values: |
Item.RelistLink | boolean | Optional | Applicable only to relisting an item. If true, creates a link in the item's old listing for the item that points to the new relist page, which accommodates users who might still look for the item under its old item ID. |
Item.ReservePrice | AmountType (double) | Optional |
This field is used to set the lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell an auction item. The StartPrice value must be lower than the ReservePrice value. Note that setting a reserve price will incur a listing fee of $5 or 7.5% of the reserve price, whichever is greater, and this fee is charged regardless of whether or not the auction item has a qualifying, winning bidder. As long as no bidder has matched your reserve price, and the scheduled end time of the auction is 12 or more hours away, you can lower or remove the reserve price. However, even if you remove the reserve price from an active listing, you will still be charged the fee and not eligible for a credit. In 'get' calls that retrieve item data, the ReservePrice field will only be returned to the seller of that particular auction item, and only if a reserve price has been set up. The reserve price is never exposed to anyone other than the seller of the item. See:
Item.ReservePrice [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
This field is used to set the lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell an auction item. The StartPrice value must be lower than the ReservePrice value. Note that setting a reserve price will incur a listing fee of $5 or 7.5% of the reserve price, whichever is greater, and this fee is charged regardless of whether or not the auction item has a qualifying, winning bidder. As long as no bidder has matched your reserve price, and the scheduled end time of the auction is 12 or more hours away, you can lower or remove the reserve price. However, even if you remove the reserve price from an active listing, you will still be charged the fee and not eligible for a credit. In 'get' calls that retrieve item data, the ReservePrice field will only be returned to the seller of that particular auction item, and only if a reserve price has been set up. The reserve price is never exposed to anyone other than the seller of the item. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.ReturnPolicy | ReturnPolicyType | Optional |
Describes the seller's return policy. Most categories on most eBay sites require the seller to clearly specify whether or not returns are accepted (see ReturnsAcceptedOption). Note: As a part of Digital Services Act (DSA) requirements, as of April 3, 2023, buyers in the EU must be allowed to return an item within 14 days or more, unless the item is exempt. Where applicable, sellers should update their return policies to reflect this requirement of accepting returns from EU buyers. This update can be made through the ReturnPolicy container or through a return business policy that is referenced through the SellerProfiles.SellerReturnProfile container. Note: If you are using a return business policy set up through My eBay or via the Account API, then you should not populate the fields in this ReturnPolicy container. Instead, indicate your return policy using the SellerProfiles.SellerReturnProfile container. However, if you do not configure a return policy, all the fields in this ReturnPolicy container that are marked conditional must be populated in your request. For the AddItem family of calls: Required for most categories on most sites. Use ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures to determine which categories require this field. Also use ReturnPolicyDetails in GeteBayDetails to determine which ReturnPolicy fields can be used on each site. Australia (AU) and US eBay Motors Parts and Accessories categories typically support but do not require a return policy. (However, we strongly recommend that you specify a clear return policy whenever possible.) For ReviseItem only: If the listing has bids or sales and it ends within 12 hours, you can't change the return policy details. If the listing is a GTC listing that has sales or ends within 12 hours (one or the other, but not both), you can add a return policy to the GTC listing (but you can't change return policy details if already present). If the listing has no bids or sales and more than 12 hours remain before the listing ends, you can add or change the return policy. When you revise your return policy, you only need to specify the fields you want to add or change. You don't need to specify all the other ReturnPolicy fields again. The other fields will retain their existing settings. For the GetItem family of calls: Only returned if the site you sent the request to supports the seller's return policy. Typically, the return policy details are only returned when the request is sent to the listing site. Note: The GeteBayDetails call can be used to retrieve site-wide return policy metadata, but it is recommended that sellers use the GetCategoryFeatures call instead, as this call was recently updated to retrieve category-level metadata for both domestic and international return policies. Note: In May 2018, eBay added the ability to create a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead for international returns. For more information on setting separate domestic and international return policies, see the International returns policy help topic. For the international equivalent of this field, see the InternationalRefundMethodValues field. |
Item.ReturnPolicy.Description | string | Optional |
This field contains the seller's detailed explanation for their return policy and is displayed in the Return Policy section of the View Item page. This field is valid in only the following marketplaces (the field is otherwise ignored):
For AddItem, VerifyAddItem, and RelistItem: If the seller accepts returns (ReturnsAcceptedOption = ReturnsAccepted ) but does not specify this field when listing the item, GetItem returns this as an empty node. For ReviseItem only: You cannot change the value of this field if the listing has bids or sales, or if the listing ends within 12 hours. For more details, see the ReturnPolicy description. Max length: 8000 (for DE, AT); 5000 (for FR, IT, ES). |
Item.ReturnPolicy .InternationalRefundOption |
token | Optional |
This field indicates how the seller compensates international buyers for returns. MoneyBack is the only supported value for all marketplaces except for the US. On the US marketplace, you can set this value to either MoneyBack or MoneyBackOrReplacement . MoneyBackOrReplacement can be used by sellers that have the depth of inventory to support an exchange for an identical item. However, ultimately, it is up to the buyer on whether they want money back or a replacement item. For ReviseItem only: You cannot change the value of this field if the listing has bids or sales, or if the listing ends within 12 hours. For more details, see the ReturnPolicy description. Note: If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. So if this field is not used in an add/revise/relist call, the refund option(s) for international returns will default to the value specified in the RefundOption field. See International Refund Methods (in GetCategoryFeatures) for supported international refund value for each site and category. Applicable values: See RefundOptionsCodeType |
Item.ReturnPolicy .InternationalReturnsAcceptedOption |
token | Optional |
This field is conditionally required if a seller wants to use a separate return policy for international returns. The value in this field indicates whether or not the seller accepts returns from international buyers. Applicable values are ReturnsAccepted or ReturnsNotAccepted . When set to ReturnsAccepted , this option indicates the seller allows international buyers to return items. Specify ReturnsNotAccepted for a listing if returns are not accepted from international buyers. On the eBay DE, IE, and UK, registered business sellers must accept returns for fixed-price items (including auction items with Buy It Now and any other fixed price formats) when the category requires a return policy. On some European sites, such as eBay Germany (DE), registered business sellers are required to accept returns. Use the Trading call GetUser to determine the status of an eBay business seller in DE, IE, and UK. Review the User.SellerInfo.SellerBusinessType field in the response. For ReviseItem only: You cannot change the value of this field if the listing has bids or sales, or if the listing ends within 12 hours. For more details, see the ReturnPolicy description. Note: If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. So if this field is not used in an add/revise/relist call, the return accepted value for international returns will default to the value specified in the ReturnsAcceptedOption field. See International Returns Accepted Values (in GetCategoryFeatures) for supported international returns accepted values for each site and category. Applicable values: See ReturnsAcceptedOptionsCodeType |
Item.ReturnPolicy .InternationalReturnsWithinOption |
token | Conditional |
This field is conditionally required if a seller is using a separate return policy for international returns, and is accepting international returns. The value in this field indicates the number of days that an international buyer has to return an item. The time period begins on the day that the buyer receives the item. Most marketplaces and categories support 30-day and 60-day return periods. eBay sites often set 30-days as the default value for this field and sellers are obligated to honor the values that are set for a listing. Applicable values: Retrieve the values supported by a marketplace and category by calling GetCategoryFeatures with FeatureID set to InternationalReturnsDurationValues , then see the values returned under the Category.InternationalReturnsDurationValues container in the response. For AddItem, VerifyAddItem, and RelistItem: If the seller accepts international returns (InternationalReturnsAcceptedOption is set to ReturnsAccepted) but does not specify this field for a listing, eBay sets a default value (often Days_30) and the seller is obligated to honor this setting. For ReviseItem only: You cannot change the value of this field if the listing has bids or sales, or if the listing ends within 12 hours. For more details, see the ReturnPolicy description. Note: If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. So if this field is not used in an add/revise/relist call, the return period for international returns will default to the value specified in the ReturnsWithinOption field. See International Return Durations (in GetCategoryFeatures) for supported international return durations for each site and category. Applicable values: See ReturnsWithinOptionsCodeType |
Item.ReturnPolicy .InternationalShippingCostPaidByOption |
token | Optional |
This field is conditionally required if a seller is using a separate return policy for international returns, and is accepting international returns. The value in this field specifies whether the buyer or the seller pays for international return shipping charges. Accepted values are Buyer or Seller . eBay sites often set Seller as the default value for this field, and sellers are obligated to honor the values that are set for a listing. Depending on the seller's return policy and the specifics of a return, either the buyer or the seller can be responsible for the return shipping costs. Note that the seller is always responsible for return shipping costs for SNAD-related issues or for late shipments. For ReviseItem only: You cannot change the value of this field if the listing has bids or sales, or if the listing ends within 12 hours. For more details, see the ReturnPolicy description. Note: If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. So if this field is not used in an add/revise/relist call, return shipping cost payee for international returns will default to the value specified in the ShippingCostPaidByOption field. See Return Shipping Cost Payee Values (in GetCategoryFeatures) for supported international return shipping cost payee values for each site and category. Applicable values: See ShippingCostPaidByOptionsCodeType |
Item.ReturnPolicy.RefundOption | token | Optional |
This field indicates how the seller compensates buyers for returns. MoneyBack is the only supported value for all marketplaces except for the US. On the US marketplace, you can set this value to either MoneyBack or MoneyBackOrReplacement . MoneyBackOrReplacement can be used by sellers that have the depth of inventory to support an exchange for an identical item. However, ultimately, it is up to the buyer on whether they want money back or a replacement item. For ReviseItem only: You cannot change the value of this field if the listing has bids or sales, or if the listing ends within 12 hours. For more details, see the ReturnPolicy description. Note: If a seller ships internationally, and wants to define and use a separate international returns policy, the international equivalent of this field is the InternationalRefundOption field. See Domestic Refund Methods (in GetCategoryFeatures) for supported domestic refund value for each site and category. Applicable values: See RefundOptionsCodeType |
Item.ReturnPolicy .ReturnsAcceptedOption |
token | Optional |
This required field indicates whether or not the seller accepts returns. Applicable values are ReturnsAccepted or ReturnsNotAccepted . When set to ReturnsAccepted , this option indicates the seller allows items to be returned. Specify ReturnsNotAccepted for a listing if returns are not accepted. On the eBay DE, IE, and UK marketplaces, registered business sellers must accept returns for fixed-price items (including auction items with Buy It Now and any other fixed price formats) when the category requires a return policy. On some European sites, such as eBay Germany (DE), registered business sellers are required to accept returns. Use the Trading call GetUser to determine the status of an eBay business seller in DE, IE, and UK. Review the User.SellerInfo.SellerBusinessType field in the response. Note: In order for Top-Rated sellers to receive a Top-Rated Plus seal for their listings, returns must be accepted for their items (ReturnsAcceptedOption = ReturnsAccepted ) and handling time should be set to zero-day (same-day shipping) or one-day shipping. Set the handling time (in days) using the Item.DispatchTimeMax field. For ReviseItem only: You cannot change the value of this field if the listing has bids or sales, or if the listing ends within 12 hours. For more details, see the ReturnPolicy description. Note: If a seller ships internationally, and wants to define and use a separate international returns policy, the international equivalent of this field is the InternationalReturnsAcceptedOption field. See Domestic Returns Accepted Values (in GetCategoryFeatures) for supported domestic returns accepted values for each site and category. Applicable values: See ReturnsAcceptedOptionsCodeType |
Item.ReturnPolicy .ReturnsWithinOption |
token | Conditional |
Specifies the amount of time the buyer has to return an item. The return period begins when the item is marked "delivered" at the buyer's specified ship-to location. Most marketplaces and categories support 30-day and 60-day return periods. eBay sites often set 30-days as the default value for this field and sellers are obligated to honor the values that are set for a listing. This value is required if ReturnsAcceptedOption=ReturnsAccepted. Applicable values: Retrieve the values supported by a marketplace and category by calling GetCategoryFeatures with FeatureID set to DomesticReturnsDurationValues , then see the values returned under the Category.DomesticReturnsDurationValues container in the response. For ReviseItem only: You cannot change the value of this field if the listing has bids or sales, or if the listing ends within 12 hours. For more details, see the ReturnPolicy description. Note: If a seller ships internationally, and wants to define and use a separate international returns policy, the international equivalent of this field is the InternationalReturnsWithinOption field. See Domestic Return Durations (in GetCategoryFeatures) for supported domestic return durations for each site and category. Applicable values: See ReturnsWithinOptionsCodeType |
Item.ReturnPolicy .ShippingCostPaidByOption |
token | Optional |
This option specifies whether the buyer or the seller pays for return shipping charges. Accepted values are Buyer or Seller . eBay sites often set Seller as the default value for this field, and sellers are obligated to honor the values that are set for a listing. This value is required if ReturnsAcceptedOption=ReturnsAccepted. Depending on the seller's return policy and the specifics of a return, either the buyer or the seller can be responsible for the return shipping costs. Note that the seller is always responsible for return shipping costs for SNAD-related issues or for late shipments. For ReviseItem only: You cannot change the value of this field if the listing has bids or sales, or if the listing ends within 12 hours. For more details, see the ReturnPolicy description. Note: If a seller ships internationally, and wants to define and use a separate international returns policy, the international equivalent of this field is the InternationalShippingCostPaidByOption field. See Return Shipping Cost Payee Values (in GetCategoryFeatures) for supported domestic return shipping cost payee values for each site and category. Applicable values: See ShippingCostPaidByOptionsCodeType |
Item.ScheduleTime | dateTime | Optional |
Allows the user to specify a time in the future that the listing becomes active on eBay. To schedule the listing start time, specify a time in the future in GMT format. In GetItem and related calls, the scheduled time is returned in StartTime. For ReviseItem, you can modify this value if the currently scheduled start time is in the future (listing has yet to go live). When you schedule a start time, the start time is randomized within 15-minute intervals. Randomized start times applies to the following sites: AT, BEFR, BENL, CH, DE, ES, FR, IE, IT, NL, PL, UK Also see the following article in the Knowledge Base: Why scheduled time is sometimes getting reset. |
Item.SecondaryCategory | CategoryType | Optional |
The unique identifier for a secondary category. This field is only applicable if the seller decides to list the item under two categories. You cannot list US eBay Motors vehicles in two categories. However, you can list Parts & Accessories in two categories. The final value fee is based on the primary category in which the item is listed. Furthermore, you can list the same item in an eBay Motors Parts & Accessories category and in an eligible eBay category, as long as the primary category is associated with the site on which you are listing. That is, the two categories can be a mix of Motors Parts & Accessories and eBay site categories. (Real Estate, Mature Audience (adult), and Business & Industrial categories are not eligible for listing in two categories in this manner.) For example, if you list on Motors, the primary category could be 6750 (eBay Motors > Parts & Accessories > Apparel & Merchandise > Motorcycle > Jackets & Leathers), and the secondary category could be 57988 (eBay > Clothing, Shoes > Accessories > Men's Clothing > Outerwear). If you list on the main eBay site, the primary category could be 57988 and the secondary category could be 6750. If eBay has designated a listing category as a value category (see ValueCategory in GetCategoryFeatures), and that listing category will be the seller's primary category, the seller will not be able to list their item in a secondary category. If a seller's request payload includes a primary or a secondary category that is designated as a value category, then eBay drops the SecondaryCategory ID and only lists the item in the category specified with the PrimaryCategory ID. Also, if the listing request includes Item Specifics (in ItemSpecifics) that are associated with the SecondaryCategory, eBay drops those values as well when the SecondaryCategory is dropped. The same logic is used if you revise an existing listing to add a secondary category, or to change one of the categories: If either the primary or secondary category is a value category, eBay drops the secondary category from your request.) To remove this value when relisting an item, use DeletedField. For ReviseItem only: When revising a listing within 12 hours of the listing's scheduled end time, you can only add or change the secondary category when an auction listing has no active bids or a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing has no items sold. If you change the secondary category, any corresponding Item Specifics that were previously specified may be dropped from the listing if they aren't valid for the category. For ReviseItem only: Previously, removing the listing from a secondary category was only possible within 12 hours of the listing's scheduled end time when an auction listing had no active bids or a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing had no items sold, but this restriction no longer exists. Now, the secondary category can be dropped for any active listing at any time, regardless of whether an auction listing has bids or a fixed-price listing has sales. To drop a secondary category, the seller passes in a value of 0 in the SecondaryCategory.CategoryID field.
Item.SecondaryCategory .CategoryID |
string | Conditional |
This string value is the unique identifier of an eBay category. In GetItem and related calls, see the CategoryName field for the text name of the category. The parent category of this eBay category is only shown in GetCategories. Note: When listing in categoryID 173651 (Auto Performance Tuning Devices & Software), use of catalog products is required. For more information, see Tuning devices and software. In an Add call, the PrimaryCategory.CategoryID is conditionally required unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, item specifics, listing category, and stock photo defined in the catalog product is used to create the listing. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, the SecondaryCategory.CategoryID is conditionally required if a Secondary Category is used. Using a Secondary Category can incur a listing fee. For ReviseItem only: Previously, removing the listing from a secondary category was only possible within 12 hours of the listing's scheduled end time when an auction listing had no active bids or a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing had no items sold, but this restriction no longer exists. Now, the secondary category can be dropped for any active listing at any time, regardless of whether an auction listing has bids or a fixed-price listing has sales. To drop a secondary category, the seller passes in a value of 0 in the SecondaryCategory.CategoryID field. Max length: 10. |
Item.SellerContactDetails | AddressType | Optional | This container is used by sellers of Classified Ad listings to provide contact information. |
Item.SellerContactDetails .CompanyName |
string | Optional | User's company name. This field should only be passed in or returned if applicable/defined. |
Item.SellerContactDetails .County |
string | Optional | The county associated with an address on file with eBay. This field should only be passed in or returned if applicable/defined. |
Item.SellerContactDetails .PhoneAreaOrCityCode |
string | Optional | Area or City Code of a user's primary phone number. This field applies to Classified Ad listings only. |
Item.SellerContactDetails .PhoneCountryCode |
CountryCodeType | Optional |
Standard ISO code for the country of the user's primary telephone phone number. For Classified Ad listings, this code is used to look up the country's international calling prefix. Both the ISO code and country phone prefix are stored with listings of this type. This field applies to Classified Ad listings only.
Applicable values: See PhoneCountryCode. |
Item.SellerContactDetails .PhoneLocalNumber |
string | Optional |
The local number portion of the user's primary phone number. This field applies to Classified Ad listings only. Note: The full primary phone number is constructed by combining PhoneLocalNumber with PhoneAreaOrCityCode and PhoneCountryPrefix. Max length: 30. |
Item.SellerContactDetails .Street |
string | Optional | A concatenation of Street1 and Street2, primarily used for a registration address. |
Item.SellerContactDetails .Street2 |
string | Optional |
The second line of the user's street address (such as an apartment number or suite number). Returned if the user specified a second street value for their address. Note: In case of Item.SellerContactDetails, Street2 can be used to provide City, Address, State, and Zip code (if applicable). Note: Note the different maximum lengths noted below for different countries. If a street name exceeds the maximum length for the applicable country, the full street name may be expressed through both the Street1 and Street2 fields. Note: In the case of TransactionArray.Transaction.MultiLegShippingDetails.SellerShipmentToLogisticsProvider.ShipToAddress, if the item is being shipped through eBay International Shipping and this address refers to an intermediated warehouse address, the eBay Virtual Tracking number (eVTN) that is used for the domestic leg of the shipment is appended to Street2. This value is generated by eBay when the order is completed. Example:"Reference #1234567890123456" Max length: GB, DE - 35; US, CA - 40; AU - 80; Other countries - 50. |
Item.SellerProfiles | SellerProfilesType | Conditional |
This container is used if the seller would like to use/reference business policies to create, revise, relist, or verify their listing. The seller's account must be opted in to business policies to use this container. If this container is used, exactly one Payment Business Policy, one Shipping Business Policy, and one Return Business Policy must be specified and applied to the listing. If the seller's account is not opted in to business policies, that seller may not use this container. Sellers must opt-in to business policies through My eBay or by using the optInToProgram call of the eBay Account API. If business policies are applied to a listing, all payment, shipping, and return policy settings in these policies will override any other payment, shipping, or return policy legacy fields that are included in the call request. Note: To make sure that the shipping cost override and policies are set correctly on an item (that is using business policies and has one or more shipping service cost overrides set up), the Item.SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile container and the Item.ShippingServiceCostOverrideList.ShippingServiceCostOverride container(s) must be included, even if no changes are being made. This container is only returned in 'Get' calls if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. |
Item.SellerProfiles .SellerPaymentProfile |
SellerPaymentProfileType | Conditional |
The SellerPaymentProfile container is used in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify API call to reference and use the settings/values of a payment business policy. Payment business policies contain a setting to control whether immediate payment is required, settings to specify due dates for the deposit and full payment of a motor vehicle listing (Motors policy only), and settings to specify which offline payment methods are avaiable to buyers for sales transactions that happen off of eBay's platform. Multiple payment business policies can be created and saved at the account level by sellers. This container is only returned in 'Get' calls if Business Policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. Note: Sellers will never have to specify electronic payment methods, but offline payment methods are required for listings where offline payment is required or supported. |
Item.SellerProfiles .SellerPaymentProfile .PaymentProfileID |
long | Conditional |
The unique identifier of a payment business policy. A PaymentProfileID and/or a PaymentProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the payment settings/values of a payment business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the PaymentProfileID takes precedence. Payment profile IDs can be retrieved with the getPaymentPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API. Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the PaymentProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The PaymentProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the payment business policy. |
Item.SellerProfiles .SellerPaymentProfile .PaymentProfileName |
string | Conditional |
The name of a payment business policy. A PaymentProfileID and/or a PaymentProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the payment settings/values of a payment business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the PaymentProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the PaymentProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The PaymentProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the payment business policy. |
Item.SellerProfiles .SellerReturnProfile |
SellerReturnProfileType | Conditional |
The SellerReturnProfile container is used in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify Trading API call to reference and use the settings/values of a return business policy. Return business policies contain detailed information on the seller's return policy for domestic and international buyers (if the seller ships internationally), including whether or not the seller accepts returns from domestic and international buyers, how many days the buyer has to return the item for a refund, and who pays the return shipping costs. Multiple return policy business policies can be created and saved at the account level by sellers. Note: As a part of Digital Services Act (DSA) requirements, as of April 3, 2023, buyers in the EU must be allowed to return an item within 14 days or more, unless the item is exempt. Where applicable, sellers should update their return policies to reflect this requirement of accepting returns from EU buyers. This update can be made through the ReturnPolicy container or through a return business policy that is referenced through the SellerProfiles.SellerReturnProfile container. This container is only returned in 'Get' calls if Business Policies are set for the listing and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. |
Item.SellerProfiles .SellerReturnProfile .ReturnProfileID |
long | Conditional |
The unique identifier of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. Return policy profile IDs can be retrieved with the getReturnPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API. Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy. |
Item.SellerProfiles .SellerReturnProfile .ReturnProfileName |
string | Conditional |
The name of a return policy business policy. A ReturnProfileID and/or a ReturnProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the return policy settings/values of a return policy business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ReturnProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ReturnProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ReturnProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the return policy business policy. |
Item.SellerProfiles .SellerShippingProfile |
SellerShippingProfileType | Conditional |
The SellerShippingProfile container is used in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify Trading API call to reference and use the settings/values of a specific shipping business policy. Shipping business policies contain detailed information on domestic and international shipping, including shipping service options and costs, handling time, shipping discount information, and excluded ship-to locations. Multiple shipping business policies can be created and saved at the account level by sellers. Note: Any shipping inclusions specified through this container can be overridden by the eBay International Shipping exclusions toggle located under Shipping Preferences in My eBay. For more information on eBay International Shipping, see eBay International Shipping program. This container is only returned in 'Get' calls if Business Policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. |
Item.SellerProfiles .SellerShippingProfile .ShippingProfileID |
long | Conditional |
The unique identifier of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShipppingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shippping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShipppingProfileID takes precedence. Shipping profile IDs can be retrieved with the getFulfillmentPolicies call of the Account API or with the getSellerProfiles call of the Business Policies Management API. Business policy IDs can also be retrieved through the Business policies section of My eBay. In the 'Get' calls, the ShipppingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShipppingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy. |
Item.SellerProfiles .SellerShippingProfile .ShippingProfileName |
string | Conditional |
The name of a shipping business policy. A ShippingProfileID and/or a ShippingProfileName value is used in the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to reference and use the shipping-related settings/values of a shipping business policy. If both fields are provided and their values don't match, the ShippingProfileID takes precedence. In the 'Get' calls, the ShippingProfileID value will always be returned if business policies are set for the listing, and the person making the API call is the seller of the listing. The ShippingProfileName value will be returned if a name is assigned to the shipping business policy. |
Item.SellerProvidedTitle | string | Optional |
A descriptive free-text title for a US or CA eBay Motors vehicle listing. This title appears below eBay's pre-filled listing title on the View Item page (not at the top of the View Item page). It's also appended to the listing title in search results (like a subtitle) on the US eBay Motors site. Keywords in this title help buyers find or distinguish your listing. Applicable to listings in US eBay Motors Cars and Trucks, Motorcycle, and some of the Powersport, Boats and RV campers categories; or to Cars and Trucks listings on CA eBay Motors. This replaces the older US and Canada eBay Motors Subtitle attribute (attribute ID 4148). Max length: 80. |
Item.ShippingDetails | ShippingDetailsType | Conditional |
The shipping-related details for an order, including flat and calculated shipping costs. Note: For sellers who are using a shipping (aka Fulfillment) business policy to create/revise/relist an item, none of the fields under the ShippingDetails container are necessary. A fulfillment business policy can be set up and/or modified in My eBay, or via the Account API. A fulfillment business policy is associated to a listing through the Item.SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile container. If you do not use a fulfillment business policy, many of the fields under this ShippingDetails container become required in your request. Note: For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem calls: If you are updating any field under the ShippingDetails container, you must include all containers and fields set under this container even if their values are not changing. If you do not do this, some fields may be removed from the listing. To find out the values included in the current listing, call GetItem and look through the ShippingDetails container in the response. For additional information, see Revise shipping details. New users who list their first items in selected categories on the US site must specify at least one domestic shipping service. This applies to a category if GetCategoryFeatures returns true for Category.ShippingTermsRequired. For multi-quantity, fixed-price listings, a seller can revise all shipping details of the listing (except for sales tax and for shipping type of Freight) for all unsold items. This applies to both domestic and international shipping. Checkout is not affected for those who bought items prior to the seller's shipping changes—the shipping details that were in effect at the time of purchase are used for that buyer at the time of checkout. Shipping details are not applicable to any classified ad listings, as shipping/delivery/pickup is handled by the buyer and seller off of the eBay platform. Note: To create a listing that is 'Local Pickup only' (buyer picks up, with no shipping/delivery available), the user does the following two things:
For GetMyeBayBuying, GetMyeBaySelling: ShippingDetails is not returned. See:
Item.ShippingDetails .CalculatedShippingRate |
CalculatedShippingRateType | Conditional |
Details pertinent to one or more items for which calculated shipping has been offered by the seller, such as package dimension and weight and packaging/handling costs. If your call specifies a large-dimension item listed with UPS, see Dimensional Weight limit on UPS shipping services results in failure of shipping calculator. Note: The CalculatedShippingRate container should only be used to specify values for the InternationalPackagingHandlingCosts and/or PackagingHandlingCosts fields. The rest of the fields in the CalculatedShippingRate container are used to specify package dimensions and package weight, and these values should now be specified in the ShippingPackageDetails container instead. |
Item.ShippingDetails .CalculatedShippingRate .InternationalPackagingHandlingCosts |
AmountType (double) | Optional |
This field shows any package handling cost applied to international shipping. This cost will be in addition to any shipping cost applicable to each international shipping service option. For international calculated shipping only. |
Item.ShippingDetails .CalculatedShippingRate .InternationalPackagingHandlingCosts [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
This field shows any package handling cost applied to international shipping. This cost will be in addition to any shipping cost applicable to each international shipping service option. For international calculated shipping only. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.ShippingDetails .CalculatedShippingRate .PackagingHandlingCosts |
AmountType (double) | Optional |
Fees a seller might assess for the shipping of the item (in addition to whatever the shipping service might charge). Any packaging/handling cost specified on input is added to each shipping service on output. If domestic and international calculated shipping is offered for an item and if packaging/handling cost is specified only for domestic shipping, that cost will be applied by eBay as the international packaging/handling cost. (To specify a international packaging/handling cost, you must always specify a domestic packaging/handling cost, even if it is 0.) When UPS is one of the shipping services offered by the seller, package dimensions are required on list/relist/revise. Note: If the listing only has one domestic shipping service and it is free shipping, the domestic package handling cost will be ignored and will not be applied to the listing. |
Item.ShippingDetails .CalculatedShippingRate .PackagingHandlingCosts [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
Fees a seller might assess for the shipping of the item (in addition to whatever the shipping service might charge). Any packaging/handling cost specified on input is added to each shipping service on output. If domestic and international calculated shipping is offered for an item and if packaging/handling cost is specified only for domestic shipping, that cost will be applied by eBay as the international packaging/handling cost. (To specify a international packaging/handling cost, you must always specify a domestic packaging/handling cost, even if it is 0.) When UPS is one of the shipping services offered by the seller, package dimensions are required on list/relist/revise. Note: If the listing only has one domestic shipping service and it is free shipping, the domestic package handling cost will be ignored and will not be applied to the listing. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.ShippingDetails .ExcludeShipToLocation |
string | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
Use this field in an Add/Revise/Relist call to specify an international country or region, or a special domestic location, such as 'PO Box' (in US) or 'Packstation' (in DE), to where you will not ship the associated item. Repeat this element in the call request for each location that you want to exclude as a shipping destination for your item. The exclude ship-to location values are eBay regions and countries. To see the valid exclude ship-to locations for a specified site, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ExcludeShippingLocationDetails, and then look for the ExcludeShippingLocationDetails.Location fields in the response. Repeat GeteBayDetails for each site on which you list. This field works in conjunction with Item.ShipToLocations to create a set of international countries and regions to where you will, and will not, ship. You can list a region in the ShipToLocations field, then exclude specific countries within that region with this field (for example, you can specify Africa in ShipToLocations, yet exclude Chad with a ExcludeShipToLocation setting). In addition, if your ShipToLocations is Worldwide , you can use this field to specify both regions and countries that you want to exclude from your shipping destinations. Note: The ShipToLocations and ShippingDetails.ExcludeShipToLocation containers are not applicable for motor vehicle listings on the US, CA, or UK marketplaces. If these containers are sent in the request, they are ignored and a warning is returned. Note: Any shipping exclusions specified by this field can be overridden by the eBay International Shipping exclusions toggle located under Shipping Preferences in My eBay. For more information on eBay International Shipping, see eBay International Shipping program. You can specify a default set of locations to where you will not ship in My eBay. If you create an Exclude Ship-To List, it is, by default, in effect when you list items. However, if you specify any value in this field on input, it nullifies the default settings in your Exclude Ship-To List. (If you use ExcludeShipToLocation when you list an item, you will need to list all the locations to where you will not ship the associated item, regardless of the default settings in your Exclude Ship-To List.) Specify none in this field to override the default Exclude Ship-To List you might have set up in My eBay and indicate that you do not want to exclude any shipping locations from the respective item listing. Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions responses on January 31, 2024. Applicable values: See CountryCodeType, ShippingRegionCodeType |
Item.ShippingDetails .GlobalShipping |
boolean | Conditional |
Note: The Global Shipping Program (GSP) is only available on the UK marketplace. On the US marketplace, the Global Shipping Program was replaced by the intermediated international shipping program called eBay International Shipping. eBay International Shipping is an account level setting, and no field will need to be set in a add/revise call to enable this setting. As long as the US seller's account is opted in to eBay International Shipping, this shipping option will be automatically enabled for all listings where international shipping is available. Even if the US seller is opted into eBay International Shipping, that same seller can still also specify individual international shipping service options through the ShippingDetails.InternationalShippingServiceOption container. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, this boolean field can be included and set to True if the seller would like to use eBay's Global Shipping Program for orders that are shipped internationally. In 'Get' calls, if this field is returned as True , it indicates that international shipping through the Global Shipping Program is available for the listing. If this field is returned as False , the seller is responsible for shipping the item internationally using one of the specified international shipping service options set for the listing. When calling RelistFixedPriceItem, RelistItem, ReviseFixedPriceItem or ReviseItem, you can omit this field if its value doesn't need to change. |
Item.ShippingDetails .InternationalPromotionalShippingDiscount |
boolean | Conditional |
On input, this specifies whether to offer the promotional shipping discount for the listing's international shipping services (only applicable if the seller has a promotional shipping discount in effect at the moment). Returned on output only if the seller is making the call. This value indicates whether the promotional shipping discount is being offered for the international shipping services of this listing (if the listing is still active—this is only possible if the seller has a promotional shipping discount in effect at the moment) or whether the discount was offered at the time the listing ended. |
Item.ShippingDetails .InternationalShippingDiscountProfileID |
string | Conditional |
On input, this is the ID of the shipping discount to offer for the international shipping services (where the shipping discount is either of type FlatShippingDiscount or CalculatedShippingDiscount). In the RelistItem and ReviseItem family of calls, you can remove the existing InternationalShippingDiscountProfileID associated with the item by supplying a value of 0 (zero). Returned on output only if the seller is making the call. The value is the ID of the shipping discount offered and corresponds to whichever is returned: FlatShippingDiscount or CalculatedShippingDiscount. If the user created a shipping discount profile, use InternationalShippingDiscountProfileID. |
Item.ShippingDetails .InternationalShippingServiceOption |
InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType | Optional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
Shipping costs and options related to an international shipping service. If used, at least one domestic shipping service must also be provided in ShippingServiceOptions. If you specify multiple InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. That is, you cannot insert other nodes between InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes. All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated). A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing). If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit InternationalShippingServiceOption, eBay will drop the international shipping services (except the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping) from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well. To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing. For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned. See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1). |
Item.ShippingDetails .InternationalShippingServiceOption .ShippingService |
token | Conditional |
An international shipping service being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer. For a list of valid values, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails. To view the full list of International shipping service options in the response, look for the ShippingService fields in the ShippingServiceDetails containers that contain a InternationalService = true field, as this indicates that the ShippingService value is an International shipping service option. The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing. For flat and calculated shipping. See GeteBayDetails. Applicable values: See ShippingServiceCodeType |
Item.ShippingDetails .InternationalShippingServiceOption .ShippingServiceAdditionalCost |
AmountType (double) | Conditional |
The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost. The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.
Item.ShippingDetails .InternationalShippingServiceOption .ShippingServiceAdditionalCost [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost. The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.ShippingDetails .InternationalShippingServiceOption .ShippingServiceCost |
AmountType (double) | Conditional |
The base cost of shipping the item using the shipping service specified in the ShippingService field. In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field shows the cost to ship each additional item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost. For flat and calculated shipping. If a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero. Otherwise, cost is not returned. If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code. For GetItemShipping, promotional shipping savings is reflected in the cost, if applicable. If the promotional shipping option is lower than other shipping services being offered, the savings is reflected in the returned shipping cost. The shipping service named Promotional Shipping Service (or whatever is the localized name for it) is included among the shipping services. If the promotional shipping cost is lower than the cost of other shipping services being offered, it is presented first in the list. (The LOWEST shipping service cost is always presented first, regardless of whether there is promotional shipping.) See |
Item.ShippingDetails .InternationalShippingServiceOption .ShippingServiceCost [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
The base cost of shipping the item using the shipping service specified in the ShippingService field. In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field shows the cost to ship each additional item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost. For flat and calculated shipping. If a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero. Otherwise, cost is not returned. If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code. For GetItemShipping, promotional shipping savings is reflected in the cost, if applicable. If the promotional shipping option is lower than other shipping services being offered, the savings is reflected in the returned shipping cost. The shipping service named Promotional Shipping Service (or whatever is the localized name for it) is included among the shipping services. If the promotional shipping cost is lower than the cost of other shipping services being offered, it is presented first in the list. (The LOWEST shipping service cost is always presented first, regardless of whether there is promotional shipping.) For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.ShippingDetails .InternationalShippingServiceOption .ShippingServicePriority |
int | Conditional |
This integer value controls the order (relative to other shipping services) in which the corresponding ShippingService will appear in the View Item and Checkout page. Sellers can specify up to five international shipping services (with five InternationalShippingServiceOption containers), so valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. A shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 1 appears at the top. Conversely, a shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 5 appears at the bottom of a list of five shipping service options. If the Global Shipping Program is enabled on the listing for international shipping, only four additional shipping services may be specified. If this field is omitted from international shipping service options, the order of the shipping service options in View Item and Checkout pages will be determined by the order that these shipping service options are presented in the request payload of an Add/Revise/Relist call. |
Item.ShippingDetails .InternationalShippingServiceOption .ShipToLocation |
string | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
An international location or region to where the item seller will ship the item. Use GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingLocationDetails to determine which locations are valid per site. In the GeteBayDetails response, look for the ShippingLocationDetails.ShippingLocation fields. For the AddItem family of calls, this field is required if any international shipping service is specified. For GetOrders and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, ShipToLocation fields will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, ShipToLocation fields are only returned to the buyer or seller, and a string value of Unavailable will be returned to all third parties.
See Shipping information. Applicable values: See CountryCodeType, ShippingRegionCodeType |
Item.ShippingDetails .PromotionalShippingDiscount |
boolean | Conditional |
On input, this specifies whether to offer the promotional shipping discount for the domestic shipping services of this listing (only applicable if the seller has a promotional shipping discount in effect at the moment). Returned on output only if the seller is making the call. This indicates whether the promotional shipping discount is being offered for the domestic shipping services of this listing (if the listing is still active—this is only possible if the seller has a promotional shipping discount in effect at the moment) or whether the discount was offered at the time the listing ended. |
Item.ShippingDetails .RateTableDetails |
RateTableDetailsType | Optional |
This container is used to reference and apply a seller's domestic and/or international shipping rate tables to a listing. Shipping rate tables allow sellers to configure specific shipping costs based on the shipping destinations and level of service (e.g. economy, standard, expedited, and one-day). Generally speaking, sellers want to use these shipping rate tables so they can charge a higher shipping cost to the buyer whenever shipping costs are higher for them as well. For example, shipping to Alaska or Hawaii is generally more expensive than shipping to any other of the 48 US states, or in regards to international shipping, shipping to some regions and countries are more expensive than others. Sellers configure domestic and international shipping rate tables in My eBay Shipping Preferences. To apply shipping rate tables to a listing, the shipping cost type must be flat-rate. For domestic shipping rate tables, the three supported domestic regions are Alaska & Hawaii, US Protectorates (e.g. Puerto Rico and Guam), and APO/FPO destinations, which are US military bases/locations outside of the continental US. In addition to setting one flat rate based on the destination and service level, the seller also has the option of adding an extra charge based on the weight of the shipping package, or they can add a surcharge instead. To determine if a domestic shipping rate table is set up for the seller's account, the GetUser call can be used, and then the seller will look for a value of true in the User.SellerInfo.DomesticRateTable field. Although the GetUser call can be used to see if a domestic shipping rate table exists for the seller's account, details of the shipping rate table, including all specified costs for the different regions, can only be viewed and modified in My eBay Shipping Preferences. This functionality is not yet available in any public APIs. For international shipping rate tables, specific rates may be set up for any and all of the nine geographical regions and individual countries within those regions. Similar to domestic shipping rate tables, the seller has the option of adding an extra charge based on the weight of the shipping package. Sellers cannot add a surcharge for international shipping. To determine if a international shipping rate table is set up for the seller's account, the GetUser call can be used, and then the seller will look for a value of true in the User.SellerInfo.InternationalRateTable field. Although the GetUser call can be used to see if an international shipping rate table exists for the seller's account, details of the shipping rate table, including all specified costs for the different regions/countries, can only be viewed and modified in My eBay Shipping Preferences. This functionality is not yet available in any public APIs. If you are applying a domestic or international shipping rate table that specifies a surcharge by weight, you must specify the item weight in the ShippingPackageDetails container's WeightMajor and WeightMinor fields, even though the listing is using flat-rate shipping. Do not use any other fields in the ShippingPackageDetails container because none of those fields are applicable in this use case. This container is only returned in the 'Get' calls if one or more shipping rate tables have been applied to the listing, and if the call is being made by the seller who listed the item. Note: The capability to create and use multiple domestic and international shipping rate tables (up to 40 per seller account) has rolled out to the US, Australia, Canada (English and French), Italy, UK, and Germany sites. For other sites, only one domestic and one international shipping rate table may be set up per seller. Whether a seller is using the old default domestic and international shipping rate tables or the new shipping rate tables, these shipping rate tables are set up in My eBay Shipping Preferences or as part of a Shipping Business Policy. If using the Trading API to create a listing that will use the new shipping rate tables, the DomesticRateTableId and InternationalRateTableId fields are used to reference and apply these new shipping rate tables to the listing. If desired, sellers can still use the old default shipping rate tables, but they are not allowed to mix and match old and new shipping rate tables, meaning that they will get an error if they pass in both the old fields (DomesticRateTable and InternationalRateTable) and the new fields (DomesticRateTableId and InternationalRateTableId). The new shipping rate tables have all of the functionality of the old shipping rate tables, plus the seller has access to all domestic regions and not just the special regions (such as Alaska & Hawaii, US Protectorates, and APO/FPO locations in US). See Shipping rate tables for more information on using shipping rate tables.. |
Item.ShippingDetails .RateTableDetails .DomesticRateTable |
string | Conditional |
This field is used in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to apply the domestic shipping rate table to the listing. In all cases, sellers pass in a string value of Default to apply the domestic shipping rate table. The shipping rates and/or surcharges set up in the domestic shipping rate table will only be applicable based on the location of the buyer, and if that shipping service level is covered in one of the specified shipping service options in the listing. Basically, domestic shipping costs and surcharges are set in one or more ShippingServiceOptions containers in the listing, and based on the settings and costs in the domestic shipping rate table, these shipping costs and/or surcharges may be overridden based on the buyer's location. For example, if the buyer lives in Alaska, and the domestic shipping rate table has one or more shipping rates set up for the Alaska & Hawaii domestic region, the buyer will see these rates in the View Item page and not the rates/costs that are defined in the ShippingServiceOptions containers. If a seller is revising or relisting an item, the domestic shipping rate table can be unassociated from the listing by using the empty tag: <DomesticRateTable /> This field is returned in the 'Get' calls if a domestic rate table is being applied to the listing, and it is only returned for the seller who listed the item. Note: The capability to create and use multiple domestic and international shipping rate tables (up to 40 per seller account) has rolled out to the US, Australia, Canada (English and French), Italy, UK, and Germany sites. Currently, for sites other than the ones stated, only one domestic and one international shipping rate table may be set up per seller. Until the seller's account is updated with the new shipping rate tables in My eBay, the seller will continue to use the DomesticRateTable and InternationalRateTable tags and pass in Default as the value. Once the seller's account is updated with the new shipping rate tables in My eBay, the seller will be required to use the new DomesticRateTableId and InternationalRateTableId tags, and the DomesticRateTable and InternationalRateTable tags will not work. Note that shipping rate tables can also be applied to Shipping business policies that are applied against a listing. The new shipping rate tables have all of the functionality of the old shipping rate tables, plus the seller has access to all domestic regions and not just the special regions (such as Alaska & Hawaii, US Protectorates, and APO/FPO locations in US).Max length: 50. See Shipping rate tables for more information on using shipping rate tables.. |
Item.ShippingDetails .RateTableDetails .DomesticRateTableId |
string | Conditional |
Note: This field is only available for sellers on the US, Australia, Canada (English and French), Italy, UK, and Germany sites. The unique shipping rate identifiers that will be passed into this field can be retrieved using the getRateTables call of the Account API, or these identifiers can be viewed in the displayed URL when the seller selects a specific shipping rate table in the Shipping rate tables UI in My eBay. This field is included in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call if the seller wants to apply a customized domestic shipping rate table to the listing. The string value that is supplied in this field is the unique identifier of the shipping rate table. If the DomesticRateTableId field is used, the seller must make sure that the DomesticRateTable and InternationalRateTable fields are not used, as the old and new rate tables cannot be used together or an error will occur. In domestic shipping rate tables, sellers customize the flat-rate cost of shipping based on shipping destination (region/state/province) and shipping service level (one-day, expedited, standard, economy in US). In addition to setting one flat rate based on the destination and service level, the seller also has the option of adding an extra charge based on the weight of the shipping package, or they can add a surcharge instead. If the seller is using the Revise or Relist call, they must include the DomesticRateTableId field or the domestic shipping rate table currently being applied to the listing will be unassociated from the listing. If they want to continue using the same domestic shipping rate table, the seller will pass in this identifier. The seller can also change the domestic shipping rate table by passing in the identifier for a different domestic shipping rate table. If a seller is revising or relisting an item, the domestic shipping rate table can be unassociated from the listing by using the empty tag: <DomesticRateTableId /> This field is returned in the 'Get' calls if a customized domestic rate table is being applied to the listing, and it is only returned for the seller who listed the item. Note: The capability to create and use multiple domestic and international shipping rate tables (up to 40 per seller account) has rolled out to the US, Australia, Canada (English and French), Italy, UK, and Germany sites. For other sites, only one domestic and one international shipping rate table may be set up per seller. Until the seller's account is updated with the new shipping rate tables in My eBay, the seller will continue to use the DomesticRateTable and InternationalRateTable tags and pass in Default as the value. Once the seller's account is updated with the new shipping rate tables in My eBay, the seller will be required to use the new DomesticRateTableId and InternationalRateTableId tags, and the DomesticRateTable and InternationalRateTable tags will not work. Note that shipping rate tables can also be applied to Shipping business policies that are applied against a listing. The new shipping rate tables have all of the functionality of the old shipping rate tables, plus the seller has access to all domestic regions and not just the special regions (such as Alaska & Hawaii, US Protectorates, and APO/FPO locations in US).Max length: 50. |
Item.ShippingDetails .RateTableDetails .InternationalRateTable |
string | Conditional |
This field is used in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to apply the international shipping rate table to the listing. International shipping rate tables can be used only for items listed on the eBay US, UK, and DE sites. In all cases, sellers pass in a string value of Default to apply the international shipping rate table. The shipping rates set up in the international shipping rate table will only be applicable based on the location of the buyer, and if that shipping service level is covered in one of the specified international shipping service options in the listing. Basically, international shipping costs are set in one or more InternationalShippingServiceOption containers in the listing, and based on the settings and costs in the international shipping rate table, these shipping costs may be overridden based on the buyer's location. For example, if the buyer lives in Argentina, and the international shipping rate table has one or more shipping rates set up for the country of Argentina, the buyer will see these rates in the View Item page and not the rates/costs that are defined in the InternationalShippingServiceOption containers. If a seller is revising or relisting an item, the international shipping rate table can be unassociated from the listing by using the empty tag: <InternationalRateTable /> This field is returned in the 'Get' calls if an international rate table is being applied to the listing, and it is only returned for the seller who listed the item. Note: The capability to create and use multiple domestic and international shipping rate tables (up to 40 per seller account) has rolled out to the US, Australia, Canada (English and French), Italy, UK, and Germany sites. Currently, for sites other than the ones stated, only one domestic and one international shipping rate table may be set up per seller. Until the seller's account is updated with the new shipping rate tables in My eBay, the seller will continue to use the DomesticRateTable and InternationalRateTable tags and pass in Default as the value. Once the seller's account is updated with the new shipping rate tables in My eBay, the seller will be required to use the new DomesticRateTableId and InternationalRateTableId tags, and the DomesticRateTable and InternationalRateTable tags will not work. Note that shipping rate tables can also be applied to Shipping business policies that are applied against a listing. The new shipping rate tables have all of the functionality of the old shipping rate tables, plus the seller has access to all domestic regions and not just the special regions (such as Alaska & Hawaii, US Protectorates, and APO/FPO locations in US).Max length: 50. See Shipping rate tables for more information on using shipping rate tables.. |
Item.ShippingDetails .RateTableDetails .InternationalRateTableId |
string | Conditional |
Note: This field is only available to sellers on the US, Australia, Canada (English and French), Italy, UK, and Germany sites. The unique shipping rate identifiers that will be passed into this field can be retrieved using the getRateTables call of the Account API, or these identifiers can be viewed in the displayed URL when the seller selects a specific shipping rate table in the Shipping rate tables UI in My eBay. This field is included in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call if the seller wants to apply a customized international shipping rate table to the listing. The string value that is supplied in this field is the unique identifier of the shipping rate table. If the InternationalRateTableId field is used, the seller must make sure that the DomesticRateTable and InternationalRateTable fields are not used, as the old and new rate tables cannot be used together or an error will occur. In international shipping rate tables, sellers customize the flat-rate cost of shipping based on shipping destination (continent/region/country) and shipping service level (expedited, standard, economy in US). In addition to setting one flat rate based on the destination and service level, the seller also has the option of adding an extra charge based on the weight of the shipping package. Unlike domestic shipping, sellers cannot add a surcharge for international shipping. If the seller is using the Revise or Relist call, they must include the InternationalRateTableId field or the international shipping rate table currently being applied to the listing will be unassociated from the listing. If they want to continue using the same international shipping rate table, the seller will pass in this identifier. The seller can also change the international shipping rate table by passing in the identifier for a different international shipping rate table. If a seller is revising or relisting an item, the domestic shipping rate table can be unassociated from the listing by using the empty tag: <InternationalRateTableId /> This field is returned in the 'Get' calls if a customized international rate table is being applied to the listing, and it is only returned for the seller who listed the item. Note: The capability to create and use multiple domestic and international shipping rate tables (up to 40 per seller account) has rolled out to the US, Australia, Canada (English and French), Italy, UK, and Germany sites. For other sites, only one domestic and one international shipping rate table may be set up per seller. Until the seller's account is updated with the new shipping rate tables in My eBay, the seller will continue to use the DomesticRateTable and InternationalRateTable tags and pass in Default as the value. Once the seller's account is updated with the new shipping rate tables in My eBay, the seller will be required to use the new DomesticRateTableId and InternationalRateTableId tags, and the DomesticRateTable and InternationalRateTable tags will not work. Note that shipping rate tables can also be applied to Shipping business policies that are applied against a listing. The new shipping rate tables have all of the functionality of the old shipping rate tables, plus the seller has access to all domestic regions and not just the special regions (such as Alaska & Hawaii, US Protectorates, and APO/FPO locations in US).Max length: 50. |
Item.ShippingDetails.SalesTax | SalesTaxType | Optional |
This container shows sales tax information for an item in a specific tax jurisdiction. The concept of 'sales tax' is only applicable to eBay US and Canada (English and French) sites. This container can be used in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call to set sales tax settings for a specific tax jurisdiction, but it is actually a better practice if a user sets up sales tax rates through the Sales Tax Table tool in My eBay (or by using the SetTaxTable call). A seller's Sales Tax Table is applied to the listing by including the UseTaxTable field in the request and setting its value to true . The GetTaxTable call can be used to retrieve the current sales tax rates for different tax jurisdictions. This container is only returned in order management 'Get' calls if sales tax is applicable to the order line item. For eBay Collect and Remit states, the sales tax information is displayed in the Transaction.Taxes container instead. Note: Buyers in all 50 US states and DC are automatically charged sales tax for eBay purchases, and eBay collects and remits this sales tax to the proper taxing authority on the buyer's behalf. Because of this, if a sales tax percentage rate is applied to a listing by a seller in one of these states, this field will be ignored during the checkout process. Currently, sales tax percentage rates can only be specified by sellers in Canada and 5 US territories, including American Samoa (AS), Guam (GU), Northern Mariana Islands (MP), Palau (PW), and Virgin Islands (VI). |
Item.ShippingDetails.SalesTax .SalesTaxPercent |
float | Optional |
This float value is the sales tax percentage rate applicable to the corresponding tax jurisdiction (US state or Canadian province). Sellers are responsible for providing accurate sales tax rates for each jurisdiction. This sales tax rate comes into play when a buyer from that tax jurisdiction makes a purchase from the seller. The value passed in is stored with a precision of 3 digits after the decimal point (##.###). This field is only returned in order management calls if sales tax applies to the order line item, and is only in GetItem (and other 'Get' calls) if sales tax is applicable to the listing or order line item, and the seller is the person making the call. Although this field will be returned at the order level in order management calls for a single line item order, sales tax is applied at the line item level and not order level. For multiple line item orders, this field will not be returned at all at the order level. Note: Buyers in all 50 US states and DC are automatically charged sales tax for eBay purchases, and eBay collects and remits this sales tax to the proper taxing authority on the buyer's behalf. Because of this, if a sales tax percentage rate is applied to a listing by a seller in one of these states, this field will be ignored during the checkout process. Currently, sales tax percentage rates can only be specified by sellers in Canada and 5 US territories, including American Samoa (AS), Guam (GU), Northern Mariana Islands (MP), Palau (PW), and Virgin Islands (VI). |
Item.ShippingDetails.SalesTax .SalesTaxState |
string | Optional |
This is the unique, two-digit identifier of the tax jurisdiction (such as 'CA' for California). To retrieve all two-digit identifiers for all states/territories/provinces for a site, a seller can either use a GetTaxTable call with DetailLevel set to ReturnAll , or they can use the GeteBayDetails call with DetailLevel name set to TaxJurisdiction . Please note that both GetTaxTable and GeteBayDetails calls use a JurisdictionID field to express these tax jurisdiction identifiers instead of SalesTaxState, but the values used in these fields are the same. The SalesTaxState field is conditionally required in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call if the seller is applying sales tax to a listing for a particular jurisdiction, and is returned with each SalesTax container to identify the tax jurisdiction. |
Item.ShippingDetails.SalesTax .ShippingIncludedInTax |
boolean | Optional |
This field is included in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call and set to true if the seller wants sales tax for the jurisdiction to apply to the cumulative amount of item cost and shipping charges. This value defaults to false if not specified. This field is always returned with the SalesTax container (whether true or false ). Note: Buyers in all 50 US states and DC are automatically charged sales tax for eBay purchases, and eBay collects and remits this sales tax to the proper taxing authority on the buyer's behalf. Because of this, if a sales tax percentage rate is applied to a listing by a seller in one of these states, this field will be ignored during the checkout process. Currently, sales tax percentage rates can only be specified by sellers in Canada and 5 US territories, including American Samoa (AS), Guam (GU), Northern Mariana Islands (MP), Palau (PW), and Virgin Islands (VI). Default: False. |
Item.ShippingDetails .ShippingDiscountProfileID |
string | Conditional |
On input, this is the ID of the shipping discount to offer for the domestic shipping services (where the shipping discount is either of type FlatShippingDiscount or CalculatedShippingDiscount). On output, this is the ID of the shipping discount offered and corresponds to whichever is returned: FlatShippingDiscount or CalculatedShippingDiscount. Only returned if the calling user is the seller. If the user created a shipping discount profile, use the ShippingDiscountProfileID. In the RelistItem and ReviseItem family of calls, you can remove the existing ShippingDiscountProfileID associated with the item by supplying a value of 0 (zero). Only returned if the calling user is the seller. |
Item.ShippingDetails .ShippingServiceOptions |
ShippingServiceOptionsType | Conditional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
This container is used to provide details on a specific domestic shipping service option, including the unique identifier of the shipping service option and the costs related to domestic shipping service. A separate ShippingServiceOptions container is needed for each domestic shipping service option that is available to ship the item. Unless a fulfillment business policy is being used, generally at least one ShippingServiceOptions container will be required. If you specify multiple ShippingServiceOptions nodes, the repeating nodes must be contiguous. For example, you can insert InternationalShippingServiceOption nodes after a list of repeating ShippingServiceOptions nodes, but not between them: <ShippingServiceOptions>...</ShippingServiceOptions> If you specify ShippingDetails when you revise or relist an item but you omit ShippingServiceOptions, eBay will drop the domestic shipping services from the listing. This may also have unintended side effects, as other fields that depend on this data may be dropped as well. To retain the shipping services and dependent fields when you modify other shipping details, it may be simplest to specify all ShippingDetails that you still want to include in the listing. A seller can offer up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping services. However, if the seller is opted in to the Global Shipping Program or eBay International Shipping, only four other international shipping services may be offered (regardless of whether or not Global Shipping shipment or eBay International Shipping is offered for the listing). All specified domestic and international shipping services must be the same shipping type (for example, Flat versus Calculated). Note: If the seller has set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated' (ShippingDetails.ShippingType field), at least one actual shipping service option must be specified through a ShippingServiceOptions container. In the past, eBay allowed users to set the shipping cost model to 'Flat' or 'Calculated', and then just pass in one ShippingServiceOptions container with the ShippingServiceOptions.ShipppingService value set to a 'Local Pickup' option. Now, sellers must pass in at least one actual domestic shipping service option in addition to any 'Local Pickup' option, or the listing will be blocked with the following error: 17510 - You must specify at least one domestic shipping service, other than or in addition to Local Pickup. For GetItemShipping, results are filtered: if any service is not available in the buyer's region, it is removed. If no services remain after this filtering, a warning is returned. See Repeating (unbounded) fields for rules regarding repeating instances of a nodes (nodes for which maxOccurs is "unbounded" or is greater than 1). |
Item.ShippingDetails .ShippingServiceOptions .FreeShipping |
boolean | Conditional |
This boolean field indicates whether or not the corresponding domestic shipping service option is free to the buyer. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, free shipping can only be offered for the first specified shipping service (so, the corresponding ShippingServicePriority value should be 1 or included first in the call request). If 'free shipping' is for any other shipping service, this field is ignored. For 'Get' calls, including GetItem, this field is only returned if 1 . Note: If a seller is specifying a shipping service option as 'free shipping', in addition to this FreeShipping boolean field, the seller will also need to include the corresponding ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0 , as eBay will not do this automatically. Note: If the condition is certified refurbished (ConditionID set to 2000 , 'Certified - Refurbished'), you must offer a free shipping option. Set FreeShipping as true (or 1 ) along with the ShippingServiceCost as 0.0 for the first domestic shipping service.
See Free shipping. |
Item.ShippingDetails .ShippingServiceOptions .ShippingService |
token | Conditional |
This enumeration value indicates a specific domestic shipping service option being offered by the seller to ship an item to a buyer who is located within the same country as the item. This field is required to identify each domestic shipping service option that is specified with a ShippingServiceOptions container. For a list of valid ShippingService values, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails . The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing.To view the full list of domestic shipping service options in the response, look for the ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService fields. Domestic shipping service options will not have a InternationalService = true field, as this indicates that the ShippingService value is an International shipping service option.Note: The eBay standard envelope (eSE) is a domestic envelope service with tracking through eBay. This service applies to specific sub-categories of Trading Cards, and to coins & paper money, postcards, stamps, patches, and similar eligible categories, and is only available on the US marketplace. See eBay standard envelope for details, restrictions, and an envelope size template. To use this service, send envelopes using the USPS mail and set the ShippingService field to US_eBayStandardEnvelope . For the REST equivalent, see Using the eBay standard envelope (eSE) service. See GeteBayDetails. Applicable values: See ShippingServiceCodeType |
Item.ShippingDetails .ShippingServiceOptions .ShippingServiceAdditionalCost |
AmountType (double) | Conditional |
The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost. The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.
Item.ShippingDetails .ShippingServiceOptions .ShippingServiceAdditionalCost [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is required when creating a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing. Generally, the seller will give the buyer a shipping discount if that buyer purchases multiple quantity of the item, so this value should usually be less than the value set for ShippingServiceCost. The value of this field can even be set to 0 if the seller wants to encourage buyers to buy multiple quantity of the item, or it could be that the seller can fit multiple quantities of the line item in a single shipping package, so the seller is just passing this shipping savings onto the buyer. This field is not applicable for single-quantity listings.For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.ShippingDetails .ShippingServiceOptions .ShippingServiceCost |
AmountType (double) | Conditional |
The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field. In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0 , as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost. Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup , ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0 . Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero. If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code. |
Item.ShippingDetails .ShippingServiceOptions .ShippingServiceCost [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
The base cost of shipping one unit of the item using the shipping service specified in the corresponding ShippingService field. In the case of a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing, the ShippingServiceAdditionalCost field also becomes applicable, and shows the cost to ship each additional unit of the item if the buyer purchases multiple quantity of the same line item. Note: If the corresponding shipping service option is set as a 'free shipping' option (FreeShipping=true), the seller still needs to include this ShippingServiceCost field and set its value to 0.0 , as eBay will not do this automatically. When returned by GetItemShipping, it includes the packaging and handling cost. Note that if ShippingService is set to LocalPickup , ShippingServiceCost must be set to 0.0 . Also, if a shipping service has been specified (even LocalPickup), GetItem returns the shipping service cost, even if the cost is zero. If this is for calculated shipping for a listing that has not yet ended, note that the cost cannot be determined until the listing has ended and the buyer has specified a postal code. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.ShippingDetails .ShippingServiceOptions .ShippingServicePriority |
int | Conditional |
Controls the order (relative to other shipping services) in which the corresponding ShippingService will appear in the View Item and Checkout page. Sellers can specify up to four domestic shipping services (with four ShippingServiceOptions containers), so valid values are 1, 2, 3, and 4. A shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 1 appears at the top. Conversely, a shipping service with a ShippingServicePriority value of 4 appears at the bottom of a list of four shipping service options. If this field is omitted from domestic shipping service options, the order of the shipping service options in View Item and Checkout pages will be determined by the order that these shipping service options are presented in the request payload of an Add/Revise/Relist call. |
Item.ShippingDetails .ShippingType |
ShippingTypeCodeType | Optional |
The shipping cost model offered by the seller. This is not returned for various calls since shipping type can be deduced: if a CalculatedShippingRate structure is returned by the call, the shipping type is Calculated. Otherwise, it is one of the other non-Calculated shipping types. GetItemShipping and GetItemTransactions: If the type was a mix of flat and calculated services, this is set simply to Flat or Calculated because it is the buyer's selection that results in one of these. GetMyeBayBuying: If the seller has set the ShipToLocation to Worldwide for an item, but has not specified any international shipping service options, NotSpecified is returned as the ShippingType value.
Applicable values: See ShippingType. |
Item.ShippingPackageDetails | ShipPackageDetailsType | Optional |
Container consisting of dimension and size details related to a shipping package in which an item will be sent. The information in this container is applicable if the seller is using calculated shipping or flat rate shipping using shipping rate tables with weight surcharges. This container is only returned in the Get calls if specified for the item. Note: For ReviseItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem calls: For flat-rate shipping, if any of the ShippingPackageDetails fields are defined for the current listing, those fields must be included again in the revise call even if their values are not changing. If you do not do this, some/all of the fields under this container may be removed from the listing. To find out the values included in the current listing, call GetItem and look through the ShippingPackageDetails container in the response. Note: Package weight and dimensions are only supported for the following marketplaces: AU, CA, DE, IT, UK, US, and Motors. If this information is provided on other marketplaces, it will be ignored. |
Item.ShippingPackageDetails .MeasurementUnit |
MeasurementSystemCodeType | Conditional |
Specifies the unit type of the weight and dimensions of a shipping package. If MeasurementUnit is used, it overrides the system specified by measurementSystem. If MeasurementUnit and measurementSystem are not specified, the following defaults will be used: English: US Metric: CA, CAFR, AU CA and CAFR supports both English and Metric, while other sites only support the site's default. Use MeasurementUnit with weight and package dimensions. For example, to represent a 5 lbs 2 oz package: <MeasurementUnit>English</MeasurementUnit>
Applicable values: |
Item.ShippingPackageDetails .PackageDepth |
MeasureType (decimal) | Conditional |
Depth of the package, in whole number of inches, needed to ship the item. This is validated against the selected shipping service. Upon mismatch, a message is returned, such as, "Package dimensions exceeds maximum allowable limit for service XXXXX," where XXXXX is the name of the shipping service. For calculated shipping only. Only returned if the seller specified the value for the item. (In many cases, the seller only specifies the weight fields.) Developer impact: UPS requires dimensions for any Ground packages that are 3 cubic feet or larger and for all air packages, if they are to provide correct shipping cost. If package dimensions are not included for an item listed with calculated shipping, the shipping cost returned will be an estimate based on standard dimensions for the defined package type. eBay enforces a dimensions requirement on listings so that buyers receive accurate calculated shipping costs. Note: The unit and measurementSystem attributes associated with this field will be returned by the GetItem call and are automatically derived based on the MeasurementUnit value specified during listing creation or revision. These attributes will be ignored if passed into the request of the AddItem family of calls. |
Item.ShippingPackageDetails .PackageLength |
MeasureType (decimal) | Conditional |
Length of the package, in whole number of inches, needed to ship the item. Upon mismatch, a message is returned, such as, "Package dimensions exceeds maximum allowable limit for service XXXXX," where XXXXX is the name of the shipping service. For calculated shipping only. Only returned if the seller specified the value for the item. (In many cases, the seller only specifies the weight fields.) Note: The unit and measurementSystem attributes associated with this field will be returned by the GetItem call and are automatically derived based on the MeasurementUnit value specified during listing creation or revision. These attributes will be ignored if passed into the request of the AddItem family of calls. |
Item.ShippingPackageDetails .PackageWidth |
MeasureType (decimal) | Conditional |
Width of the package, in whole number of inches, needed to ship the item. Upon mismatch, a message is returned, such as, "Package dimensions exceeds maximum allowable limit for service XXXXX," where XXXXX is the name of the shipping service. For calculated shipping only. Only returned if the seller specified the value for the item. (In many cases, the seller only specifies the weight fields.) Note: The unit and measurementSystem attributes associated with this field will be returned by the GetItem call and are automatically derived based on the MeasurementUnit value specified during listing creation or revision. These attributes will be ignored if passed into the request of the AddItem family of calls. |
Item.ShippingPackageDetails .ShippingIrregular |
boolean | Optional | Whether a package is irregular and therefore cannot go through the stamping machine at the shipping service office and thus requires special or fragile handling. For calculated shipping only. |
Item.ShippingPackageDetails .ShippingPackage |
ShippingPackageCodeType | Conditional |
The nature of the package used to ship the item(s). Required for calculated shipping only.
Applicable values: See ShippingPackage. |
Item.ShippingPackageDetails .WeightMajor |
MeasureType (decimal) | Conditional |
WeightMajor and WeightMinor are used to specify the weight of a shipping package. WeightMajor is used to specify the weight of the package in pounds (in US) or kilograms (all countries that use metric system). Although MeasureType is of decimal type, decimal values should not be used in WeightMajor and WeightMinor. If a shipping package was 5 pounds and 1.8 ounces, the 1.8 ounces should be rounded up to an even 2 ounces. The same is for kilograms. If the package is 2.267 kilgram, you would round up the grams. Below shows you how to represent a package weight of 5 lbs 2 oz and and 2 kg 3 gr: <WeightMajor unit="lbs">5</WeightMajor> If a package weighed 14 oz or 324 gr, below is how you would represent this weight: <WeightMajor unit="lbs">0</WeightMajor> If a package weighed exactly 2 lbs or 105 kg, below is how you would represent this weight: <WeightMajor unit="lbs">2</WeightMajor> In all cases, both the WeightMajor and WeightMinor should be specified in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call, even if either's value is '0'. The WeightMajor and WeightMinor are applicable for calculated shipping or for flat-rate shipping if shipping rate tables are specified and the shipping rate table uses weight surcharges. Note: The unit and measurementSystem attributes associated with this field will be returned by the GetItem call and are automatically derived based on the MeasurementUnit value specified during listing creation or revision. These attributes will be ignored if passed into the request of the AddItem family of calls. |
Item.ShippingPackageDetails .WeightMinor |
MeasureType (decimal) | Conditional |
WeightMajor and WeightMinor are used to specify the weight of a shipping package. WeightMinor is used to specify the weight of the package in ounces (in US) or grams (all countries that use metric system). Although MeasureType is of decimal type, decimal values should not be used in WeightMajor and WeightMinor. If a shipping package was 5 pounds and 1.8 ounces, the 1.8 ounces should be rounded up to an even 2 ounces. The same is for kilograms. If the package is 2.267 kilgram, you would round up the grams. Below shows you how to represent a package weight of 5 lbs 2 oz and and 2 kg 3 gr: <WeightMajor unit="lbs">5</WeightMajor> If a package weighed 14 oz or 324 gr, below is how you would represent this weight: <WeightMajor unit="lbs">0</WeightMajor> If a package weighed exactly 2 lbs or 105 kg, below is how you would represent this weight: <WeightMajor unit="lbs">2</WeightMajor> In all cases, both the WeightMajor and WeightMinor should be specified in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify call, even if either's value is '0'. The WeightMajor and WeightMinor are applicable for calculated shipping or for flat-rate shipping if shipping rate tables are specified and the shipping rate table uses weight surcharges. Note: The unit and measurementSystem attributes associated with this field will be returned by the GetItem call and are automatically derived based on the MeasurementUnit value specified during listing creation or revision. These attributes will be ignored if passed into the request of the AddItem family of calls. Min: 0. Max: 15 for ounces; 999 for grams. |
Item .ShippingServiceCostOverrideList |
ShippingServiceCostOverrideListType | Optional |
This container is used when the seller wants to override the flat shipping costs for all domestic and/or all international shipping services defined in the shipping business policy referenced in the SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile.ShippingProfileID field. Shipping costs include the cost to ship one item, the cost to ship each additional identical item, and any shipping surcharges applicable to domestic shipping services. A ShippingServiceCostOverrideList.ShippingServiceCostOverride container is required for each domestic and/or international shipping service that is defined in the domesticShippingPolicyInfoService and intlShippingPolicyInfoService containers of the shipping business policy. Note: To make sure that the shipping cost override and policies are set correctly on an item (that is using business policies and has one or more shipping service cost overrides set up), the Item.SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile container and the Item.ShippingServiceCostOverrideList.ShippingServiceCostOverride container(s) must be included, even if no changes are being made. Shipping service cost overrides are a listing-level concept, and the shipping costs specified through each ShippingServiceCostOverrideList.ShippingServiceCostOverride container will not change the shipping costs defined for the same shipping services in the shipping business policy. For Revise and Relist calls: To delete all shipping service cost overrides when you revise or relist, specify Item.ShippingServiceCostOverrideList in DeletedField, and don't pass ShippingServiceCostOverrideList in the request. |
Item .ShippingServiceCostOverrideList .ShippingServiceCostOverride |
ShippingServiceCostOverrideType | Optional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
A ShippingServiceCostOverride container is required for each domestic and/or international shipping service option, defined in the domesticShippingPolicyInfoService and intlShippingPolicyInfoService containers of the Business Policies shipping profile, that the seller wishes to override the shipping costs. Shipping costs include the cost to ship one item, the cost to ship each additional identical item, and any shipping surcharges applicable to domestic shipping services. Shipping service cost overrides are a listing-level concept, and the shipping costs specified through each ShippingServiceCostOverride container will not change the shipping costs defined for the same shipping service options in the Business Policies shipping profile. To override the shipping costs for any domestic shipping service option in the Business Policies shipping profile, the ShippingServiceType field should be set to 'Domestic', and to override the shipping costs for any international shipping service option, the ShippingServiceType field should be set to 'International'. For both domestic and international shipping services, the ShippingServicePriority value should match the sortOrderId value for the matching shipping service in the shipping profile. If any of the domestic and/or international shipping service priorities and shipping service options in the Add/Revise/Relist call and Business Policies shipping profile do not match, an error occurs. If shipping service cost overrides are used in a listing, the ShippingServiceCostOverride container will be returned in the GetItem, and GetSellerList calls. |
Item .ShippingServiceCostOverrideList .ShippingServiceCostOverride .ShippingServiceAdditionalCost |
AmountType (double) | Optional |
This dollar value indicates the cost to ship each additional identical item to the buyer. If the shipping service costs override operation is successful, this value will override the corresponding shippingServiceAdditionalCost value set in the domesticShippingPolicyInfoService (domestic shipping service) or intlShippingPolicyInfoService (international shipping service) containers in the Business Policies shipping profile. This field is only applicable to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. |
Item .ShippingServiceCostOverrideList .ShippingServiceCostOverride .ShippingServiceAdditionalCost [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
This dollar value indicates the cost to ship each additional identical item to the buyer. If the shipping service costs override operation is successful, this value will override the corresponding shippingServiceAdditionalCost value set in the domesticShippingPolicyInfoService (domestic shipping service) or intlShippingPolicyInfoService (international shipping service) containers in the Business Policies shipping profile. This field is only applicable to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item .ShippingServiceCostOverrideList .ShippingServiceCostOverride .ShippingServiceCost |
AmountType (double) | Optional | This dollar value indicates the shipping service cost to ship one item to the buyer. If the shipping service costs override operation is successful, this value will override the corresponding shippingServiceCost value set in the domesticShippingPolicyInfoService (domestic shipping service) or intlShippingPolicyInfoService (international shipping service) containers in the Business Policies shipping profile. |
Item .ShippingServiceCostOverrideList .ShippingServiceCostOverride .ShippingServiceCost [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
This dollar value indicates the shipping service cost to ship one item to the buyer. If the shipping service costs override operation is successful, this value will override the corresponding shippingServiceCost value set in the domesticShippingPolicyInfoService (domestic shipping service) or intlShippingPolicyInfoService (international shipping service) containers in the Business Policies shipping profile. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item .ShippingServiceCostOverrideList .ShippingServiceCostOverride .ShippingServicePriority |
int | Optional |
This integer value maps the particular instance of the ShippingServiceCostOverride container to the domesticShippingPolicyInfoService or intlShippingPolicyInfoService container of the Business Policies shipping profile. The ShippingServicePriority value should match the sortOrderId value for the matching shipping service in the Business Policies shipping profile. If overriding the shipping costs for a domestic shipping service, the ShippingServiceType field should be set to 'Domestic', and to override the shipping costs for an international shipping service, the ShippingServiceType field should be set to 'International'. If any of the domestic and/or international shipping service priorities and shipping service options in the Add/Revise/Relist call and Business Policies shipping profile do not match, an error occurs. |
Item .ShippingServiceCostOverrideList .ShippingServiceCostOverride .ShippingServiceType |
ShippingServiceType | Optional |
This enumerated value indicates whether the shipping costs of a domestic or an international shipping costs are being overridden. To override the shipping costs for any domestic shipping service in the Business Policies shipping profile, this field should be set to 'Domestic', and to override the shipping costs for any international shipping service, this field should be set to 'International'.
Applicable values: |
Item.ShipToLocations | string | Optional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
An international location or region to which the seller is willing to ship, regardless of shipping service. The country of the listing site is added by eBay. Note: For sellers who are using a shipping (aka Fulfillment) business policy to create/revise/relist an item, the ShipToLocations field should not be used in the request. A fulfillment business policy can be set up and/or modified in My eBay, or via the Account API. A fulfillment business policy is associated to a listing through the Item.SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile container. Use GeteBayDetails with a DetailName of ShippingLocationDetails to determine which international locations are valid for the site. Omit ShipToLocations if you want to ship only within the country of the listing site. To state that you do not wish to ship at all, set ShipToLocations to None . ReviseItem can add a ShipToLocations. On output, ShipToLocations is the collection of all input item-level ShipToLocations plus international shipping service-level ShipToLocation values. Note: The ShipToLocations and ShippingDetails.ExcludeShipToLocation containers are not applicable for motor vehicle listings on the US, CA, or UK marketplaces. If these containers are sent in the request, they are ignored and a warning is returned. If you have specified a region to which you will ship (such as Asia), you can use ExcludeShipToLocation to exclude certain countries within that region to where you will not ship (such as Afghanistan). Note: To create a listing that is 'Local Pickup only' (buyer picks up, with no shipping/delivery available), the user does the following two things:
Applicable values: See CountryCodeType, ShippingRegionCodeType |
Item.Site | SiteCodeType | Optional |
The name of the eBay listing site. The listing site affects the business logic and validation rules that are applied to the request, which in turn affect the values that are returned in the response, as well as values that appear on the eBay site. For example, the listing site can affect the validation of Category in listing requests, international business seller requirements, the values of converted (localized) prices in responses, the item-related time stamps that are displayed on the eBay site, the visibility of the item in some types of searches (e.g., GetCategoryListings), and other information. In some cases, the rules are determined by a combination of the site, the user's registration address, and other information. You cannot change the site when you revise a listing. When you specify Item.Site in AddItem or AddFixedPriceItem, it must be consistent with the numeric site ID that you specify in the request URL (for the SOAP API) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header (for the XML API). Applicable values: See Site. |
Item.SKU | SKUType (string) | Optional |
A SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) value is a seller-defined identifier for a product. Each product within a seller's inventory should be unique. Most large-volume sellers use SKUs, but eBay only requires a SKU value if the InventoryTrackingMethod field is included in an AddFixedPriceItem call and its value is set to SKU . Setting the InventoryTrackingMethod field to SKU allows the seller to use a SKU value instead of an ItemID value as a unique identifier in calls such as GetItem and ReviseInventoryStatus A seller can specify a SKU when listing an item with AddItem and related calls. eBay preserves the SKU on the item, enabling you to obtain it before and after an order line item is created. (SKU is recommended as an alternative to ApplicationData.) If both ItemID and SKU are specified in calls that support the use of SKU as a unique identifier, the ItemID value takes precedence. If a seller wants to use SKUs for multiple-variation listings, the SKU value for each product variation is actually specified at the variation level (Item.Variations.Variation.SKU) field, and the Item.SKU) field should not be included in the call request. Note: The eBay site cannot identify listings by SKU. For example, My eBay pages and Search pages all identify listings by item ID. When a buyer contacts you via eBay's messaging functionality, eBay uses the item ID as the identifier. Buyer-focused APIs (like the Shopping API) also do not support SKU as an identifier. For revising and relisting only: To remove a SKU when you revise or relist an item, use DeletedField. (You cannot remove a SKU when Item.InventoryTrackingMethod is set to SKU.) For GetItem, GetMyeBaySelling, and other 'Get' call, the SKU value will only be returned if defined for the listing. Max length: 50. See eBay Merchant Data API for AddFixedPriceItem and ReviseFixedPriceItem. |
Item.StartPrice | AmountType (double) | Optional |
The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price. For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice. For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item. GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice. For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead. For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits. See Listing Policies. |
Item.StartPrice [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Optional |
The original price of the item at listing or re-listing time. If this value changes when the item is revised, the new value becomes the original price. For auction listings: Competitive bidding starts at this value. Once at least one bid has been placed, StartPrice remains the same but CurrentPrice is incremented to the amount of each succeeding bid. If ReservePrice is also specified, the value of StartPrice must be lower than the value of ReservePrice. For input on fixed-price listings (FixedPriceItem): This is the constant price at which a buyer may purchase the item. GetMyeBaySelling does not return Item.StartPrice for fixed price items—it returns Item.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice. For AddFixedPriceItem and VerifyAddFixedPriceItem: Required when no variations are specified. If variations are specified, use Variation.StartPrice for each variation instead. For Revise calls: If the StartPrice value for a fixed-price item is changed with a Revise call, the MinimumBestOfferPrice and BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice fields in the ListingDetails container will be dropped (if set), basically turning off the Best Offer Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline features. If the seller wanted to reintroduce either of these Best Offer threshold values in the listing again, an additional Revise call would have to be made, passing in the desired threshold values. Note: For the US site, new eBay sellers are subject to Seller Limits, which limit the quantity of items that may be listed and/or the total cumulative value of these listings. While subject to these selling limits, an eBay seller can use the GetMyeBaySelling call to retrieve both the remaining number of listings they can create and the remaining cumulative value of these listings. These values are shown in the Summary.QuantityLimitRemaining and Summary.AmountLimitRemaining fields in the GetMyeBaySelling response. If a call to add an item or revise an item would result in the exceeding of these limits, the add item or revise item call will fail. These fields will only be returned if the seller is subject to seller limits. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Item.Storefront | StorefrontType | Optional |
This container provides details about the seller's eBay store. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, the seller can include this container to set/change which customized eBay store category that the item will be placed in. For 'Get' calls, this container is returned if the seller of the item has an eBay store. |
Item.Storefront .StoreCategory2ID |
long | Optional |
Unique identifier for the secondary custom category in which to list the item. Set this field to a root-level custom category or a custom category that has no child categories (subcategories). The system resets the value to 0 (None) in the following cases: - The values of StoreCategoryID and StoreCategory2ID field are the same - You specify StoreCategory2ID but not StoreCategoryID In other words, StoreCategoryID must be set to a valid custom category and be different from StoreCategory2ID. |
Item.Storefront .StoreCategory2Name |
string | Optional |
Name of the secondary custom category in which to list the item. Set this field to a root-level custom category or a custom category that has no child categories (subcategories). The system resets the value to 0 (None) in the following cases: - The values of StoreCategoryName and StoreCategory2Name field are the same - You specify StoreCategory2Name but not StoreCategoryName In other words StoreCategoryName must be set to a valid custom category name and be different from StoreCategory2Name. |
Item.Storefront .StoreCategoryID |
long | Optional |
Unique identifier of a primary custom category in which to list the item. A custom category is a category that the seller created in their eBay Store. eBay Store sellers can create up to three levels of custom categories for their stores, but the API only supports root-level categories. To list an item using the categories in a seller's store, you must set this field to a root-level custom category or a custom category that has no child categories (subcategories). If you attempt to list an item in a category that has subcategories, the call response contains a warning, and the item is listed in the 'Other' store category. |
Item.Storefront .StoreCategoryName |
string | Optional |
Category name of a primary custom category in which to list the item. A custom category is a category that the seller created in their eBay Store. eBay Store sellers can create up to three levels of custom categories for their stores, but the API only supports root-level categories. To list an item using a category name from a seller's store, you must set this field to a root-level custom category or a custom category that has no child categories (subcategories). If you attempt to list an item in a category that has subcategories, the call response contains a warning, and the item is listed in the store category called 'Other'. |
Item.SubTitle | string | Optional |
Subtitle to use in addition to the title. Provides more keywords when buyers search in titles and descriptions. You cannot use HTML in the Subtitle. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) If you pass any value, this feature is applied (with applicable fees). When you revise a item, you can add, change, or remove the subtitle. Max length: 55. See:
Item.TaxCategory | string | Conditional | Tax exception category code. This is to be used only by sellers who have opted into sales tax being calculated by a sales tax calculation vendor. If you are interested in becoming a tax calculation vendor partner with eBay, contact |
Item.Title | string | Optional |
This field is used to specify the title of the listing. This field is conditionally required in an Add call unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, Item Specifics, and stock photo defined in the catalog product are used to create the listing. You cannot use HTML or JavaScript in the Title. (HTML characters will be interpreted literally as plain text.) The listing title can only be changed if the active listing has yet to have any bids or sales, and the listing does not end within 12 hours. Note: When making a GetSellerEvents call, this field will be returned masked as ***************** for on-hold listings. Note: When making a GetSellerTransactions or GetMyeBaySelling call, the item ID value of the listing will be returned in this field to indicate that the listing is on hold. Max length: 80. |
Item.UseTaxTable | boolean | Optional |
Indicates whether the seller's tax table is to be used when applying and calculating sales tax for an order line item. A sales tax table can be created programmatically using the SetTaxTable call of Trading API or the createOrReplaceSalesTax method of Account API. If UseTaxTable is set to true , the values contained in the seller's sales tax table will supersede the values contained in the Item.ShippingDetails.SalesTax container (if included in the request). Note: As of November 2021, buyers in all US states except for Missouri (and several US territories), will automatically be charged sales tax for purchases, and the seller does not set this rate. eBay will collect and remit this sales tax to the proper taxing authority on the buyer's behalf. For more US state-level information on sales tax, see the eBay sales tax collection help topic. |
Item.UUID | UUIDType (string) | Optional |
Use an UUID value to ensure that you only list (or relist) a particular item once. This field can be particularly useful if you are listing many items on a daily basis and/or many items at once with an AddItems call. If your call request does not generate a response, or if you get one or more (blocking) errors, be sure to use the same UUID value when you attempt to list or relist the same item with another call request. If you pass in a UUID value that has already been used to successfully create or relist an item, you will receive an error message that includes the Item ID for that listing and a boolean value indicating whether the duplicate UUID was sent by the same application. We recommend that you use the Item.UUID field for add and relist calls (for example, AddItem and RelistItem), but use the Item.InvocationID field instead when using a revise call. The UUID can only contain digits from 0-9 and letters from A-F and must be 32 characters long. The UUID value must be unique across all of the seller's eBay across all eBay marketplaces. Max length: 32. |
Item.VATDetails | VATDetailsType | Conditional |
This container is used in an Add/Revise/Relist call to set the VAT (Value-added Tax) percentage rate that will be charged to buyers when an item is purchased from the listing, and to enable Business Seller-related features. This container is returned in 'Get' calls only if VAT is applicable to the listing, and unless the person making the 'Get' call owns the listing, only the VATPercent field is returned (if applicable). However, Business Seller-related information will be returned to all users in 'Get' calls under the SellerInfo and BusinessSellerDetails containers. Note: VAT is not applicable to all countries, including the US. Allowed VAT percentage rates can vary by region/country, so sellers should be aware of the rates they are legally required/allowed to charge. Sellers must be registered as Business Sellers on the site they are selling on in order to use the Business Seller-related fields. |
Item.VATDetails.BusinessSeller | boolean | Conditional |
This field should be included in an Add/Revise/Relist call and set to true if the seller is registered on the selling site as a Business Seller. This field must be included and set to true if the RestrictedToBusiness field is also included and set to true . The RestrictedToBusiness field is used by German (Site ID 77), Austrian (Site ID 16), and Swiss (Site ID 193) sellers who wish to restrict sales of their item to other users registered as business users. This field is returned in 'Get' calls only if set on the listing, and the person making the call owns the listing. However, other Business Seller-related information will be returned to all users in 'Get' calls under the SellerInfo and BusinessSellerDetails containers. |
Item.VATDetails .RestrictedToBusiness |
boolean | Optional |
This field must be included in an Add/Revise/Relist call and set to true if a German (Site ID 77), Austrian (Site ID 16), or Swiss (Site ID 193) seller wishes to restrict sales of their item to other users registered on eBay as business users. If this field is set as true , the BusinessSeller field must also be included and set to true . This feature is not available on any other eBay marketplaces. This field can be included and set to true only by Business Sellers registered on one of the three sites above, and only if the listing category supports Business-to-Business listings. The GetCategories call can be used by the seller (using one of the Site IDs above) to see which categories support Business-to-Business listings. A B2BVATEnabled boolean field will be returned as true if a listing category supports Business-to-Business listings. This field is returned in 'Get' calls only if set on the listing, and the person making the call owns the listing. However, other Business Seller-related information will be returned to all users in 'Get' calls under the SellerInfo and BusinessSellerDetails containers. |
Item.VATDetails.VATPercent | float | Conditional |
This container is used in an Add/Revise/Relist call to set the VAT (Value-added Tax) percentage rate that will be charged to buyers when an item is purchased from the listing. VAT is not applicable to all countries, including the US. Allowed VAT percentage rates can vary by region/country, so sellers should be aware of the rates they are legally required/allowed to charge, and they are responsible for charging the correct VAT rate. If VAT is charged on a listing, the seller can choose to print an invoice for the buyer that shows the item's net price, the VAT percentage rate, the VAT amount, and the total price. This field is returned in 'Get' calls only if the listing is subject to VAT. Note: Previously, up to three digits beyond the decimal point were allowed for this float value, but now a seller can include only one digit beyond the decimal point (e.g. 12.3) when using an Add/Revise/Relist call to set this value. An error will occur if more digits beyond the decimal point are specified. Min: 0.0. Max: 27.0. |
Item.VideoDetails | VideoDetailsType | Optional |
This container is used if the seller wants to add a video to their listing. At this time, only one video can be added per listing. The video can be uploaded to eBay using the Media API. See the Media API reference documentation for all of the necessary details to upload videos to eBay. This container will only be returned in GetItem if the listing contains a video, and the seller of the item is the one making the GetItem call. Note: Videos can only be attached to listings on supported eBay marketplaces and can only be viewed through supported platforms. See Managing videos in the Selling Integration Guide for a full list of supported marketplaces and platforms. |
Item.VideoDetails.VideoID | string | Optional,
repeatable: [0..*] |
Unique identifier of a video. This identifier is automatically created by eBay once a seller successfully uploads a video to eBay. Videos can be added using the uploadVideo method of the Media API. In an Add/Revise/Relist call, passing in the ID for the video will add the video to the listing. Although a video can be added to a listing before it is in the LIVE state, the video won't be available for viewing in the listing until it does reach this state. The status of an uploaded video can be retrieved with the getVideo method and seen in the status field of the response. To replace a video already attached to the listing, the seller could make a Revise or Relist call and just send in a different VideoID value. As long as the VideoID value was valid, the specified video would replace the existing video in the listing. To remove a video from a listing (and not replace it) using a Revise or Relist call, the seller can include a DeletedField tag in the request and set its value to Item.VideoDetails.VideoID . If the call is successful, the video will be removed from the listing. Note: eBay will perform a validation check on each specified VideoID value to verify that the video belongs to, and was uploaded by the seller. The GetItem call can be used by the seller to see which video (if any) is attached to the listing. The VideoDetails container will be returned if the listing contains a video. The VideoDetails container will only be returned to the seller of the item and no one else. |
Item.VIN | string | Optional |
This field displays the Vehicle Identification Number, which is a unique serial number for a motor vehicle. This field is applicable to listings in US eBay Motors Cars and Trucks (6001), Motorcycles (6024), Commercial Trucks (63732), RVs and Campers (50054), ATVs (6723), Snowmobiles (42595), and UTVs (173665); and to Cars and Trucks listings in CA, CAFR and AU eBay Motors. For vehicle categories that do not use VIN, make a call to the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API to determine applicable Item Specifics (such as 'Hull ID Number' for Boats). For the US, CA, and CA-FR eBay Motors categories, required for cars and trucks from model year 1981 and later. (The US developed national standards for VIN values in 1981.) For the eBay Australia site, required for vehicles from model year 1989 or later. For the eBay Australia site, only appears on the View Item page if you also specify the date of first registration in the listing's Item Specifics. Appears in the VIN field in the Item Specifics section of eBay's View Item page. GetItem will return this field for motor vehicle listings where the VIN is defined. Max length: 17. |
Item.VRM | string | Optional |
Vehicle Registration Mark, which is a unique identifier for a motor vehicle in the UK. Applicable to listings in UK eBay Motors Cars and Trucks, Motorcycle, and some Powersport categories. Appears as a VRM field in the Item Specifics section of eBay's View Item page. On the View Item page, the VRM value is masked (i.e., only a portion of the value is shown to users). In the GetItem response, the VRM is only returned if the call is made by the seller (i.e., the AuthToken is associated with the vehicle's seller). GetItem will return this field for motor vehicle listings where the VRM is defined. |
Standard Input Fields |
ErrorHandling | ErrorHandlingCodeType | Optional |
Error tolerance level for the call. This is a preference that specifies how eBay should handle requests that contain invalid data or that could partially fail. This gives you some control over whether eBay returns warnings or blocking errors and how eBay processes the invalid data. This field is only applicable to AddItem and related calls, and only when the listing includes ProductListingDetails. Default: BestEffort. Applicable values: If BestEffort is specified for CompleteSale, the Ack field in the response could return PartialFailure if one change fails but another succeeds. For example, if the seller attempts to leave feedback twice for the same order line item, the feedback changes would fail but any paid or shipped status changes would succeed. |
ErrorLanguage | string | Optional |
Use ErrorLanguage to return error strings for the call in a different language from the language commonly associated with the site that the requesting user is registered with. Below are some examples from different countries.
MessageID | string | Optional |
Most Trading API calls support a MessageID element in the request and a CorrelationID element in the response. If you pass in a MessageID in a request, the same value will be returned in the CorrelationID field in the response. Pairing these values can help you track and confirm that a response is returned for every request and to match specific responses to specific requests. If you do not pass a MessageID value in the request, CorrelationID is not returned. Note: GetCategories is designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, the MessageID and CorrelationID fields aren't applicable. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, MessageID and CorrelationID are applicable. |
Version | string | Conditional |
The version number of the API code that you are programming against (e.g., 1149). The version you specify for a call has these basic effects:
For the SOAP API: If you are using the SOAP API, this field is required. Specify the version of the WSDL your application is using. For the XML API: If you are using the XML API, this field has no effect. Instead, specify the version in the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL HTTP header. (If you specify Version in the body of an XML API request and it is different from the value in the HTTP header, eBay returns an informational warning that the value in the HTTP header was used instead.) See:
WarningLevel | WarningLevelCodeType | Optional |
Controls whether or not to return warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in a request. An unrecognized element is one that is not defined in any supported version of the schema. Schema element names are case-sensitive, so using WarningLevel can also help you remove any potential hidden bugs within your application due to incorrect case or spelling in field names before you put your application into the Production environment. WarningLevel only validates elements; it doesn't validate XML attributes. It also doesn't control warnings related to user-entered strings or numbers, or warnings for logical errors. We recommend that you only use this during development and debugging. Do not use this in requests performed in the Production environment. Applicable values: High if the user wishes to receive warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in an API call request. Setting the WarningLevel value to High is not recommended in a production environment. Instead, it should only be used during the development/debugging stage.Low if the user does not wish to receive warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in an API call request. This is the default value if WarningLevel is not specified in the call request.See Warning Level. |
Input Detail Controls Samples Change History |
See also Samples.
The box below lists all fields that might be returned in the response. To learn more about an individual field or its type, click its name in the box (or scroll down to find it in the table below the box).
See also the Deprecated Objects link above. Fields presented in this color are deprecated, and fields presented in this color are not returned (or soon will not be returned) or are not operational (or soon will be non-operational).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelistItemResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"> <!-- Call-specific Output Fields --> <Category2ID> string </Category2ID> <CategoryID> string </CategoryID> <DiscountReason> DiscountReasonCodeType </DiscountReason> <!-- ... more DiscountReason values allowed here ... --> <EndTime> dateTime </EndTime> <Fees> FeesType <Fee> FeeType <Fee currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </Fee> <Name> string </Name> <PromotionalDiscount currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </PromotionalDiscount> </Fee> <!-- ... more Fee nodes allowed here ... --> </Fees> <ItemID> ItemIDType (string) </ItemID> <ProductSuggestions> ProductSuggestionsType <ProductSuggestion> ProductSuggestionType <EPID> string </EPID> <Recommended> boolean </Recommended> <StockPhoto> string </StockPhoto> <Title> string </Title> </ProductSuggestion> <!-- ... more ProductSuggestion nodes allowed here ... --> </ProductSuggestions> <StartTime> dateTime </StartTime> <!-- Standard Output Fields --> <Ack> AckCodeType </Ack> <Build> string </Build> <CorrelationID> string </CorrelationID> <DuplicateInvocationDetails> DuplicateInvocationDetailsType <DuplicateInvocationID> UUIDType (string) </DuplicateInvocationID> <InvocationTrackingID> string </InvocationTrackingID> <Status> InvocationStatusType </Status> </DuplicateInvocationDetails> <Errors> ErrorType <ErrorClassification> ErrorClassificationCodeType </ErrorClassification> <ErrorCode> token </ErrorCode> <ErrorParameters ParamID="string"> ErrorParameterType <Value> string </Value> </ErrorParameters> <!-- ... more ErrorParameters nodes allowed here ... --> <LongMessage> string </LongMessage> <SeverityCode> SeverityCodeType </SeverityCode> <ShortMessage> string </ShortMessage> <UserDisplayHint> boolean </UserDisplayHint> </Errors> <!-- ... more Errors nodes allowed here ... --> <HardExpirationWarning> string </HardExpirationWarning> <Message> string </Message> <Timestamp> dateTime </Timestamp> <Version> string </Version> </RelistItemResponse>
Return Value | Type | Occurrence | Meaning |
Call-specific Output Fields [Jump to standard fields] |
Category2ID | string | Conditionally |
Unique identifier of the secondary eBay category (if one was used) in which the item was relisted. This field is only returned if the Item.CategoryMappingAllowed field was included and set to true in the request and the category ID passed in the Item.SecondaryCategory field was mapped to a new category ID by eBay. If the secondary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement, this field is not returned. Max length: 10. |
CategoryID | string | Conditionally |
Unique identifier of the primary eBay category in which the item was relisted. This field is only returned if the Item.CategoryMappingAllowed field was included and set to true in the request and the category ID passed in the Item.PrimaryCategory field was mapped to a new category ID by eBay. If the primary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement, this field is not returned. Max length: 10. |
DiscountReason | DiscountReasonCodeType | Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*] |
This field is returned if an eBay special offer or promotion is applicable to the listing.
Applicable values: Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list. |
EndTime | dateTime | Always | This timestamp indicates the date and time when the relisted item is scheduled to end on the eBay site. This date/time is calculated by using the StartTime and the listing duration. GTC listings are automatically renewed each month according to the calendar day. |
Fees | FeesType | Always |
This container is an array of fees associated with the relisted item. The fees in this container will not include any fees that are based on the purchase price (such as transaction fees) and only come into play when the listing has a sale. All listing fee types are returned, even if those fees are not applicable for the relisted item and are '0.0'. Note: The currency used for all fees returned under the Fees container reflects the currency used for the listing site, and not necessarily in the seller's default/home currency. For example, if a Canadian seller is using the RelistItem call to relist an item on the eBay US site, the currency type shown for each fee will be USD and not CAD .
Fees.Fee | FeeType | Always,
repeatable: [1..*] |
A Fee container is returned for each listing fee associated with listing an item. Each Fee container consists of the fee type, the amount of the fee, and any applicable eBay promotional discount on that listing fee. A Fee container is returned for each listing feature, even if the associated cost is 0. |
Fees.Fee.Fee | AmountType (double) | Always |
Amount of the fee that eBay will charge the member for the associated listing feature.
See Fees for a current list of listing features and their associated fees.. |
Fees.Fee.Fee [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Always |
Amount of the fee that eBay will charge the member for the associated listing feature. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
Fees.Fee.Name | string | Always |
This is the name of the listing feature, such as ListingFee , SubtitleFee , or BoldFee .
See Fees. |
Fees.Fee.PromotionalDiscount | AmountType (double) | Always |
This field exists in the response when the user has selected a feature that participates in a promotional discount. Note: Verify calls might not return the PromotionalDiscount fee in the response. See Standard selling fees for A current schedule of listing features and their associated fees.. |
Fees.Fee.PromotionalDiscount [ attribute currencyID ] |
CurrencyCodeType | Always |
This field exists in the response when the user has selected a feature that participates in a promotional discount. Note: Verify calls might not return the PromotionalDiscount fee in the response. For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType. |
ItemID | ItemIDType (string) | Always |
The unique identifier for the relisted item. Note that the ItemID value changes when a listing is relisted, so this will not be the same ItemID value that was passed in the call request. |
ProductSuggestions | ProductSuggestionsType | Conditionally | Provides a list of products recommended by eBay which match the item information provided by the seller. |
ProductSuggestions .ProductSuggestion |
ProductSuggestionType | Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*] |
Contains details for one or more individual product suggestions. The product details include the EPID, Title, Stock photo url and whether or not the product is an exact match for the submitted item. This product information can be used to list subsequent items. |
ProductSuggestions .ProductSuggestion.EPID |
string | Conditionally | The product reference Id of the product The eBay Product ID, a global reference ID for an eBay catalog product. The ePID is a fixed reference to a product (regardless of version). |
ProductSuggestions .ProductSuggestion.Recommended |
boolean | Conditionally | If true, indicates that the product is an exact match, suitable for listing the item. |
ProductSuggestions .ProductSuggestion.StockPhoto |
string | Conditionally | Fully qualified URL for a stock image (if any) that is associated with the eBay catalog product. The URL is for the image eBay usually displays in product search results (usually 70px tall). It may be helpful to calculate the dimensions of the photo programmatically before displaying it. |
ProductSuggestions .ProductSuggestion.Title |
string | Conditionally |
The title of the product from the eBay catalog. Max length: 80. |
StartTime | dateTime | Always | This timestamp indicates the date and time when the relisted item became active on the eBay site. |
Standard Output Fields |
Ack | AckCodeType | Always |
A token representing the application-level acknowledgement code that indicates the response status (e.g., success). The AckCodeType list specifies the possible values for the Ack field.
Applicable values: (Not all values in AckCodeType apply to this field.) Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list. |
Build | string | Always | This refers to the specific software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. This includes the version number plus additional information. eBay Developer Support may request the build information when helping you resolve technical issues. |
CorrelationID | string | Conditionally |
Most Trading API calls support a MessageID element in the request and a CorrelationID element in the response. If you pass in a MessageID in a request, the same value will be returned in the CorrelationID field in the response. Pairing these values can help you track and confirm that a response is returned for every request and to match specific responses to specific requests. If you do not pass a MessageID value in the request, CorrelationID is not returned. Note: GetCategories is designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, the MessageID and CorrelationID fields aren't applicable. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, MessageID and CorrelationID are applicable. |
DuplicateInvocationDetails | DuplicateInvocationDetailsType | Conditionally | Information that explains a failure due to a duplicate InvocationID being passed in. |
DuplicateInvocationDetails .DuplicateInvocationID |
UUIDType (string) | Conditionally | This value represents the duplicate InvocationID or InvocationTrackingID that was used in the call request. |
DuplicateInvocationDetails .InvocationTrackingID |
string | Conditionally | This unique identifier identifies the business item the previous API invocation created. For example, the Item ID of the item created by an AddItem call. |
DuplicateInvocationDetails .Status |
InvocationStatusType | Conditionally |
This enumeration value indicates the status of the previous call that used the InvocationID or InvocationTrackingID specified in the DuplicateInvocationID.
Applicable values: Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list. |
Errors | ErrorType | Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*] |
A list of application-level errors (if any) that occurred when eBay processed the request. |
Errors.ErrorClassification | ErrorClassificationCodeType | Conditionally |
API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors.
Applicable values: Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list. |
Errors.ErrorCode | token | Conditionally |
A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred. Your application can use error codes as identifiers in your customized error-handling algorithms.
See Errors By Number. |
Errors.ErrorParameters | ErrorParameterType | Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*] |
This optional element carries a list of context-specific error variables that indicate details about the error condition. These are useful when multiple instances of ErrorType are returned. |
Errors.ErrorParameters [ attribute ParamID ] |
string | Conditionally | This optional element carries a list of context-specific error variables that indicate details about the error condition. These are useful when multiple instances of ErrorType are returned. |
Errors.ErrorParameters.Value | string | Conditionally | This is the value of the request parameter noted in the ParamID attribute. So, if the ParamID value was ItemID, the value in this field would be the actual value of that ItemID. |
Errors.LongMessage | string | Conditionally | A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error. |
Errors.SeverityCode | SeverityCodeType | Conditionally |
Indicates whether the error is a severe error (causing the request to fail) or an informational error (a warning) that should be communicated to the user.
Applicable values: If the source of the problem is within the application (such as a missing required element), change the application before you retry the request.
See the Error handling section of the Making a Trading API call guide for more information. When a warning occurs, the error is returned in addition to the business data. In this case, you do not need to retry the request (as the original request was successful). However, depending on the cause or nature of the warning, you might need to contact either the end user or eBay to effect a long term solution to the problem to prevent it from reoccurring in the future. Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list. |
Errors.ShortMessage | string | Conditionally | A brief description of the condition that raised the error. |
Errors.UserDisplayHint | boolean | Conditionally | Indicates whether the error message text is intended to be displayed to an end user or intended only to be parsed by the application. If true or not present (the default), the message text is intended for the end user. If false, the message text is intended for the application, and the application should translate the error into a more appropriate message. Only applicable to Item Specifics errors and warnings returned from listing requests. |
HardExpirationWarning | string | Conditionally | Expiration date of the user's authentication token. Only returned within the 7-day period prior to a token's expiration. To ensure that user authentication tokens are secure and to help avoid a user's token being compromised, tokens have a limited life span. A token is only valid for a period of time (set by eBay). After this amount of time has passed, the token expires and must be replaced with a new token. |
Message | string | Conditionally |
Supplemental information from eBay, if applicable. May elaborate on errors (such as how a listing violates eBay policies) or provide useful hints that may help a seller increase sales. This data can accompany the call's normal data result set or a result set that contains only errors. Applications must recognize when the Message field is returned and provide a means to display the listing hints and error message explanations to the user. The string can return HTML, including TABLE, IMG, and HREF elements. In this case, an HTML-based application should be able to include the HTML as-is in the HTML page that displays the results. A non-HTML application would need to parse the HTML and convert the table elements and image references into UI elements particular to the programming language used. As usual for string data types, the HTML markup elements are escaped with character entity references (e.g.,<table><tr>...). |
Timestamp | dateTime | Always |
This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. The time zone of this value is GMT and the format is the ISO 8601 date and time format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ). See the Time Values section in the eBay Features Guide for information about this time format and converting to and from the GMT time zone. Note: GetCategories and other Trading API calls are designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, this time value reflects the time the cached response was created. Thus, this value is not necessarily when the request was processed. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, this time value does reflect when the request was processed. |
Version | string | Always | The version of the response payload schema. Indicates the version of the schema that eBay used to process the request. See the Standard Data for All Calls section in the eBay Features Guide for information on using the response version when troubleshooting CustomCode values that appear in the response. |
Input Output Samples Change History |
Detail Controls
This call does not support varying Detail Levels. You do not need to pass DetailLevel in the request.
Input Output Detail Controls Change History |
New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.
Note: Some item IDs, user IDs, or other data in these samples might no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, you can substitute current eBay data in your requests.
Relists to the eBay site an item that previously ended.
User m***************r
was not able to sell her Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire book. She wants to relist it without changing any of the book details and not pay the second insertion fee. This is the first time she is relisting the book so it is eligible for free relisting credit. User m***************r
will only be receiving the insertion fee credit when the book is sold. See Relisting Your Item for further details on the relisting credit.
As a result of this call, m***************r
will have a new listing for the same Harry Potter book she had listed before.
The previously ended item's ItemID is the key input for this call scenario. With no other changes to the input, the relist will have the exact same item properties as the previously ended, unsold item.
XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelistItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
The response returns a new item ID and a list of fees associated with listing m***************r's
book. For a relist of a basic item, the only fee is the insertion fee. Upon successfully selling the relisted item, the insertion fee would be credited to m***************r's
XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RelistItemResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.25</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.25</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
<Fee currencyID="USD">0.0</Fee>
Input Output Detail Controls Samples |
Change History
Change Date | Description |
1371 2024-07-17 |
1349 2024-02-26 |
1345 2024-02-01 |
1323 2023-08-25 |
1321 2023-07-17 |
1319 2023-06-26 |
1315 2023-06-16 |
1311 2023-05-19 |
1291 2022-12-30 |
1285 2022-11-18 |
1247 2022-02-25 |
1235 2021-12-03 |
1209 2021-06-04 |
1207 2021-05-21 |
1203 2021-04-23 |
1193 2021-02-12 |
1189 2021-01-15 |
1173 2020-09-25 |
1161 2020-07-06 |
1157 2020-06-05 |
1145 2020-03-13 |
1119 2019-08-02 |
1107 2019-05-10 |
1099 2019-03-15 |
1095 2019-02-15 |
1091 2019-01-18 |
1085 2018-10-26 |
1081 2018-09-28 |
1077 2018-08-31 |
1073 2018-08-03 |
1065 2018-06-08 |
1061 2018-05-11 |
1049 2018-02-16 |
1039 2017-10-17 |
1031 2017-09-01 |
1029 2017-08-18 |
1027 2017-08-04 |
1019 2017-06-09 |
0997 2017-01-20 |
0965 2016-04-22 |
0959 2016-03-11 |
0947 2015-10-29 |
0945 2015-10-15 |
0941 2015-09-18 |
0939 2015-09-04 |
0933 2015-07-24 |
0931 2015-07-10 |
0923 2015-05-15 |
0921 2015-05-01 |
0917 2014-04-03 |
0907 2015-01-23 |
0905 2015-01-09 |
0899 2014-11-04 |
0897 2014-10-21 |
0895 2014-10-07 |
0889 2014-08-26 |
0885 2014-07-29 |
0879 2014-06-17 |
0877 2014-06-03 |
0869 2014-04-08 |
0865 2013-03-11 |
0863 2014-02-25 |
0861 2014-02-11 |
0859 2014-01-28 |
0851 2013-11-19 |
0849 2013-11-05 |
0845 2013-10-08 |
0843 2013-09-24 |
0841 2013-09-19 |
0831 2013-07-03 |
0829 2013-06-19 |
0825 2013-05-22 |
0823 2013-05-08 |
0817 2013-03-27 |
0807 2013-01-23 |
0803 2012-12-11 |
0801 2012-11-28 |
0799 2012-11-07 |
0795 2012-10-10 |
0791 2012-09-12 |
0789 2012-08-29 |
0787 2012-08-15 |
0783 2012-07-18 |
0781 2012-07-04 |
0775 2012-05-23 |
0763 2012-02-29 |
0757 2012-01-18 |
0743 2011-10-12 |
0735 2011-08-17 |
0733 2011-08-03 |
0729 2011-07-06 |
0725 2011-06-08 |
0719 2011-04-27 |
0691 2010-10-13 |
0689 2010-09-20 |
0687 2010-09-15 |
0685 2010-08-24 |
0675 2010-06-23 |
0663 2010-03-31 |
0661 2010-03-17 |
0653 2010-01-20 |
0639 2009-10-14 |
0635 2009-09-16 |
0627 2009-07-22 |
0619 2009-05-27 |
0615 2009-04-29 |
0611 2009-04-01 |
0609 2009-03-18 |
0605 2009-02-18 |
0603 2009-02-04 |
0601 2009-1-21 |
0599 2009-1-07 |
0585 2008-10-01 |
0581 2008-09-03 |
0573 2008-07-09 |
0571 2008-06-25 |
0565 2008-05-14 |
0563 2008-04-30 |
0561 2008-04-16 |
0559 2008-04-02 |
0555 2008-03-05 |
0553 2008-02-20 |
0551 2008-02-07 |
0537 2007-10-31 |
0533 2007-10-03 |
0525 2007-08-08 |
0521 2007-07-11 |
0507 2007-04-04 |
0499 2007-02-07 |
0495 2007-01-10 |
0491 2006-12-13 |
0487 2006-11-15 |
0481 2006-10-04 |
0479 2006-09-20 |
0477 2006-09-06 |
0471 2006-7-26 |
0455 2006-5-5 |
0453 2006-3-22 |
0439 2005-12-14 |
0437 2005-11-30 |
0431 2005-10-19 |
0427 2005-09-21 |
0425 2005-09-07 |
0421 2005-08-10 |
0413 2005-6-15 |
0411 2005-6-1 |
0409 2005-5-18 |
0401 2005-3-23 |